Sentences with phrase «significant strides»

The phrase "significant strides" means making big progress or achieving notable advancements in a particular field, task, or goal. Full definition
Recent breakthroughs in targeted treatments have made significant strides in improving patient prognosis and treatment plans.
In the past decade, the scientific community has made significant strides in understanding the functioning of the brain.
We have also made significant strides toward our other 2020 goals to reduce water, energy and greenhouse gas emissions, while implementing more than $ 4.2 million of environmental and facility improvements.
As a result, we are seeing employers taking significant strides to protect their business and assets, by investing in technology and resources.
While some companies have made significant strides since then, many companies still have much more work to do.
Many of the students have made significant strides with her help; watching the transformation has been an incredible experience for myself and other staff.
Although significant strides have been made in renewable energy and energy efficiency, these are not enough to meet the critical 2 °C target.
Between your child's fifth and sixth birthdays, he'll make even more significant strides in his physical development.
This book, Accounting to the People, is a compilation of the numerous significant strides made in various sectors of our national life.
Even so, clinicians and researchers, together with patients and their families, have made significant strides identifying and treating mental illnesses.
Though significant strides have been made, there's still room for progress.
Over the last two decades, the legal profession has made significant strides using technology to create greater access to legal information and support.
Our data say that we made significant strides in closing the engagement gap.
High - quality charter schools have made significant strides toward racial and economic justice.
While no working implementation appears to be in the works, it is clear that the company is making significant strides in not only cryptocurrency mining but also blockchain technology.
«I have been incredibly impressed by this year's winners - and runners up — and I'm confident they will make significant strides towards improving the lives of young people»
In FY 2013, the Department took significant strides forward by incorporating climate change adaptation and resiliency considerations into DOT policies and grant programs, especially those related to Hurricane Sandy.
Richard M. Kessel, President and CEO of the New York Power Authority (NYPA), said: «New York State is making significant strides for integrating new clean energy technologies to add greater diversity and balance to its energy supplies while also laying a foundation for attracting new high - tech and renewable energy jobs to the State.
(Washington, D.C.) The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) today released a new report highlighting examples of significant strides by companies in managing and reducing waste, more efficiently using water and reducing air emissions.
The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) today released a new report highlighting examples of significant strides by companies in managing and reducing waste, more efficiently using water and reducing air emissions.
Despite the initial stiff competition and several pitfalls along the way, the Xbox brand has made significant strides over the past 15 years to become a household name in the hardware world and a significant pillar of Microsoft's business.
Kansas City has made significant strides when it comes to improving access to early - stage capital, though its relative volume still lags other startup hubs, according to a recent report.
After starting the day — Individual drills, 5 vs. 5's, and 7 vs. 7's — a little inconsistent and missing on some throws outside, Bortles made significant strides during 11 vs. 11 full team drills.
Nathan Baxter made significant strides at the Met Police and at Solihull Moors last season and is back in the fifth tier again for a year down at Woking.
Individual LJI scientists have made very significant strides against three inflammatory diseases in particular, namely coronary artery disease, lung disease and sickle cell disease.
As Network member districts make significant strides through the Framework, the Council has developed the insights in the State of the Industry Report on Digital Convergence to offer insider perspectives and to synthesize best practices for scaling the modern learning environment.
While significant strides have been made in veterinary analgesia in general, one area has lagged behind: chronic feline pain.
«We have made significant strides on behalf of animals around the country, but there is much more to do.
Political posturing notwithstanding, offshore drilling will not eliminate US demand for foreign oil or really even make significant strides into reducing that dependency.
For about three years now we have seen significant strides in a lot of areas and one of the most progressive has been in the area of adults, with both adult and juvenile onset type -LSB-...]
It wasn't until the 1980s that significant strides began to be made, with a handful of key individuals — like Marcia Tucker at the New Museum — driving forward progressive programs at institutions and galleries.
In two years since those comments, bitcoin's market cap has made significant strides due to an increase of awareness, adoption and trust, by people and even governments, around the world.
«But also think we made significant strides from a merchandising standpoint.
Here are the clubs that have made significant strides so far during this off - season:
Alongside significant strides toward democratization, Tunisia continues to confront corruption and an inefficient economy that favors old elites and is hampered by an increasingly large public sector.
While the UW - Madison and Georgia Tech groups have recently made other significant strides in synthesizing material structures that offer greater reactivity, Mavrikakis sees the nano cage structure has opened up a whole new avenue of investigation in synthesizing new catalysts.
Shrinking the device into a package that is compact and rugged enough for remote use will require significant strides in manufacturing.
By taking a closer look at the fundamental reactions that are essential to propelling fuel cell and clean hydrogen production technologies, Yan believes significant strides could be made for future applications.
«As Kargman Chair, I intend to make significant strides conducting developmental research with understudied and underserved populations of children.»
The ultimate goal is to boost academic results, although the Partnership is giving its schools a five - year window to show significant strides.
«The company made significant strides executing its digital strategy during the first quarter, and all our key metrics on the digital business are well ahead of plan,» CEO William Lynch observed.
With BlackBerry making significant strides among general consumers, it makes sense to add these anti-theft and data - security features.»
While it's true that Qatar Airways» premium cabins don't yet quite match up to their Middle Eastern cousins (Emirates and Etihad) they're still far from being poor and they're making significant strides across their fleet.
That such a grouping introduces the installation speaks to the small but significant strides Americans have taken to embrace gay identity.
President Obama has taken the most significant strides in decades to cut pollution and advance public health — protecting our children and communities from harmful pollution by restoring and advancing safeguards for clean air and water and by working to reduce carbon pollution.
However, in every way, I have noticed significant strides and improvements in HomeUnion from better communication, a clearer web portal, and improved follow up.
In recent decades, women in Australia have made significant strides towards achieving equality with men.
In FY 2012, the Department took significant strides forward by incorporating climate change adaptation and resiliency considerations into DOT policies and grant programs and releasing its first ever Climate Change Adaptation Plan.
«The Shape of Water,» «Lady Bird» and «Get Out,» all of which did expectedly well in the nominations, made significant strides for greater inclusiveness, in terms of the stories they told and the filmmakers they employed.
Meanwhile, the Minister of Employment and Labour Relations, Ignatius Baffour - Awuah has said the Akufo - Addo government has made significant stride since coming into power in addressing Ghana's unemployment challenges.
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