Sentences with phrase «specific issues»

The phrase "specific issues" refers to particular problems or topics that are clearly identified or distinct from others. It means focusing on certain concerns or matters instead of being general or broad. Full definition
We believe that all legal and compliance leaders can benefit from productive exchange on specific issues of importance at work.
My clients benefit by my growing ability to address specific issues of concern in their sex lives.
Keeping this goal in mind, I help couples address specific issues in their relationship through communication.
I am a health coach and chef and have the structure and knowledge already but this program gives me a clear focus on specific issues in women's health.
Further - more, conflict resolution deals with specific issues on which decisions and compromise action can be worked out.
Need help with specific issues such as money, sex, or parenting?
We have to address specific issues related to economic policy if we are going to live up to our potential.
So a rational and considered conversation between intelligent people about some of the mutual but very specific issues of abstract painting is out, then?
You'll have to extract more specific issue from your general subject which will enable you to give a more detailed and deeper discussion of the question.
Additionally she enjoys helping dating couples work through specific issues which often helps the couple to better discern the direction of their relationship.
I will expand on specific issues faced by our feline friends in future blogs, but I would like to start today with the big picture.
Divorce mediation should, at the very least, be able to resolve specific issues on a temporary basis or until a final court hearing.
Conflict resolution usually involves two or more groups with opposing views regarding specific issues, and another group or individual who is considered to be neutral in their opinion on the subject.
This will allow the questionnaire to target specific issues and be more meaningful.
She advises parents and other relatives in relation to private law children cases including living and contact arrangements cases, prohibited steps orders and specific issue orders.
This factor is legally to hold weight over all other specific issues as a part of determining the best interests of the child.
The manifesto covers specific issues affecting family law, criminal law, human rights and responsibilities.
Some shampoo formulations target problems, allowing retailers to help solve specific issues for customers.
Support groups also exist for parents going through specific issues, such as the loss of a child, infertility or traumatic birth (see resources to the right).
In the third stage, the focus is on building upon the gains that have already been made, and applying them directly to more specific issues within the relationship.
Without having some foundational health parameters in place, it's more difficult to handle specific issues.
They learn to assess data and design action projects, along the way learning skills in writing, data - focused math, communications, and specific issue areas that arise.
But first we must know what weight loss problems we are dealing with... the weight loss amino acids are simply not enough if we did not mention what specific issues they will help.
This class focuses on basic manners, basic cues and specific issues pertaining to reactive dogs and how best to manage their athletic skills and impulses.
And that is not a breed specific issue, that is a human being issue.
Birth plans help to highlight and address specific issues surrounding the birth of the baby and they are meant to indicate the preferences of the parents for the birth.
Are there specific issues you need to work on together?
Most editorial policies are uniform across our journals though each journal may have additional policies that address specific issues relevant to the journal.
Results are not only based upon specific issues on your credit report, they are also largely dependent upon the amount of time you are willing to commit to your credit repair efforts.
When intentionally linked to business goals, learning can be designed to address specific issues associated with the business or initiate a culture change.
Some clubs are oriented toward specific issues or groups; others draw members from certain geographic areas.
Before bringing home your bundle of fluff, you need to be aware of rabbit - specific issues so the transition is happy and smooth for everyone.
The first volume focused on the integration of ethics into neuroscience research; the second volume covers several specific issues related to the ethical conduct of neuroscience.
A significant problem with counseling and treatment is the use of psychological testing to determine specific issues that deaf children might have.
Is it typically composed of firms in particular out of favor industries or companies dealing with specific issues unique to them?
Focusing a program or station on specific issues rather than broad strokes is on its way in.
Following are four common resume strategies that might help you overcome specific issues or challenges you may be facing.
Setting aside specific issues related to the laser ignition facility, I have a different view.
He also mentions specific issues that are likely to be of interest to employers in his field.
Its basic premise is to change your dietary choices for several weeks by eliminating specific foods which could cause specific issues.
This will help you isolate specific issues you may have in your quest for an answer as to why certain changes are occurring in your body.

Phrases with «specific issues»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z