Sentences with phrase «statement section»

The objective statement section of a cover letter is a simple summary of the job opportunities the applicant wants to explore at a company.
Now we know why do you need an objective statement section in your resume.
There has been some debate as to whether you should include an objective statement on your resume or if you should include a more detailed profile or summary statement section.
In the personal statement section, briefly discuss your skills and expertise and talk about your goals for the company.
Below is a summary of each of the basic statement sections, as well as an explanation of what you should focus on.
Please refer to the paperless statements section for more information.
Your objective statement section offers you the possibility to list the most important skills and qualifications you have for the job.
Note this resume's clear structure; there's a summary statement section that briefly introduces the potential employee's most important skills and a core qualifications section that expands on those skills.
Including these attributes in the objective statement section can increase your chances of being considered for a position.
In 2004, Rob and Christian Clayton were invited to participate with a solo exhibition in the Art Statements section of Art Basel Miami.
As we continue to improve our services for people with disabilities, we will post changes here within our accessibility statement section on our website, so you will know the progress we are making.
In his section talking about the cons, he makes the statement
If you see Type B: Select the Statements tab and look for the Year - end statements section.
The fair's smaller Statements section showcases the work of emerging artists across 18 galleries, including London's Laura Bartlett (where Venezuelan artist Sol Calero is showing a replica of a South American bureau de change), and Berlin's Arratia Beer, who presents the video This Is Offal (2015) by American artist Mary Reid Kelley.
Contag, Lisa, Art Basel's Statements Section Spotlights Emerging Artists, Artinfo, June 18, 2014 PDF of article
In the disclosure statement section of the paper, it notes that «No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.»
The new LTT statements section will appear on all documents (including previously signed documents)... Read More»
Green Art Gallery Dubai announces its participation in the Art Statements section of Art 43 Basel with interdisciplinary artist Shadi Habib Allah's multimedia installation «S / N: 8F1GNA0021».
Jobseekers should remember that the summary statement section of a resume is one of the most important.
Having completed the objective statement section, the next section would be the one where you need to present the skills and other qualities that would enable you to be a top performer as a postal worker:
In the statement section you will have to put your research questions and present your hypothesis.
After exhibiting for several years, Gastaldon's career finally caught fire in 2006 with solo gallery shows in Zurich, London, and Paris, a spot in Art Basel's Statements section, and a solo museum exhibition in Switzerland.
The 45th edition of the mammoth fair, including 285 galleries from 34 countries, includes the customary Unlimited and Statements sections, which feature large - scale projects by single artists and solo shows by emerging artists respectively.
The gallery participated in fairs like Art Basel Miami Beach and Liste, in Basel, Switzerland, as well as, two years ago, the Statements section of Art Basel.
The Brooklyn - based artist Borna Sammak's riotously colorful video manipulations had a much - buzzed about showing in 2013 when JTT Gallery brought them alongside the work of Damon Zucchini; now becoming a big name, Sammak received the grand treatment in Art Basel's Statements section this year.
That's what the Feature and Statements sections are supposed to be about but succeeded only here and there, as Raffaela Cortese did with an inspired pairing of Ana Mendieta and Martha Rosler, Pippy Houldsworth with Mary Kelly, or Kate Werble with Anna Betbeze.
This exhibition follows upon Bove's hugely successful installation within the STATEMENTS section of last year's Art Basel.
The objective is a one statement section that talks about the career plans of the job seeker.
For example, in the general laborer resume sample, the applicant made sure the work experience entries all demonstrated how he used the skills he touted in the skills and summary statement sections.
To understand why this business intelligence analyst resume sample is a great one to go off of as you craft your own resume, start by reviewing the summary statement section.
With many hiring managers spending less than a minute reviewing each resume, a lengthy paragraph in an objective statement section is unlikely to be read.
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