Sentences with phrase «step schools»

These additions were among many steps the school took to ensure that the curriculum and related experiences offered the best of a modern legal education.
What are the next steps your school district must take to implement the best training model to ensure more qualified principals are ready to turn around underperforming schools?
We have put together a «checklist for head teachers»: a brief guide to the practical steps every school can take to improve the quality and take - up of its food.
Only when armed with this comprehensive knowledge is it possible to make a properly informed decision on what steps a school should take.
I believe that building a community of writers in a school might be one of the most powerful steps school leadership can take.
Building a community of writers in a school might be one of the most powerful steps school leadership can take.
When you step into a Second Step school, you can feel the difference.
Is it simply a case of good or bad chemistry, or are there concrete steps schools can take to cultivate collaboration that works?
Those are some of the important steps school technology leaders need to take before their schools use online assessments, experts on such testing say.
One of the early steps a school can take is by adopting a homework system; giving parents visibility on everything set, as well as progress.
We have put together a «checklist for head teachers»: a brief guide to the practical steps every school can take to improve the quality and take - up of its food.
Marchione reassured students who may feel threatened of steps the school has taken to ensure student safety.
User can watch a brief «multimedia» overview (essentially a fancy PowerPoint with audio) that clearly outlines steps a school can take to implement the practice.
The May 2018 EL ® explores new trends and models for teacher preparation, support, and retention, including steps schools can take to make the profession more supportive and attractive.
The National School Boards Association's (NSBA) Executive Director Thomas J. Gentzel was quoted in The Wall Street Journal on steps school districts are taking amidst Ebola fears.
«Serving school breakfast — especially through alternative options such as breakfast in the classroom and grab «n» go — is possibly the easiest, most cost - effective and most directly helpful step schools can take to improve school and student wellness.»
FRAC's webinar will highlight action steps school board members can take to support breakfast expansion.
Incidentally, whatever steps the school took seem to have worked.
Next steps The next steps a school has to take is to get help with using the new school food standards, which can be found on the Childrens Food Trust website, as seen below.
Here we have provided you with three essential steps each school must follow upon reopening as an academy.
The Anti-Defamation League has a useful summary of 11 key steps schools can take to help students feel safe, including:
I asked Dr. Green to speak about the hard steps schools have not yet taken, but must take, to eliminate even the occasional ignoring or tacit support of bullying in schools.
Become a Seven Steps School today and transform your school's writing language, your teacher's classroom strategies and your students» engagement.
«This policy provides clear steps our schools can take to protect our children and we commend the board for approving it,» said Linnea Nelson, education equity attorney for the ACLU of Northern California.
Traditional administrative meetings are transformed into an intense collaborative effort where a principal presents all available evidence regarding student learning in his or her school, discusses steps the school has taken to promote the various elements of the PLC concept, celebrates the progress that has been made, and calls attention to areas of concern.
Here are some positive steps your school can take to protect its students and staff:
Learn what becoming a Seven Steps School really means through testimonials and real student examples.
In an effort to address this challenge Rosie has set up a network of Seven Steps schools in her local area who share samples and ideas throughout the year.
The checklist for headteachers contains practical steps every school can take to transform what children eat at school and how they learn about food.
The Healthy School Communities monograph Aligning Health and Education in the School Setting (PDF) outlines steps schools can take to promote and develop safety and well - being as part of the school improvement process.
We are thrilled to publish the DESSA - SSE and partner with Committee for Children to offer this valuable assessment tool to Second Step schools
* Student Engagement: focusing on steps schools can take to help kids feel more enthusiastic about learning so they miss fewer days and become more likely to graduate (Learn more about student engagement)
Changing varieties of fruits and vegetables, holding student taste tests, offering more healthy alternatives and allowing students to customize their school meals are all steps school nutrition professionals take to help students improve their lifelong habits.
Cantor also defends the steps the school took to investigate the allegations, admitting that during their probe in 2005 they learned that the police and the Post Standard had also looked into the charges against Fine.
The study details the steps these schools took and the challenges they faced as they prepared to kick off their Opportunity Culture schools at the beginning of the 2013 — 14 school year.
So, if conversion is a step your school is thinking of taking, here are seven considerations, from The Key's John Davies to help make the process run as smoothly and effectively as possible:
Principals surveyed, however, generally had more positive views of the steps their schools took to involve parents and prepare new teachers for that...
· How a child in every class could start menstruating before leaving primary school, and the practical steps schools can take to support them.
«Despite the nature of the school recruitment calendar there are steps schools can take with a more proactive approach and new technology to mitigate the growing September supply crisis.»
Second, while creating a more diverse teaching force is clearly a long - term goal, there are steps schools and districts can take right away to reduce teacher bias and support positive expectations for all students.
The paper outlines the steps school districts can take to better manage their laptop populations as they expand one - to - one learning programs and come to rely more heavily on easily stolen, difficult to track mobile computers.
The checklist for headteachers contains practical steps every school can take to transform what children eat at school and how they learn about food.
Evidence that the school has eliminated low ‐ track classes and, more generally, evidence of the steps the school has taken to increase the access of students to challenging curricular materials and high - quality instruction (e.g., letters sent to parents and regular outreach by teachers or counselors).
Recovery includes the steps the school community uses to respond appropriately during and after a crisis situation for the care and recovery of students and staff.
In a section exploring the role of the student in school improvement, Levin provides three steps schools should consider:
Creating a consistent support system, even in receivership, is a step school districts can take today that will have far - reaching impact on attracting and keeping the best teachers.
Let's dive deeper into the findings to see if there are steps your school or district can take to reduce mistrust among minority students.
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