Sentences with phrase «step size»

The added elevation and step size give dogs a respectable challenge and you get an adorable view when standing up top.
As a result, the relatively short step size and the random distribution of such regions of higher conductivity render the channel jagged rather than smooth.
REVEALED: How «plus size» models are really skinny girls with padding: From size 12 to size 16... in three easy steps Size 12 model demonstrates how
A reasonable person would conclude that determining how many variables / parameters to include ia analogous to step size choice when solving DE's — there's usually an optimum — not too large, not too small.
But we can not measure all relevant conditions, the ones we can measure all have some error, our calculations are approximations and have finite precision, and the minimum step size is limited by available computational power.
For example, a broken or loose handrail, slippery carpeting, inconsistent step size and shape, the distance between landings, an extremely steep gradient, or inadequate lighting, among others.
These tools have automatic access to the adjustment parameters regarding channel application, sensitivity and slide step size without changing the original peripherals.
He addresses cell and time step size and handling sub-grid processes at the beginning of Chapter 5.
Evolution as expected occurs in a wide variety of step sizes.
Pairwise alignments were calculated using Shuffle - LAGAN (window size, 400 bp; step size 40 bp; translated anchoring), a glocal alignment algorithm that is able to calculate optimal alignments by using both local alignments and global maps of sequence rearrangements (e.g. duplications of the fiber gene in adenovirus genomes with 2 fibers)[57].
The window size is 400 bp with a step size of 40 bp.
The window size is 400 bp with a step size of 40 bp for the whole genome, and 200 bp with a step size of 20 bp for the individual genes.
The powerpoint shows the students how to tackle the problem using a strategy of subtraction then division to see the step size.
Changing the step size affects model resolution and the overall time duration modelled.
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