Sentences with phrase «student involvement»

"Student involvement" refers to the active participation of students in various activities, events, and initiatives within their school or educational institution. It means students taking part, engaging, and contributing to their learning, school community, and extracurricular activities. Full definition
This e-book describes the elements of meaningful student involvement in the context of school change efforts.
So where are there opportunities for meaningful student involvement in educational leadership?
He tells stories of student involvement in school planning, teaching, and professional development.
Small group instruction encourages student involvement in the lesson and can help them learn how to work well with others.
If your main educational purpose is to increase student involvement and collaboration, then you may want to consider a mind mapping application as a collaborative learning tool option.
Make student involvement part of a credit - bearing class, which counts toward graduation or service - learning credits.
Educators should avoid viewing student involvement as a privilege.
I work to emphasize student involvement when it comes to the learning process, and I encourage each student to achieve their personal learning objectives.
We encourage student involvement at our school, and have a student council.
This paper offers a concise, detailed exploration of the principles and rationale that support student involvement from a practical perspective that focuses on progressive activities.
This guide outlines how student involvement can be truly meaningful.
The club strives and thrives only by means of active student involvement and participation.
In spite of the potential danger with using a ball, I have seen this done with much success and great student involvement.
More teachers of color would be better, they say, especially heading core academic subjects, and they'd like to see student involvement in hiring committees.
Putting Students provides a concise, deliberate rationale for meaningful student involvement while offering broad resources and diverse thinking for school improvement.
The estimated effects of college student involvement on psychological well - being.
And when used with student response systems, teachers receive instant feedback and 100 percent student involvement.
The arts generate the excitement that motivates student involvement in the school community.
Look for ways to encourage long - term student involvement.
She sets high standards for her role as a teacher, having identified the critical knowledge, skills, and teaching procedures she must convey that produce continuous student involvement.
Our quarterly seminar series will help you discover and plan for career opportunities, while our social committee welcomes student involvement.
As psychologists have shown, anything that moves on a screen will capture people's attention, so student involvement is not a trustworthy measure of effectiveness.
To bring maker education to your school, find a space, purchase equipment and supplies carefully, budget and partner creatively, and encourage ongoing student involvement.
When considering the role of students in creating safe and supportive learning environments, meaningful student involvement implies something more.
When considering student involvement in the past, educators often cite the classroom and extracurricular activities as opportunities enough for participation.
They believe that the level of assessment application that promotes deep student involvement and well - being is the classroom level.
I identified them in my initial research on student involvement almost fifteen years ago.
Often classrooms are organized around a lecture, and information is presented with little student involvement.
It is important for students to critically examine and critique student involvement, schools, and the larger society.
There is an inherent student involvement that is both implicit and explicit throughout schools.
This makes opportunities for real learning through meaningful student involvement.
Students hope and expect that the board will pass the resolution to make student involvement a regular and frequent activity.
This level of student involvement makes the learning more relevant, encouraging students to develop their own agency and critical thinking skills.
Advocates for student involvement in their own learning through the use of assessment as a teaching and learning strategy.
Educators and school leaders commit to fostering Student / Adult Partnerships that transform the hearts and minds of school communities through initiatives that concentrate on the well - defined need to integrate roles for Meaningful Student Involvement throughout education.
The efficacy of out - of - classroom learning should be deeply informed by Meaningful Student Involvement by embracing students as active drivers of activities, opportunities and outcomes through extracurricular functions of all kinds.
Meaningful Student Involvement engages students as education advocates to work within the education system and throughout the community to change schools.
Whole school Meaningful Student Involvement happens when every student in every classroom experiences Student / Adult Partnerships throughout their educational experience.
Meaningful Student Involvement does not stop at the end of the school day, school week or school year.
School - driven work can including gathering groups, organizations and / or student communities within the school to assist with designing, implementing, sustaining and / or evaluating their Meaningful Student Involvement activities through conferences, workshops and / or local outreach.
When educators infuse Meaningful Student Involvement into their approaches to discipline, students can move beyond being passive recipients of adult - driven processes towards becoming equitable partners in teaching, learning and leadership through discipline.
Transforming schools with Meaningful Student Involvement requires increasing the capacity of students and adults, including teachers, administrators, school support staff, community partners and others.
Educating students about Meaningful Student Involvement means increasing their capacity to participate by focusing on the skills and knowledge they need.
Unfortunately, in many student leadership activities and traditional student involvement opportunities throughout schools today, there is an unspoken belief that only some students can be involved.
Meaningful Student Involvement embraces and can maximize social and emotional intelligence by providing enhancing, enriching experiences for students and adults to work together in empathetic, compassionate ways.
The Meaningful Student Involvement Learning Process can help ensure the success of this approach.
The Coastal Club facilitates student involvement with the Coastal Humane Society and seeks to help establish and maintain great relationships between Bowdoin College, the Coastal Humane Society, and other Brunswick communities.
Meaningful Student Involvement calls schools to a higher purpose.
Building meaningfulness into a curricular approach so it embodies Meaningful Student Involvement allows teachers to reflect students» daily personal lives and connects learning to real - world outcomes.

Phrases with «student involvement»

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