Sentences with phrase «student population»

"Student population" refers to the total number of students in a specific school, college, or educational institution. Full definition
By 2020, 13 additional schools will become a part of the network with a total student population over 9,000 students.
Today, our schools are educating the most diverse student population in history, providing equitable access and ensuring that all students are educated at levels no previous generation attempted to achieve.
This time we have highlighted different responsibilities and achievements that show his ability to teach math and computers to a wide variety of student populations in different grade levels and school communities.
This work history can be valuable in demonstrating hands - on experience with student populations, particularly if the work took place at a school where you are now assistant principal.
Many states do not publish test scores for student populations of ten or less.
One strength of this study is that it had high ecological validity compared with lab studies which tend to control variables and use student populations as research participants.
How can these schools meet all of these general goals while also effectively serving student populations with distinct educational needs, such as students with disabilities?
The school currently has an average student population of about 2,000 excluding form 1 students.
These are also the fastest growing student populations in the state.
Their chances to succeed often are enhanced in smaller group settings and they sometimes struggle in the larger student populations found in many public schools.
Or are other urban districts with similar student populations better at improving performance?
In the first three years, 53 new charters opened their doors in the state, raising the charter school student population in the state by 65 percent.
As the special needs student population grows, school districts need to hire more teachers to provide services for these students.
The new standards prove particularly challenging for unique student populations.
Now more than ever, schools serve diverse student populations from varied backgrounds.
It is our priority to serve underserved student populations and communities of color.
Teachers may be overwhelmed with testing accountability, low pay, increasing student populations from impoverished families, and the opioid crisis.
He said a number of variables — including charter school enrollment — could affect overall student population by a swing of as much 5,000 to 10,000 students in either direction.
The findings for African - American and Latino students are as striking as the findings for the general student population.
Eight of the top 10 schools serve between 75 % and 100 % low - income student populations (measured by free and reduced lunch status).
The at - risk student population needs, quite simply, a lot of help and intervention.
The adjustment could help some schools with large minority student populations score better.
Assuming each of these new five classes taking in 60 students on average, about 300 students per form leading to an increase in the overall student population by 900 students.
Students whose teachers receive professional development in working with different student populations are 107 % of a grade level ahead of their peers in math.
«We draw our entire student population from students coming out of science programs,» he says.
Ask colleagues about the impact of the model on student populations that are similar to those in your own setting.
They found that early retirement programs did not reduce test scores, and that instead, small, positive effects were observed in schools that serve more disadvantaged student populations.
These resources «should be at the core of any school or program, particularly those serving vulnerable student populations,» the report states.
The difference is that we are now addressing the achievement gap for an increasingly diverse student population while also raising expectations for all students.
Many bubble communities are college towns where student populations have boosted housing demand among residents and investors.
Our schools have made these gains while serving a more challenging student population.
The following planning tools provide strategies for helping all students achieve growth, as well as for meeting the needs of special student populations.
Sharing our struggles and inviting parental feedback helped us to successfully work with parents to navigate changes, big How have you dealt with changing student populations?
Effective summer programs increase equity and opportunity by offering a range of options that serve increasingly diverse student populations across grade levels.
This tool can be used to document the average benchmark score of specific student populations.
Both schools have majority Latino student populations, and both are in poor neighborhoods.
Meanwhile, the country's student population continues to grow more diverse.
Through gifted education - special education partnerships, two student populations who were previously isolated from each other developed friendships and mutual understanding as well as empathy, confidence, and compassion.
In both of these networks, participants are working together to learn which strategies work in different schools and with particular student populations.
Because of their unique position and small student populations, juvenile justice schools are historically exempt from most common state and federal measures of education achievement.
It is often best to introduce the program gradually, with a carefully targeted student population.
Rates are based on school district student population size.
In contrast, teachers were hired at a rate that was just 2.5 times student population growth.
In addition to a significant student population, there's also a healthy community of artists and musicians.
Based on participation rate criteria, results are reported for various student populations only when sufficient numbers of students and adequate school representation are present.
The IR's achievements can ultimately be measured in terms of its effects on the graduate student population.
Today they have divided the current student population into three different schools on one site.
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