Sentences with phrase «such conditions»

A motor carrier is prohibited from operating commercial motor vehicles in such a condition as to likely cause an accident or break down.
And you can't keep a piece of space hardware under such conditions for its anticipated lifetime of perhaps 10 or 20 years.
I give homework and address my patient's problems in a time efficient manner; treatment of such conditions as panic attacks can usually be resolved within 10 visits without the need for medication.
Even in the presence of such conditions as those mentioned above, constructive dismissal must also be accompanied by certain actions by the employee.
Therefore, it's important to speak with your doctor or medical provider if you are being treated for such a condition prior to adding flax to your diet.
Many veterinarians also recommend giving these supplements to dogs with such conditions including arthritis.
The father will have such access and on such conditions as the mother may agree.
Some life insurance companies have made it possible to collect an accelerated death benefit during your lifetime if such a condition should arise.
A baby can sustain brain damage (brain injury) or even death from such a condition if it is not treated properly.
But let's say for the sake of the argument such a condition existed.
You may need to see your doctor or another medical specialist to treat such conditions.
Such conditions include a type of diabetes that can occur in children.
This should help narrow down when and where such conditions begin in the developing human brain.
The services are provided to prevent such conditions from worsening.
But such a condition does not help us solve problems.
Children with developmental challenges experience behavioral and psychiatric issues at up to four times the rate of children without such conditions.
If you are not one of them you should know how such a condition can affect people's lives and how important it is not to judge or reject them.
Most of such condition requires the assistance of a veterinary expert.
This hood is optimal for sun protection, sleeping and other such conditions.
The area in which such conditions are liable to happen on at least 20 days a year is predicted to grow.
The game doesn't contain weather or night racing and that's certainly disappointing as the controller would have enhanced driving in such conditions even more.
Talking to a counseling professional is vital when such conditions impact our mood and cause our relationships, careers, and happiness to suffer.
I just don't see this type of response in my practice, but we have safeguards in place to ensure that we aren't allowing such conditions to develop.
Decisions had to be based on something, and such conditions provided justification for selecting some animals over others in what was clearly a losing battle for everyone involved.
Researchers increasingly believe that many such conditions are closely associated with disruptions in brain activity patterns.
They study such conditions so as to make predictions on weather, ice formations and possible elevation changes of the earth's surface.
Of course placing such conditions on another person is not going to be successful.
One in four of us will experience a mental health condition in our lifetime; three in four of us will see a member of our immediate family experience such a condition.
Anyone who has experienced a period of prolonged illness or injury will understand the impact such a condition has on the body.
Individual policies, on the other hand, ask policyholders to surpass the waiting period to cover such conditions.
Therefore, if you are going through such a condition, it is advisable that you get enough rest.
Over much of 2008 the firm fought off losses by issuing stock, selling assets and reducing cost (issuing debt under such conditions became difficult to impossible).
Nobody wishes to get into such a condition in the life.
It is not clear what such conditions might be, but we have no way of excluding the idea on the basis of pure thought.
While economic turmoil has clearly been a weighing factor, one can not continue to hide behind such conditions permanently.
Any numbers you post under such conditions represents an increased «margin,» because under normal conditions you'd no doubt do even better.
However, it was for the relevant national courts to examine whether such conditions were satisfied in the present case [124].
When you are driving and you having a panic attack, you must pull over until such condition passes to prevent yourself and other people on the road from danger.
This girl's beauty in the midst of such conditions struck me.
Where he exists in such conditions today, limited in numbers and in the power to aggregate, he continues as a species that lives by virtue of and within the environment.
That being said, management of such a condition often needs to be handled by specialists.
Such conditions wherein the insured will be unable to pay the premiums of the policy are covered in riders.
Doing so can spare homeowners from costly repairs in the wake of a disaster, as well as ensure the continuity of AC and fuel sources when trying to ride out such conditions.
A rough terrain requires large and big wheels to withstand such conditions as little ones do not feel the impact of terrain.
Such condition poses various effects not only the mother who is directly taking in the medication, but also to the breastfed child.
It would also be a strong message to the international community that the Palestinian people do not accept to live under such conditions indefinitely.
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