Sentences with phrase «such policies»

The phrase "such policies" refers to those specific rules or plans that have been mentioned or discussed previously. It is used to talk about those exact policies without repeating or re-explaining them. Full definition
Bonus paid is not that rewarding, but its the only returns for such policies on maturity because sum assured is the total of all your premiums paid.
The lack of such policies in each of those areas reduces its grade.
What is more, companies can claim the premium paid on such policies as a business expense.
Why experts recommend international travel insurance plans is because with such policies you can gain benefit from temporary / permanent luggage loss and damage.
Those who recognize the suffering that results from such policies as structural adjustment, often complain loudly.
The process of implementing such a policy was well - researched.
The returns from such a policy depend on the number of years it is held and what securities it is invested in.
The benefit under such policies goes to the company or the employer.
If such a policy exists, there would still be a deductible.
While some companies have offered such policies for years, a growing number of firms — particularly young tech outfits — have joined the club and are now offering unlimited vacation policies.
Many hospitals across the country have voluntarily adopted such a policy, and several states have enacted or have pending required - request legislation.
There are no tax consequences if the total amount of such policies does not exceed $ 50,000.
Yet another advantage is the fact that some of your property can be protected by such a policy, even when it leaves your home.
Those who make more than two trips every year usually purchase an annual trip travel insurance policy, because such a policy offers a considerable amount of savings.
Don't buy such a policy if you don't understand it.
However, views on how such policies impact the economy are mixed, with roughly even shares saying these policies have a net positive, net negative and no effect on the economy.
Whether such policies improve student behavior or school climate overall is a separate question.
Such policy changes could include regulations, financial incentives for farmers to adopt conservation practices, and technical assistance to help farmers incorporate the changes.
Many examples of such policies exist and teachers respond to them.
This makes such policies more expensive than term life insurance policies, which simply provide a death benefit.
Therefore, before you buy any policy, it is important for you to understand the perils such policy covers.
Most insurance companies offer a variety of such policies including ones that are specifically tailored to match the declining principal balance of your particular mortgage.
When shopping for car insurance, auto insurance agents are usually the first people you talk to about purchasing such a policy.
Such policies typically provide reimbursement coverage for your pet's eligible medical treatments, surgeries, lab fees, X-rays, and prescriptions.
The proceeds of such policies provide immediate tax free liquidity to the beneficiaries who can use the proceeds to pay federal and state estate taxes or other expenses.
Such policies only provide coverage for one trip, and it is no longer valid after the trip, additional coverage can be purchased to supplement a single trip insurance plan.
Like it or not, however, left of center observers say such policies tend to favor big businesses more than smaller ones.
Such policies also create incentives for schools that do accept voucher students to change their educational programs to match what the state tests.
Such an approach fails to address whether there were any superior alternatives at the time when such a policy was made.
He found that students in countries with merit pay policies in place were performing approximately 0.25 standard deviations higher on an international math and science test than students in countries without such policies.
You should consider such a policy if you anticipate your needs changing over time.
In them, a not - so - famous actor tells you that anyone can qualify for such a policy even if they are in poor health.
Buying a child plan for specific needs ensures that your child receives the payouts from such policies at the time of need even in your absence.
Insurance company would deduct necessary stamp duty, medical expenses and any other expenses incurred towards issuing such policy and repay you the balance premiums.
The IPCC provides a thorough overview of mitigation (105) and adaptation (106) work upon which such a policy assessment of tipping elements could be built.
By shopping around, you can find such a policy at an affordable price.
If you do own such a policy, though, here are four leading options for how you can use the cash in it.
Most insurers who sell such policies offer a maximum of $ 50,000 of whole life coverage without a medical exam.
There'll be little incentive for the lender to permit cancellation of such a policy after the fact.
Ultimately, we believe such policies would alleviate the ever pervasive macro fears and lead to an environment that would be extremely conducive to global equity markets.
The statement drew immediate criticism from the tech community, which has long opposed such policies.
The main reason for choosing such a policy is because you might need short - term life insurance fast.
What kind of premium do I have to pay for taking such a policy?
Several publications have reported on high profile companies going the extra mile with paid vacation, but few look at how such policies affect employee behavior.
While such policies may sound appealing, they are not appropriate for all individuals, as they have extra costs and reduced benefits that make them suitable for only a limited pool of buyers.
Firms that do not have such policies often tend to retain all the documents and other client data they have.
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