Sentences with phrase «such power»

It has long been recognised that the exercise of such powers often results in a major intrusion into the lives of the subject on the basis of mere suspicion.
How does a game with such powers of popularity manage to NOT sell consoles?
In practice, no — because it could only exercise such power if it had the fingerprints in the first place.
However, it is unclear whether any sitting government would want this, as opposition parties could use such power as leverage.
Actual industry estimates for reactors being built today are at least $ 6 billion for such power plants and as much as $ 10 billion.
And burning biomass for electricity while capturing the CO2 emissions from such a power plant can actually result in carbon - negative power generation — taking CO2 out of the atmosphere.
I just wish that the new manager will never be given such power because our club with such rich history has the right infrastructure in place.
Why does jet lag still have such power over us?
I have used such power supplies on small motorcycle and jet ski batteries for many years.
And, if such power comes quickly and predictably, he will use it again and again.
We will also ensure that such powers do not weaken our individual rights or civil liberties.
The following table is an example how such a Power Clean workout could look if you are choosing to exclusively train the Power Clean within this workout and focus on maximum strength development.
Don't forget, though: such power comes with a hefty price tag.
It has only such powers as the legislature gave it.
It should be clear that society as a whole would be better off if no committee of central planners held such power.
His concern was not to explain how such a power came into existence, but to defeat it.
But, it is simply completely ridiculous to assume there is such a power without so much as a single shred of evidence.
But I think you still did not get a proper answer of the logic behind naming such power packed mango smoothie.
Advances in technology and the use of a direct current make such power lines feasible, utility experts say.
Despite such power imbalances, Ph.D. candidates and postdocs in many countries are now looking more closely at their working conditions and taking action to improve them.
However, such powers often seem to exist more in theory than in practice.
Such power generation often is promoted as a «sustainable» alternative to burning fossil fuels.
Such a power color and looks beautiful on everyone.
It is through this juxtaposition of material and language that gives his art such power.
Such power sharing could not be an end in itself.
The extent of such power depends upon the particular nature of the writings, of those who use them, and of the situations in which they are produced and read.
We are filled with wonder and awe when we encounter such a power.
Not only are the powers of good or evil controlled by people, there is, further, a sense of balance between such powers, an equilibrium.
Should we then conclude that bodies do not exhibit power just because we can not experience such power?
We know this already which is why we probably didn't like to too much as a kid, but it's such a power veggie!
I just wanted to personally let you know they were amazing, encouraging and you are such a power house.
Mileage is another strong suit for such a power SUV and roomy conventional sport utility vehicle.
Your sister, by receiving such power, has fiduciary duties that I will explain.
At that time, introducing such power sources on a global basis would cut emissions in half.
But it is the first time we have heard of a company using such power management techniques.
For believers to think or hope well of such powers seems inappropriate and juvenile.
It's a performance filled with such power and honesty that it makes this heartbreaking struggle (and the even more heartbreaking moments of fleeting happiness) all the harder to swallow.
Having asked for full control over the entire district, he might say that if he had been given such powers, those schools would be getting better, too.
To exercise such power, a hefty cash box comes in handy.
Small batteries are generally poorly suited for such power needs, he adds.
So engineers have tried a number of different technologies to store the sun's energy so that such power plants can be more broadly employed.
Such a Power Clean workout routine is also characterized by long rest periods between the sets, more than 3 minutes.
If the reality of such a power can be believed, then an attitude of trust is justified.
Therefore, I not only experience myself as possessing some power of self - determination, but I believe I actually do possess such power.
I would have loved to see more innovative ways to use such power.
Even though any such amendments would have to apply to all land in the jurisdiction to avoid breaching the Racial Discrimination Act 1975, Dodson considered that introducing state or territory laws with such powers in response to the Wik amendments, and therefore primarily for the purpose of acquiring native title, would in fact be discriminatory.
(9) During an inspection conducted under subsection (6) or (7), the provincial officer may exercise such powers under subsection 156 (2) as are reasonably required for the administration of this Act or the regulations.
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