Sentences with phrase «such projects»

The phrase "such projects" refers to specific activities or tasks that were mentioned or implied before in the context. It is used to talk about those particular projects without repeating their names or details. Full definition
One of the teacher candidates commented that, although she would never forget the experience and was grateful for the opportunity, the sustainability of such a project in a classroom was a concern.
He has provided full - spectrum legal services for such projects including design of transaction structures, due diligence investigations, drafting and negotiation of complicated legal documents.
Building apps in such projects brings in every single aspect of what we do in my computer science classroom.
I'm sure there are other good ways to add perspective about such a project as well.
There is a clear trend to work on such projects in an interdisciplinary context involving biology, chemistry, and physics, both in academia and industry.
With such projects in the pipeline, what does the future hold for the «Dark Souls» franchise?
I have never undertaken such a project of painting furniture / cabinets.
All these services, and more like them, come with the same 100 percent satisfaction guarantee that comes with our essays, research papers, term papers, and other such projects.
One such project included designing and building a thermal - imaging camera, while another project saw students create their own high dynamic range video camera.
You don't have to make such a project in one go as this might take too much time.
One of the biggest complaints some teachers have about such projects is that they take time.
But he and others hope that a suspension of the methodology will at least begin to shed more light on the problems inherent in supporting such projects with offset credits.
However, the real test is whether such a project will ultimately deliver adequate financial returns on the original investment.
I'm about to embark on just such a project now, and in preparation I'm doing some personal homework to remind myself about good (and bad) SEO practices.
Yet it is rare to see such projects undertaken.
It seems reasonable to expect that falling costs and increasing economies of scale should take such projects from the exception into the mainstream over the next decade or so.
Many companies are trying to implement such projects because of the trend.
However, when a charter school begins to consider such a project, it should be familiar with the procurement regulations governing those contracts.
You get better at managing such projects with experience, starting by drawing on your own previous experience managing your cases.
Learn how the idea for such a project came about as well as what challenges had to be overcome and still remain.
You might also explore the possibilities of such projects within the population of your own customer base.
I am however, lacking in patience to tackle such a project..
As such projects go, it has been big, it has been expensive, and no one really knows how it will all turn out.
I know of several such projects in the word that would help with this — some completed and some in progress.
Such projects usually take the form of artistic, creative, vocational, and enrichment activities that give young people meaning and direction (and the option of not being on the street).
So such a project would increase the conflict in an already fragile region.
Potential rules, while in their early stages, will aim to keep users safe and give the regulators the right to oversee such projects.
Such projects provide for a greener, healthier, more productive and more resilient supply chain.
I don't think such a project as you propose is possible today, but I wish it were!
A new study of Australian management attitudes towards environmental initiatives involving cleaner water and greener energy has found strongly increasing support among the people who are key to making such projects happen.
Without rules in place to allow such projects access to financing on reasonable terms, they are unfairly penalized.
In fact, within 100 miles of my house, there are over 200 such projects underway.
There is a crucial difference — all details of design are agreed in advance and such projects always finish and no - one wants one third of a bridge.
Sometimes college and university professors ask their students to present such project in front of the class.
Such projects add to aggregate wealth faster than all other projects.
In fact, we think that the first step to launching such a project should be the bringing together of leading microbiome researchers from across the globe to discuss its goals.
He warns against the idea of legislators taking on work that, in his view, should be done by the federal agencies that are accustomed to evaluating such projects.
«If it's totally a government research program, labs can take 20 to 30 years» to finish such projects, he said.
Such a project often leaves students with profound and permanent learning.
The productivity of such projects however can't be checked.
Such projects offer simple and understandable ideas for potential investors, directly addressing gamer dissatisfaction with existing in - game trading models.
Such projects account for a small fraction of the company's revenue.
But while such projects far - out there were a scientist's dreams, they were an investor's nightmare.

Phrases with «such projects»

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