Sentences with phrase «such questions»

You may only be asked such questions as how long you have been driving, your age, and where you live.
She asks such questions as Why are you here, what is your purpose, your goal as a writer?
If he were truly a scholar, he would not have asked such questions in such a narrow way.
Now, instead of immediately adding commentary to student responses, the teacher probes their thinking with such questions as, How did you come to that conclusion?
Students will be scored between zero and four on such questions based on the clarity and grammar of their answer, as well as on how accurately and well they refer to the text.
There are other reasons for such questioning of fantasy, however, and several of these tie in with what I have already written.
Long - term, I hope to address such questions in a way that both improves human health and advances our fundamental understanding of evolution.
In theory, you can determine the answer to such questions by reviewing the terms of the agreement between you and your brokerage.
I do not know of any, and I have been thinking about such questions for over forty years.
Yet isn't it funny that a man feels compelled to pose such a question while he is actually directing a film about women?
Instead of attempting to answer every inquiry, consider such questions as validation that your idea is good and move forward.
They played basically the same team throughout the season and yet you come and ask such questions when you have the answer tight in front of you, 1st and 2nd place.
While such questions sometimes lead nowhere, they also can help make better decisions of practical importance for being a good researcher.
Of course, the book is not precisely addressed to those who might raise such questions.
Sometimes such a question doesn't really need a full explanation.
Even if such a question is not easy to answer, it is at least a reasonable question.
One way of tackling such questions is to take an international perspective.
I absolutely think the world of you but to ask such a question seems so human and arrogant.
There is no reason why such a question should not be decided on more special evidence, religious or otherwise, provided that it is trustworthy.
And how can improved insight into such questions contribute to improved real - world practice?
As we gather, we explore such questions as, how can we measure improved academic performance through social - emotional learning?
We could never consider such a question without knowledge of the distant past.
When such questions arose, they were treated primarily in relation to the vocabulary, style and ideas of the authors involved.
It is not the intention of any criticisms in this volume to debate such questions as whether the supernatural events referred to by a theologian in fact took place.
We leave such questions for admissions officers to answer.
There are other organisations who can handle such questions more efficiently and more effectively.
The feedback issue is just such a question as is the allocation of the late twentieth century temperature rise between its plausible causes.
You never know when you'll be faced with such questions related to personality traits.
Be prepared to think through such questions as: What and who is most important to you?
He responded that this was the first time such a question had been asked him.
Did I get it right, then, assuming such a question makes sense when it comes to art?
Some things, we think, are simply beyond such questioning, and the person who does not see things that way is lacking in essential humanity.
Such questions help your child ponder the feelings of those «not like them» and realize that though people may be different from them, they still share the same thoughts and feelings.
Then I could refer such questions to that article.
As a result, test makers have avoided such questions, viewing them as problematic rather than seeing them as measuring real cognitive processes.
Since at least the 1980s researchers in many different fields — including psychology, computer engineering, and library and information science — have investigated such questions in more than one hundred published studies.
Remember and try answer such questions above to yourself.
If you are expecting such questions in advance, you will know best how to frame your answer to portray yourself as a professional.
Eventually, as he told me, he was also led to see that other writers had dealt with such questions too, and had answered them in somewhat different ways.
We must view such a question in the light of whatever is relevant to a legislative judgment.
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