Sentences with phrase «such schools»

Impact Aid attempts to fill the hole in district budgets caused by the loss of that local tax revenue and is crucial for the students in such school districts.
Why are individual schools good but collections of such schools in communities and states not so good?
Only 13 percent of the students attended such schools, however.
His state has offered financial bonuses to persuade educators to tackle jobs at struggling schools, and has contracted with a private company that works with such schools.
All our schools should be great, safe places where kids learn and thrive, and there are many more such schools out there than most public education critics are willing to admit.
If charter schools were having no impact on student achievement, if such schools were merely selecting better students, then it would be an easy choice to vote against the charter cap increase.
Usually, the customer service provided by such schools isn't satisfactory, resulting in a waste of time.
Such schools exist, and they should be subject to aggressive interventions, including closure.
This means the burden of proof is now on such schools and their backers to generate data and analyses.
The largest proportion were neither for nor against such a school opening locally, or did not know their opinion on the issue.
The idea is to encourage experimentation in education; such schools operate under a «charter» or contract with local school boards or state officials.
For targeted schools, the state must determine the number of years after which such schools will instead be identified for comprehensive support and improvement.
One might assume that such a school offers a Catholic studies major as a regular....
What commitments would we have to make to one another to create such a school?
Private schools usually rely on fees from families whose children attend the school for funding, however, sometimes such schools also receive government support.
Students in such schools represent less than 10 percent of the observations in receiving schools and less than 3 percent of the observations in sending schools.
Some charter - school supporters say such schools need more oversight.
The chief educational architect of a digital school needs to have the acumen and understanding to lead such schools.
The ecosystem in such schools becomes ever - evolving and is closely tailored to the particular nature of the school and its community.
Second, such schools often require that high school students complete career plans based on their personal interests.
The debate over year - round schools has uncovered pros, cons and thought - provoking facts about such schooling.
For states with comparable data for the 2006 - 07 school year, the number of such schools increased by 28 percent.
Different degree programs are offered through such schools, with the most appropriate type depending on the exact type of chef that a student wants to become.
But building such a school culture can ultimately lead to higher student achievement.
There are currently 255 such schools across the state.
The new rules for faith free schools will allow such schools to select 100 % of their intake from the faith.
The grand jury system will identify such schools every two or three years.
I want to hear from administrators, educators and parents to get their sense of the problem, and share their ideas about what can and should be done to improve such schools.
It has put forward other approaches for protecting such schools, including developing rules and incentives that would bring effective, experienced teachers to the campuses.
Such schools seek appropriate partnerships with businesses, social service agencies, and other organizations whose purposes are consistent with the school's mission.
Partners are working together at the local level to demand such schools while building momentum at the national level for the broad - based changes our communities need.
His suggestion that such schools actively seek out and recruit faculty with a competence and interest in both their academic discipline as well as Christian intellectual and cultural tradition is long overdue.
After all, anyone who seeks out such a school believes it to be superior to other systems, especially secular ones.
It's no wonder that despite the 2.7 million students already enrolled at charter schools, another 1 million kids remained on waiting lists for such schools last year.
Such schools hold expectations high and ensure teacher and school - leader excellence and effectiveness.
Students in such schools find motivation in these experiences.
Whether the free speech clause would protect such schools turns on the analysis provided above.
In the southeast, where most of the southern charter schools are concentrated, the percentage of students choosing such schools is higher — 2.4 percent.
The principals who run such schools simply refuse to tolerate failure.
Such schools develop pedagogical innovations that could improve the performance if replicated in public school systems.
Parents of school - aged children rate such schools nearly half a letter grade higher.
As a result, this makes performance management part of school processes and as such a school expectation.

Phrases with «such schools»

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