Sentences with phrase «such technology»

And she sees potential applications for such technologies in agriculture, medicine and even space exploration.
The new S - Class can drive and steer itself for short periods, using such technologies as adaptive cruise control, lane departure systems, blind spot monitoring, and collision avoidance braking.
I'm not talking about charity or non-profit work here — there is huge market potential for such technologies.
More vehicles are incorporating a degree of automation with such technologies as adaptive cruise control and lane - keeping support, but the driver will continue to share driving responsibilities for the foreseeable future.
Though not the first smartphone to come with such technology, but again a clever implementation.
Such technologies include but are not limited to advanced batteries, electric vehicles and advanced biofuels.
Anyway, if such technology exists, of course there are lots of instances where it can come in handy.
It goes without saying, the use of smart contracts will be key in implementing such technology.
But even if such technology could lead to a better experience for customers and retailers, will people accept a greater level of intrusion?
The controversy arises from the fact that such technologies don't currently exist at scale, and there's no indication that they'll be available or affordable in the future.
This exceptional minivan is the epitome of comfort and convenience, with ample safety equipment and standard features that will have you wondering how you ever lived without such technology and convenience before.
Good hotel consultants can help you employ such technologies to bring about the most effective results.
Meanwhile, convenience was ranked third as a smart home benefit, with nearly 37 percent identifying it as a driver for adopting such technology.
For example, social workers and healthcare professionals are finding that the use of such technology provides reassurance on the rare occasions they encounter hostility.
Thus, technical knowledge of blockchain technology alone is insufficient as such technology also requires sharp business acumen from the management and strong support from the community, amongst others.
Whether such technology achieves widespread approval from respective governments, however, remains to be seen at this stage.
Such technologies allow for lawyer to work across borders, translate law between languages and have the confidence that their work has not missed vital information.
Even worse, about 15 % of respondents here said they have no plans to introduce such technology.
In this context, the CSA has a role in stimulating societal debate on new technologies and to communicate the existing scientific evidence about such technologies.
Like other such technologies, wind turbines sound good, but let's look deeper.
These cases will likely involve the software companies and vehicle manufacturers that are designing and deploying such technology.
But not all researchers can be expected to know how to apply such technologies to their particular work, and not everyone has direct access to them.
Also, I'd still be wary if you're installing low - budget appliances, where such technology is limited.
However, assuming one were to create such technology, is there any laws prohibiting time travel?
While we don't strongly recommend the use of dog shock collars or any other device that may hurt our dogs, there will always be instances when such technologies are an absolute must.
I have no record as to who was the first to patent such technology.
Such technology involves using a variety of sensors and artificial intelligence to actively manage traffic signals with a goal of improving traffic flow.
It may sound mental but such technology actually exists today, albeit in a considerably less advanced state.
But until such technology arrives, we must work with what we have.
However, finding such technology - infused field experience sites presents challenges.
It's not clear how nations would go about regulating such a technology.
This would need to be supported by policy signals to ensure such technologies become the «market norm».
The main issue with many such technologies developed by law firms is that they often are law firm centric.
The point is that as such technology matures, it's only going to get easier for people to create fake stuff: fake videos, fake accounts, fake news.
Obviously, in order to use the wireless charging pads, you'll need either a device that supports such technology or a case for your mobile that supports it.
How would we design such a technology in today's economy?
My colleagues and I recently became departmental experts in such a technology almost overnight.
In essence, such technology catches the CO2 and other pollutants emitted when coal or other fossil fuels are burned.
Such technology sells for around $ 10,000 to $ 20,000 per machine and can pay off because of improved work efficiency and higher crop production.
This risk applies not only to predatory marketing studies or to courts using such technology excessively but also to applications that would affect general consumers.
But the newly reported advances do bring the prospect of such a technology closer.
Historically, many schools have been reluctant to invest in such technology due to common misconceptions around cost.
In the area of reading, research has investigated such technologies as the use of computer - assisted instruction and text - to - speech synthesis in reading instruction.

Phrases with «such technology»

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