Sentences with phrase «summer weather»

"Summer weather" refers to the conditions, such as warmth, sunshine, and often higher temperatures, that are typically experienced during the summer season. Full definition
It's lightweight so seasonally it can work in hot summer weather, but the the colors are perfect for fall.
Light weight good for spring and summer weather in the south.
These are warmer than 1 season bags and are the most common sleeping bag sold, ideal for summer weather as well as warmer nights during late spring and early autumn.
I was excited to see one was a sparkling wine, as they are fantastic for warm summer weather.
We are having insanely hot summer weather here, so the less I have to turn on the stove the better.
With summer weather comes summer clothes, outdoor toys and the need for sun protection.
It has finally warmed up a bit and I am so happy to be enjoying summer weather.
I hope you've all been able to get out and enjoy these last few weeks of beautiful summer weather.
I love summer weather (and clothes), but I have to say that I'm actually ready for the fall!
I'm definitely trying to work more fall pieces into the wardrobe right now - but it's still summer weather!
Many shelter residents have been sleeping outside during summer weather to «bank» their days for winter's freezing temperatures.
So, as you know from my last post, we're actually having hot and humid summer weather here still and I'm way bored of showing you my summer outfits.
The extent to which the ice cap will melt this summer is entirely dependent on summer weather patterns that scientists have no way to predict more than 10 days in advance, he said.
While I typically consume only red wine, when summer weather hits and a variety of fruits are in season, I'm all about a fresh custom cocktail!
It hits right above the knee, so it was church appropriate and since it's already turning into Summer weather here it kept me cool.
For this post, I paired it with a jean jacket since it's not summer weather here yet.
- With family members and visitors going in and out during nice summer weather, doors accidentally left open can provide perfect escape opportunities for curious animals.
Sad that it's just 1 degree this morning, though... Really means the end of the late summer weather we were having.
So, I'm posting this pumpkin recipe, hot sunny summer weather or not, and you can decide for yourself whether you can handle waiting until pumpkins are again in season.
I miss summer weather Of course, it never really even got to 90 where I live but that is my absolutely favorite temperature!
This is when our warm early summer weather truly begins.
We've been having the most amazing summer weather too lately — love it!
It wasn't hot enough for summer clothes but because I'm used to 60 degree weather, it felt like summer weather to me.
In this (hopefully) beautiful summer weather making can sometimes take a back seat to BBQ's, road trips and beach days.
I'm sure many of you are experiencing Summer weather now.
No better time to make a frozen version of it to enjoy in this great summer weather.
We haven't been having the best summer weather though so at least I haven't been missing out on too much sunshine.
I love that a fall - ish print and a pop of pink can be worn in full summer weather but still compliment the current autumn season!
Sometimes it seems our spring speeds right on by and summer weather hits with the sticky humidity that I do not like at all.
All of the products we sell are made to last, and we've made a point of selecting garden furniture that can put up with a bit of unreliable British summer weather!
It's perfect for transitioning into Spring / Summer weather because it's long sleeve, lightweight and airy.
With the gorgeous summer weather we've been having, I am loving smoothies right now.
And of course, I love baking a bit more, or even just the desire to, because who wants to turn on the oven in the 100 - degree summer weather?
But the heat index, invented in the 1970s to measure the «real feel» of moist summer weather, actually ends at 136; anything above that is literally off the chart.
Last weekend, we finally had some real summer weather again!
This drop in share was partly because of somewhat higher natural gas prices in 2017 and partly because of mild summer weather for the nation.
It makes me wish summer weather would stay around for a while longer.
Hot summer weather means long, lazy days lounging by the pool.
We get together with family and friends, enjoy great picnic food, play games and enjoy the wonderful summer weather.
I hate when there's bad summer weather — it happened to me this year at the beach too!
The lack of sun and warm summer weather led the group to hold a competition writing ghost stories to keep themselves entertained.
Hopefully I'll still have a chance before summer weather is over.
I hope you are all enjoying your weekend and making the most of this lovely summer weather we are having?
She says improved summer weather predictions as well as satellite measurements of sea ice thickness and concentration could help forecasting.
Summer weather also tends to coincide with poorer air quality, especially in dense urban areas.
Waiting until summer weather is officially over though....
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