Sentences with phrase «target genes»

"Target genes" refers to specific genes that are the focus of study or investigation. They are genes that researchers and scientists are interested in understanding because they play a crucial role in a particular process or disease. Full definition
Use analysis of data to determine functionality of mutant genes and overall function of target genes.
These «genetic scissors» can be used for targeting any gene in a cell in order to modify it.
These projects are exploring therapeutic options, including developing targeted gene therapies and novel epigenetic therapies.
The genomes of these cells can be relatively easily and precisely manipulated through a technique known as targeted gene replacement.
Once there, efficient targeted gene editing takes place.
The achievement could open the way to a genetic treatment against the growth of smooth muscle tissue that can block arteries in heart patients, and ultimately to other targeted gene therapies.
Users can enter the name of a single gene or lists of many genes to retrieve drugs targeting those genes.
But despite the consensus on the importance of genetic factors, researchers have had limited success in identifying target genes.
This technology can be used to disrupt and destroy targeted genes in the genomes of cells.
The ability to edit a single, carefully targeted gene in each organism means that individual members don't need to be the perfect genetic clones currently filling mouse and fly labs.
By examining over one million gene variations, scientists hope to find additional target genes for longevity studies that may not be obvious from blood screening and animal testing.
He found two small colon cancer studies that showed grape consumption can help suppress target genes that stimulate cancer growth.
Thus far, targeted gene therapy successes have been very limited.
«By targeting those genes with CRISPR, we were able to show changes [in flowering time] when the expression was disrupted,» said Van Eck.
In particular, he has focused on targeting the gene coding for flagellin protein b, or flaB, which has proved to be quite distinct from one genospecies to the next.
Additional platforms for targeted gene expression studies include the nanoString platform supporting all custom or commercially available applications.
Foxp3 occupancy and regulation of key target genes during T - cell stimulation.
These data show that miR - 181a targets genes are expressed in, but not limited to mDA neurons, which play a crucial role in neurite growth induced by a ligand of the BMP / GDF subfamily.
Immune function and pathology dissected by high - throughput analysis of mice with targeted gene disruptions — an investigation by the Infection and Immunity Immunophenotyping (3i) consortium.
We know that regeneration is an orchestra of communication signals from a number of different tissues, and those tissues have to turn on genetic light switches at the same time, so part of the challenge in defining those circuits in greater detail is going to be interrogating these miRNAs and their potential target genes in a mammalian system.
Other blood disorders that have shown significant benefit from targeted gene therapy in small trials include hemophilia (specifically, factor IX deficiency), severe beta - thalassemia (deficiency for the adult beta - globin gene) and leukemia, where the patient's immune cells were treated to enable them to recognize cancer cells and destroy them.
An abundance of rare functional variants in 202 drug target genes sequenced in 14,002 people.
p53 is stabilized and activated in response to a variety of stress signals and, in turn, activates specific target genes through its function as a conventional transcription factor that binds to specific promoter sites and interacts with various transcriptional coactivators.
Second, we analyzed Nodal target gene expression by RNA - Seq at four time points prior to or during early gastrulation in wild - type and toddler mutants.
The observation that the amount of HIF - 1 plummets when cells are shifted to high - oxygen conditions squared with the factor's hallmark ability to activate target genes only when oxygen is limited.
However, the evolution of advanced protein mutants with desired features is strongly dependent on efficiently targeting the gene of interest, the type of selective pressure chosen and the selection scheme allowing recovery of enhanced mutants.
The Wnt target gene encoding the transcription factor Achaete scute - like 2 controls the fate of the intestinal stem cell (26).
To delineate the role of Emk in development and adult tissues, mice lacking Emk were generated by targeted gene disruption.
The new MIT particles, which encase short strands of RNA within a sphere of fatty molecules and proteins, silence target genes in the liver more efficiently than any previous delivery system, the researchers found in a study of mice.
Dr. Loftus's research has gone on to detail how SOX10 and its downstream target gene MITF coordinately regulate gene expression profiles associated with melanocyte differentiation.
Biologist John Godwin's team at North Carolina State University in Raleigh will test ways to cut down rodent populations by targeting gene variants present only in invasive communities.
Major areas of activity in our lab include 1) identification and characterization of Sgenes, 2) genomic analyses to identify the diversity of TAL effectors in pathogen populations and understand their evolution, and 3) structural and biochemical studies to better harness the unique properties of these proteins for applications such as targeted gene regulation and genome editing.
Serap Günes (TUD)-- «Modification of vesicular stomatitis virus G protein for targeted gene delivery into PSCA - positive tumor cells» (2007)
Kester, working with James Adair, Ph.D., Penn State Department of Material Sciences and Engineering, and private company Keystone Nano, has developed a NanoJacket particle which targets a gene mutation that causes overexpression of an oncogenic protein in breast cancer patients with poor outcomes.
The TA isforms can induce apoptosis and even transactivate many p53 target genes [16].
«It is exciting to have found a way to selectively target gene delivery to cancer cells,» says Quiñones - Hinojosa.
«This new work is exciting, because it shows that we can directly target genes within a specific cell type, which is important for targeted therapies,» says Hedrick, a Professor in the Division of Inflammation Biology.
Aberrant beta - catenin - TCF target gene activation plays a major role in colorectal cancer development.

Phrases with «target genes»

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