Sentences with phrase «tax base»

The phrase "tax base" refers to the total amount of income, property, or goods that are subject to taxation within a particular jurisdiction, such as a country or a state. It represents the foundation or source from which taxes are collected by the government. Full definition
The tax man sets the amount of taxes based on the different notions of income.
The components of nominal GDP represent the applicable tax bases for personal and corporate income tax revenues, which represent about 60 % of total federal revenues.
Yet, most of these home owners continue to pay property taxes based on that higher value.
Additionally, the county has a modest debt burden, manageable carrying costs, and an improving local tax base with ongoing economic development activity.
«The debt will really pay for itself and it will create more jobs,» he said, arguing the investments would help boost the city's tax base by creating new jobs.
Do hedge funds or private capital qualify as pass - through entities that offer their owners the ability to deduct 20 % of their income before paying taxes based on the individual rate?
So if you convert shares which are near multi-year lows, you will pay low taxes based upon those valuations and all future gains will be tax - free.
The general structure of a simple tax system would be a broad tax base with rates that are the same across different income sources or types of expenditure.
A tax credit is a dollar for dollar reduction of income tax based on what you're eligible for.
I think the challenge for any municipality is achieving sensible tax base growth while ensuring the long - term viability of real estate.
He saw the growing rich Christian community and recognized a new tax base so he set them «free».
This is a major break from the traditional way of calculating tax based on profits.
Because wealthy families tend to live in communities with larger tax bases and fewer needs, their children's schools have typically spent much more per student than have schools in poor districts.
There is no distinction between commercial or residential transactions regarding the rate of transfer tax; the amount of tax based upon the consideration or sales price of the transfer.
By holding onto the property until your death, you (and your estate / heirs) never have to pay this back due to the step up in tax basis at death.
When the shares are eventually sold, the difference between the share price and reduced tax basis is taxed as a capital gain.
The general structure of a simple tax system would be a broad tax base with rates that are the same across different income sources or types of expenditure.
At the lower marginal rates, people will work longer and firms will produce more, expanding the total tax base.
If you hold a property until you die, your estate or heirs will receive a full step up in tax basis equal to the property's fair market value.
As a reminder, tax basis does not necessarily = cash basis.
When you file your return, the RRSP withdrawal will be added to your total income for the year, and you'll owe taxes based on your marginal rate.
In a nutshell, settling an estate includes taking inventory of your possessions, assessing their value, and paying estate taxes based on its net worth.
An increase in the federal rate will reduce the size of a common federal - provincial tax base.
Schools in low - wealth neighborhoods raise smaller amounts of local revenue due to the weaker tax base.
Economic developers promote economic well - being and quality of life for their communities, by creating, retaining and expanding jobs that facilitate growth, enhance wealth and provide a stable tax base.
5 % city tax based on net room rate for all leisure guests is included.
The city finally incorporated in 1949 to protect its wealthy tax base.
Tier II is a guaranteed tax base style program allowing districts to raise extra revenue.
As nominal GDP is the underlying tax base for budgetary revenues, this would suggest a marginal improvement in the fiscal forecast throughout the entire period, all other things remaining equal.
Also if you don't present a good reason why the price is so low they may charge tax based on blue book value anyway.
Both the federal and provincial governments apply their respective corporate tax rates to a common tax base.
Under this scenario, increasing the rate by one percentage point would increase revenues by one per cent of the original tax base.
The government is planning to introduce a new system of council tax based upon the quality of life and crime levels within the area, the Conservative party claims.
Historically, states have focused on how to allocate aid across school districts that have widely different tax bases to achieve some level of fiscal parity.
As the white population moved away from the cities, so too did jobs and a more robust tax base.
This means that generally speaking an insured person can pass along money to heirs without incurring any additional taxes based upon life insurance proceeds.
Your initial tax basis reflects what you paid to buy your shares.
A municipality sets the license tax based on a business's classification.
I know you're trying to save money since you have to pay unemployment insurance taxes based on the number of employees who use it.
The inclusion of the previous year's tax base captures the dynamics of the response to the tax change.
So maybe if you were going to start out by defining tax basis and then walk us into that so all of our viewers can be with us.
All three companies cite a sizable tax base, manageable debt burden and careful budgeting as driving factors in arriving at their credit rating.
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