Sentences with phrase «tax implications»

"Tax implications" refers to the potential impact or consequences that taxes can have on a certain situation or decision. It involves considering how taxes may affect your finances, such as the amount of money you owe or the deductions you can claim. Full definition
From the onset, you will want to be aware of tax implications of the real estate investment properties.
First, student loan forgiveness tied to an income - driven repayment plan has certain tax implications for borrowers.
There are different tax implications on different types of mutual funds.
I'd only add one thing to the decide part — when you make a business plan, make sure you think about tax implications.
Changing jobs can come with tax implications like job search and moving expense deductions.
Regardless of how you use your life insurance to support your favorite non-profit, be sure to ask your tax professional about the income tax implications of your possible life insurance gift.
These accounts come with serious tax implications if not setup correctly (and huge benefits if setup correctly), and they may also require different types of paperwork.
Personally, I think considering tax implications and selling costs etc. might be going to far into the weeds for me.
Please consult a tax advisor for more information about the potential tax implication of any strategy discussed.
While you should never sell an investment for the sole reason of lowering your taxes, you should keep tax implications in mind when making trades.
There are certain tax implications when considering active income, so let's review the rules.
If you enjoy the idea of participating in a variety of investment opportunities, variable life insurance lets you do so without tax implications.
I am thinking about current tax implications as well as estate planning implications.
Check for tax implications at all three stages of policy life cycle — investment, accumulation, and maturity.
Speak with an accountant or a retirement planner to help you understand the immediate tax implications from early withdrawals as well as the long - term capital accumulation and retirement funding impact.
Regular dividends are classified as either qualified or ordinary, each with different tax implications that impact an investor's net return.
So the key is figuring out what tax implications will result.
The first is on an immediate cash - flow basis: including tax implications, would you be paying less month by month after refinancing than before?
We help negotiate win - win situations for the parties by minimizing tax implications and by maximizing return to the parties.
The way you pull the money out may have negative tax implications.
However, if you name your estate as beneficiary, or buy a policy as a third party, there may be possible tax implications at both the state and federal levels.
The below image lists all the assets that are likely to invest in and have capital gains tax implication.
In some situations, establishing a trust as part of an estate plan can help counter state estate tax implications.
I would advise checking with your tax pro, as there are gift tax implications on the transfer.
First, student loan forgiveness tied to an income - driven repayment plan has certain tax implications for borrowers.
If this is the case, you need to know what happens to your policy, as there may be significant tax implications for you.
Should cash value be withdrawn instead of borrowed, the policyholder faces tax implications on any realized earnings.
Often times parties fail to consider important tax implications.
There are lots of tax implications involved with income splitting, though it depends on your personal situation.
Stock dividends usually don't have tax implications until you sell the shares.
Would there be greater tax implications on capital gain in one country or the other?
First off, did you know that if you own personal use real estate through a corporation — like your cottage — there are personal tax implications?
Are there any other tax implications involved with income splitting?
A «taxable event» is a transaction that creates tax implications.
I would also prefer to add my wife to the title as long as this does not create any additional tax implications.
Can this be transferred to an heir (s) without major tax implications?
But is this legal and are the only tax implications just a capital gain on two separate occasions within that period... taxed on the usual 50 % of your gain?
For additional questions, speak with your tax advisor about reverse mortgage tax implications and how they may affect you.
Still, zero - coupon bonds have unique tax implications that investors should understand before investing in them.
Lawyers will be able to give you advice on minimizing the inheritance tax implications or help you set up a trust for your family.
Sharing living expenses carries tax implications for domestic partners.
This benefit could have tax implications so research it with your tax advisor.
, the board has already administered a costly voter survey, discussed parcel tax implications at recent board meetings, and all but invited the union to dream of an even bigger raise.
When considering business succession, business owners often wonder about buy sell agreement life insurance tax implications.
Plus, there may be positive tax implications since you may be able to write off some of the mortgage interest.
They may not realize all of the current tax implications and future scholarship and financial aid implications of doing this.
I am aware that there are some basic tax implications with any mutual funds for this type of account.
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