Sentences with phrase «things concerning someone»

Like most things concerned with relationships, each person's definition of certain concepts may vary, but long distance relationships are those that have people in a relationship being isolated from each other.
However, the components company simply said that it is not one to comment on things concerning its customers or the orders it has received.
The best thing concerned pet owners can do is get educated on the most common pet toxins, which are listed above, and then pet - proof their homes.
Indeed, as they were focused on the most important things concerning the tablet itself.
Among the many epic things that happened at last night's The Game Awards, one of the biggest things concerns a...
Since becoming a mother, I've noticed how my desire for certain things concerning life and work have changed for the better.
The top thing concerning free single dating sites is the information they are not bound by geography.
Good answer back in return of this matter with real arguments and explaining the whole thing concerning that.
One thing concerns authors when we first talk about this shift: can you sell and market in both the trade and education market?
I wonder a lot of things concerning the massive irrational contradictions allowed by faith.
It's necessary to understand one basic and extremely important thing concerning a credit.
Good answer back in return of this matter with real arguments and explaining the whole thing concerning that.
(64) And when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men among us, had condemned him to the cross [2], those that loved him at the first did not forsake him; for he appeared to them alive again the third day [3], as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him.
I guess what I am wondering is this: How has the modern society in which I live managed to completely overlook the fact that a sane person and an insane person can believe the very same things concerning the supernatural (God), the improvable (God), the undetectable (God), and yet the sane person will never pause to look at the oddity of their shared beliefs?
This is a huge step for our breed, and one that underscores the determination of our breeders and owners to do the right thing concerning health for Scottish Terrier present and future.
l would like to say, in closing, a few things concerning the Muslim Mosque, Inc., which we established recently in New York City.
Now that the dust has settled on the failed push to redefine Bitcoin's future, investors need to be aware of a number of things concerning Bitcoin and its newly - fragmented market.
Marx was wrong about many things concerning class, especially about his most cherished class, the proletariat.
Here and there it may be, we can catch a glimpse of the wonderful order in nature, the regularity of the stars, scattered over the wide spaces of the universe yet obedient to one law; the order to be found even in the microscopic world, as also within visible things concerning which science has given such amazing information in recent years; the order in the construction of a flower or of an animal, from the flea to the whale, a noteworthy obedience to law even in the life of man.
One big thing concerned defensive tackle Sharrif Floyd, who many believe is among the top three players in the draft.
I have never for once heard English media sayin any gud thing about our players, manager or thing dat concerns d club, especially BBC
Simply put, schools can't be trusted to get it right for the kids because the kids are the last thing they concern themselves with after teachers unions, administrative organizational charts, bus garage projects, etc., etc., and oddball foodie notions.
«Living Life on Life's Terms» means that there are certain things concerning life, about which we must adhere.
If this list is to be believed, as THS has been on the money previously with the television side of things concerning Marvel Television projects we could be hearing casting announcements by the end of the month.
The only negative things concerning our 2004 Toyota 4Runner Limited is the cost of repairs Toyota tends to be a little more expensive for parts and maintenance especially at the dealership.
Parasitic worms are also among the most revolting things concerning the care of a pet.
While the news has been pretty scarce since the unveiling, the USA Today has reported some pretty awesome things concerning the games.
His hope is to find a new base for a German identity because this was a hidden thing concerning the former generations of Germans from the 60ties who absolutely negotiated these movements judging them with spokes like «nazi - attitude» etc..
The federal government has a laissez - faire attitude about most things concerning family law.
I see your purpose, tho» plenty of «writing service» firms do such issue, i do not assume that you just ought to say such things concerning them.»!»
Albright's work has uncovered many things concerning Facebook's approach to the investigation that you might consider passive - aggressive.
He was [the] Christ; and when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him, for he appeared to them alive again the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him; and the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct to this day.
Avant was quick in contacting me on things concerning the paperwork.
The same thing concerns the soles and fabrics.
Mr Dagadu called for coordinated efforts among the authorising agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the National Petroleum Authority (NPA), the Town and Country Planning among others, to ensure that the right things concerning the siting of filling stations were followed.
I am going to look into more of the history of things concerning the bible myself, (as I know some of it), but some of the things you have said had heightened my interest as well.
As with most things concerning the Internet, branding can be easily and quickly affected by positive and negative factors and thus it is more important than ever to keep an eye on your brand and its online reputation.
«To these He also presented Himself alive after His suffering, by many convincing proofs, appearing to them over a period of FORTY DAYS and speaking of the things concerning the kingdom of God.»
Evangelism is preaching the things concerning the Lord Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God and all which those things entail.
According to Luke, when Jesus met two of his disciples on the road to Emmaus he instructed them in the Scriptures «beginning with Moses and all the prophets» and «interpreted to them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.»
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