Sentences with phrase «things described»

However a lot of things you described are not just genetics but culture.
Like many things described as «secrets» it's just a matter of know - how.
I stayed on the juice, vegetables and other things I described for 5 days.
Hmmm... I think... nice but not the amazing thing she described.
It is amazing how many things she describes and explains hit so close to home.
Are these two entirely different aspects of human experience, or are they the same thing described in different languages, or are there relationships and analogies between the two while they yet remain two?
Fifth: many PDAs are also available that do an awful lot of the same things described above at a much lower cost than a Kindle, Sony, etc..
I have heard things described as «big as hell» and «little as hell.»
You are clearly hear to taunt and do the other things described in the article, aren't you Max?
Twenty - five years ago, the founding editors of First Things described Americans as «incorrigibly religious.»
Despite all of the notable things described above, I think what Patrick does best (and most often) is hustle for reality show gigs!
As introduced in a series of photos from the set, they are short, round birdlike things described as «an indigenous race of caretaker creatures» by director...
That should give you piece of mind knowing this truck is perfect EXCEPT the 2 small things I described in the condition and description.
Lk back fr the past yr or two, you'll see exactly the same thing you described happening with NAV.
Three things describe Rando: Good beer, good food, and video games.
Over the years, I've heard all sorts of things described as «God things» — scholarships, job opportunities, new cars, remodeled kitchens.
By «inspired» I mean the same thing you described in your post about the whisperings of God.
When you hear things described as «a formality,» then it's only a matter of time before they actually take place.
The last item he listed was, «If you do all other things described, then start thinking about creating a cohesive cultural American experience.»
I have seen (and done) the same thing you describe.
I reviewed the film out of Cannes and found it singularly strained and irritating — the kind of thing described as «quintessentially English» by -LSB-...]
So I think it really has been all of the things you described.
So, while all the things you described above are admirable, it doesn't exempt you from respecting the rights and freedoms of others — of acknowledging that other are entitled to the same rights and freedoms as yourself.
Third, any ideology, religious or otherwise, tends to do the things you describe religion of being guilty of.
we are trying very hard to be all these things she described.
Thus, everywhere science applies, the things it describes need causing.
I wasn't insinuating that those things described you or even applied to you really.
So we have two things described in the bible... The scriptures; and the word of God, these are 2 different things, but in churches they are seen as one.
The devil himself, if he exists, wouldn't have to be doing all those things you describe.
Your statement that, «the word is not the thing described
It is because I realize that the word is not the thing described.
We all struggle wiht those same things you describe.
For years, I felt many of the things described above, but dismiss those feelings as being illegitimate.
Some views say that the Bible is full of errors and exaggerations so that the things it describes didn't really happen, while other views hold that the violent events might have happened as described but God did not command them to do it nor did He inspire the biblical authors to write about these events as they did.
Part of that is the «new kid on the block» thing I described, the other part is that there are teams I'd much rather see win over them.
The interesting thing is that, among the people I have known and in the places I have lived, the thing you describe ARE mainstream.
Although there is no treatment for many of the childhood conditions that cause these symptoms, doing many of the things described below should help your child to feel better.
Also, take comfort in the fact that many of the things described below will disappear by the early portion of your second trimester.
In my mind, I see a rear - facing baby in a rear - ended car suffering all the things they describe for a forward - facing baby in a head - on.
You might notice that your child is doing some of the things described in this article.
While I agree that a stay at home mom is very valuable to the family, all the things you describe, as a working mom I do.
If you haven't already done the things described in the following pages, try to get them done a few weeks before the due date, or at least before labor starts.
In essence, my work of art must be able to assist them to know the things described in the text, understand concepts, and fathom the mysteries of the abstract world.
If you find yourself doing any of the things described below, it's time you reassessed your training priorities, got back in the gym and hit the weights with vengeance.
Now, let's make a brief recap of the things we described in this article.
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