Sentences with phrase «things someone claim»

Then when you do things you claim you created something.
Not only do you come across as negative, but you also give the impression that you are the very thing you claim not to want.
Among other things he claims that it would cause the fuel prices to rise and increase the cost of electricity.
As for others in this stream, I find it fascinating you spend so much time reading about things you claim to not believe in.
Our doctor did the same thing claiming the skin was too tight.
In fact... we don't even know how tobacco does all of the magical things we claim it does.
You're not emotionally and personally invested in the very thing you claim is valuable to the marketplace.
Also, there's a lot of things claimed in the Bible that if they did not happen, there's no way they would even be written about.
@Mike, not me Apparently to Mike, when different things claim different things, it's not a contradiction.
We tell Him, «Even though You look terribly guilty in the Old Testament, we are going to call «good» all those bad things You claim to have done.
«Many things claimed in the Bible can not nor ever will be proven true.
He might try to show your injuries did not happen, or you are doing things you claim not to be able to do, or simply use something that can be embarrassing in a courtroom to make you look bad.
When we think of tax breaks, we normally think of the boring things we all claim: charitable contributions, Earned Income Credit, and mortgage interest.
He makes games that aren't scoffed at for not being the most ultimate thing he claimed to create?
Good thing the claiming procedure is easy and simple to sanction the amount.
while i certainly HEAVILY disagree with him on most other things he claims, i'd just point out to you that is the FAR EDGE of biblical scholarship on the left... and it excludes your position as too far gone.
Thus violating your own beliefs... sad to see you can't even live out the very thing you claim to believe in.
@Bill «As for others in this stream, I find it fascinating you spend so much time reading about things you claim to not believe in.»
They spend a lot of time trying to convice ppl religon is bogus and there is no god but isnt that the exact same thing they claim to hate about organized religon just the reverse?
I was marveling at how many things you claim to have gotten through Craigslist.
I don't think anyone here is saying the things you claim they are.
Hence, if it is irreducibly complex to have evolved by the mechanisms that have proven so effective in explaining other phenomenta — then what mechanism explains the origins of these other things claimed to be irreducibly complex?
This group of people knew whether Jesus existed, and if He did, if He did the things they claimed.
I think by boycotting and lashing out against them, gays and lesbians are doing the very thing they claim to be victims of, which means their behavior is no better than those they oppose.
«I have not authorized any of our UK members to create such a thing claiming to represent our organization,» Um... wouldn't that be, um... Mr. Satan's call?
There are things they claim that I disagree with... but I don't doubt their good - will or sincerity.
Now all you have to do is prove your alledged historical figure actually existed, was divine and did the things you claim.
So whether the master is real or not or whether he can do the things I claim he can is not something to be settled between myself and my friend alone.
Most truly spiritual people would thank him for sharing, and not give him labels such as «obnoxious» — because you are doing the things you claim to hate — labeling to manipulate opinion and silence opposing viewpoints that are different from your own.
Whitehead's conception is subject to the criteria of both being an adequate expression of the basic impulse and of being consistent with other things we claim to know.
Evolutionary science says none of those things you claim.
You must hang around a LOT of them IRL, or otherwise how exactly would you know all the things you claim to know about them?
The very thing you claim we atheists are doing in rejecting God and thus acting out our lives as determiners of our own fates.
You can't just assume to know the things you claim to, can you?
We're asking for sources that back the things you claim are facts.
There were literally tens of thousands of links talking about this thing you claim doesn't exist that I could have chosen from.
Nothing has happened up to date and then they come to deceive the Electoral Commission, again, by printing a fake Togolese register, put people's pictures on the register and presented them as Togolese and presented some documentation, writing French on those things claiming it is Togolese register».
Geert Wilders is very careful in never actually talking about how he will accomplish any of the things he claims he will do, only repeating that he will do it.
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