Sentences with phrase «things someone crave»

Just the kind of thing you crave at midnight.
What's the first thing you crave when you have to go gluten free or grain free?
This is one of the most important things they crave for.
They also spend most of the condemnation time focused on people doing things they crave for but cant seem to have.
I keep getting ideas for more things I crave and I NEED to try them.
Are there certain things you crave and can not resist?
When the weather gets chilly, a salad likely isn't the first thing you crave.
Once summertime hits, the first thing I crave in the kitchen is a perfect, crisp pan-seared scallop.
I always saw that as attacking Jesus at his lowest, most vulnerable point, tempting him with the very thing he craves most.
Two years ago, the only thing I craved for breakfast on the weekend was pancakes.
Given the coffee's brewed from extra-bold beans and served in a climate where the last thing you crave while you're sweating through your shirt is a hot drink, the average cup there is served over ice and mixed with a healthy dose of condensed milk to make it a little more palpable.
It's one of my main comfort foods, and the very first thing I craved when I went gluten - free 4 years ago.
This Independence Day, we ask you to consider what things you crave independence from in your life — Injustice?
Anyhow, these muffins are exactly the sort of thing I crave and remember from that trip.
However, every night waking puts you in that foggy state where the only thing you crave is going back to sleep — plans and ideas seem like too much effort.
The public shows far greater tolerance for tests whose scores may yield things we crave — admission to the college of one's choice, for example (SAT, ACT), even advance credit for college work (AP)-- than for the kind whose foremost purpose is to rank schools or teachers and give distant officials data by which to fine - tune their policies.
One thing I craved when I got home was a warm fresh meal, something that would take me out of the Winter blues.
The first thing I craved or missed tremendously was PB banana smoothie and that's what I got from the smoothie bar once we landed
Traditional staples, easy dinners and comfort foods are things we all crave these days.
Both are super yummy and things I crave A LOT of.
Completely eliminating the things I crave just isn't sustainable — at least, not for me — so instead I make allowances and give myself permission.
One of the things I crave during rainy weather, even when it's warmer, is soup.
Cookies are definitely the thing I crave as well..
Indian food has all of the things we crave: bold, spicy, exotic.
The fresh air, quiet, peace, stillness, these are the things I crave.
All the things I crave in a summer salad!
And if you bolster this creamy bowl of grains with lots of surprising toppings, it'll also be a thing you crave for any meal of the day.
When the weather heats up and the backyard barbecues begin anew, there's one thing we crave: a big, juicy burger.
FINALLY I can fix more of the things I CRAVE but did not know how to do!
Along with natural peanut butter, dark chocolate is one of the things I crave quite frequently.
When you're going through pregnancy, you can't really help the things you crave.
Your body has a set amount of protein it requires per 24 hours and, until we hit that number, you constantly crave; and, invariably, the first thing you crave is something sweet.
Funny the things you crave.
Lindsay's program shocked my system, but still made me feel like I was eating all of the things I craved.
Sugar, refined carbs, chocolate, cookies or ice cream are some of the things we crave.
Before switching to a Nutritarian diet, I was eating Paleo which doesn't allow ANY bread, and that was always the one thing I craved.
It's the one thing I crave and have to have the minute my alarm clock goes off...
Not sure I have A favorite but it is one of those things I crave in the summer even when I was vegan.
Luckily enough, the one thing your craving is the only word you know in Slovak...
There's nothing in it, but the sensations of speed — the things we crave in day - to - day driving — are more ably delivered by the Scirocco.
That being said, many indoor dogs are quite content spending more time with people, after all; they are pack animals and companionship is one of the things they crave.
«Now that I've gotten to this point in my career, I can do the thing I crave the most — which is a cheeseburger, fries and a shake,» he told Newsday in July 2008, on the eve of opening his first location, in Lake Grove, Long Island.
In an era where weird, hyper short indie games are selling millions of copies due to their fun - factor, and when every time a «good» Nintendo game comes out where people champion gameplay over graphics, it is great to know that people like Omega Force are here to give you the thing you crave most some times.
Life and relationships don't come with a manual, but I'm honored to help you sort through things and build the tools you need.With these tools, we can work towards the things we crave and long for.
One of the things I crave most of all in my home is a cozy atmosphere for my family.
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