Sentences with phrase «things someone fear»

Funny thing is when you do you realize you aren't standing alone, the very thing you feared in the first place.....
Perhaps the one thing I fear more than completely failing to make an impact in this industry is making such an impact that I become a slave to my own little empire.
The only thing I fear is the end of the series which is what i don't want to see!
What they found though was not the same thing they feared before hand.
There are so many things I fear I'll lose once I stop.
The last thing I fear is natural climate change, even if man is contributing to it a bit.
People very often scream most loudly about the same things they fear and hate in themselves.
No sympathy, no fear stroking or babying, God speaks out of the storm to remind us that at the end of all things and in the beginning of all things
There are few things I fear more than a visit to a Zara store.
Things we feared upon watching: scissors, red jumpsuits, bowling shoes.
«Vacuum cleaners are certainly things they fear,» says behaviorist Katherine A. Houpt, VMD, Ph.D., emeritus professor at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine.
My mom died of cancer at 39, my grandfather died of a heart attack at 51, and the only thing I fear now is that I die and don't have the document that legally protects the man who taught me how to love.
It's obvious pervert alert is a closeted gay which is why they lash out at the very thing they fear the most — It's time for pervert alert to come out of the closet.
There are few things I fear more than a visit to a Zara store.
The only thing they feared more than British tyranny was that of religious people.
However, there are several reasons you do NOT want to socialize your puppy to fear the same things you fear:
Nine years later, I've largely managed to avoid those things I feared, and along the way, I've become an expert in my company's software products and in communicating their value to customers.
When Simpson has a patient, she'll work with them to list the things they fear: their obsessions.
Gladwell explains that people who experience the thing they fear most but emerge unscathed feel invulnerable.
These are some things I fear by one, being who I am; two, expressing my investigations in this blog; three, pastoring the way I do.
One of the things I fear about our modern Christian «leaders» so many put on a pedestal, is their political pandering on these sorts of topics.
If a man tries to get rid of his insecurity by constructing a defensive armour to protect himself from the world, he has added to the exposedness which is the state of all men the hysteria which makes him run blindly from the thing he fears rather than face and accept it.
Let's pray for the rest, joy and humility that comes from putting faith in someone greater than ourselves and in the things we fear.
All the things we fear most wrapped up in one tragic life.
No, to be in error or delusion is (quite un-Socratically) the thing they fear the least.
Each one of us is journeying towards the inevitability of death, yet it is the one thing we fear to discuss or contemplate.
One of the things fear often does is convince us we're the only ones.
I was able to see my limitations, things I had tried, things I feared to try.
Only thing I fear is the humiliating loss and having watched Arsenal for 40 years I know anything is possible on that front.
That's right, nearly all the fans WANTED to see a DM coming, and now the thing we all feared happened.
JL: Like it or not, adolescents often gravitate toward the very things you fear and dislike.
But by throwing around labels like Frankenfood and Frankencells to rally the public against potentially valuable innovations, he says, the «fear - based community will potentially do more damage to humanity than the things they fear
Professor Peter Johnson, chief clinician at Cancer Research UK, said: «The thing we fear most about cancer is how it can spread around the body — this is what causes 90 per cent of all cancer deaths.
Hobart - based clinical psychologist Harry Stanton says the trick to overcoming phobias is to train yourself to think differently about the thing you fear.
Of course, I immediately did the thing I feared the most.
All of the things I feared about having shorter hair didn't come to fruition.
If you are not careful dislike can turn into resentment, and the very thing you feared — wasting good years that could be used for a much more fulfilling purpose, begins to happen.
The thing she fears the most meets her halfway.
The film is so explicit (endless swinging parties and porno scenes, more bouncing breasts than a Russ Meyer movie) that it finally becomes the thing it fears.
Many use films to escape the drudgery of their world, but some films draw you right back into the things you fear or sadden you the most.
This is one of the things I fear the most about self - publishing: a bad cover.
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