Sentences with phrase «things someone find»

You would be amazed by what kind of things we find on dating profiles around the internet.
But one of the most interesting things I found in reading through this publication was that volunteering activities can be extraordinarily diverse.
Many will be about dividend investing, but some will be about other things I found interesting.
The only thing I found in their literature states that profanity is in poor taste and is thus not acceptable.
I tend to move stuff around every year and add a few things I found on sale, but I don't buy all new stuff every year.
The other thing you find in a healthy church is people inspiring each other by the way they handle the tough circumstances of life.
Another common thing I find with many job seekers is that many feel the time to mention their achievements is during the interview.
The only good thing I found in this phone is its 16 megapixel autofocus camera.
Powerful Networking One of the first things you find in situations where you are meeting new people is that they want to know about your work... what you do.
The catch - they could only use things found at a grocery store!
Instead of guiding principles, I came up with a list of things I found important to remind myself of during legal research instruction.
Ask them what sorts of things they found when they did those things.
Here's a round up of a few things I found interesting since the first of the year.
The second thing I found very strange was how you can have an entire industry which does not function with a solid framework.
One thing I found really handy was cutting down a 2 1/2 ″ thick butcher block counter top for my work surfaces.
One other thing I find helpful is to use clear thread — it can be used with ANY fabric combination!
If this is the kind of thing you find fascinating, I invite you to read these posts and explore the links provided therein.
One of the surprising things I found about the content distribution system on the Alpha 2 was the default market that came bundled on the device.
The only thing I found odd was the jealousy issues that came up during the show.
Instead of forcing yourself to do things you find unpleasant, if you really want to achieve exceptional aims, only do the things you genuinely enjoy doing.
Seriously, this was the best thing I found for pushing the fabric in around the leg.
There are few things I find more irritating than the drawn - out, predictable chase scenes that pass for action these days.
I think when you have some classic pieces, you have such a great foundation to mix, match and layer with the new things you find along life's journey.
Those are things I find frustrating with self - published works.
The history of theology is filled with so many things we find immoral today, or just plain wrong.
I like to draw ordinary things and things I find amusing or deeply serious.
Another extremely helpful thing I found while using Saga is the hyper - local weather updates.
There are few things I find as comforting as having a big ol' pot of beans cooked up and on standby in the fridge.
One thing I found annoying at first, but quickly grew to like was that when you're in the back half of the pack the power ups are almost always turbo.
One thing I find so endearing about you is that you don't try to give the impression that your blog corner of the world is always perfect.
If you never face up to things you find scary, how do you expand who you are?
Now just to figure out where to start I also added your post to my list of favorite things found around the web this week!
Things like worn out wiper blades, brakes and light bulbs are the most common things we find when cars come into the shop.
You would not believe how many amazing things we found in the store.
Many of these man - made materials are inspired by things found in nature.
As a gay man, that is absolutely the only thing I find attractive about him.
But if a certain behavior results in losing things it finds rewarding or simply being ignored, the dog is likely not to repeat that behavior often.
Please link up your posts and share in the comments about all the beautiful things you found this week!
When kids start walking they win this extraordinary new ability to check out up close things he finds interesting.
If your home is only inspected as a result of a claim, you may risk having your claim reduced or denied because of things found during the inspection.
But enough about weird things I find in games.
Help them keep up with interests and things they find enjoyable.
What you held dearly before seems futile now, and things you found silly before may very well become the summit of your day.
All discussion threads are open indefinitely, so feel free to join in, contribute, share links to cool things you find etc whenever.
The main thing I found strange was how you had to pay inside at the gas station, there would also be like empty parked cars while everyone waited to pay ha!
This dealership was great because they were flexible on the price of the vehicle, and knocked off money for various things we found wrong with the vehicle on the test drive.
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