Sentences with phrase «things someone hold»

The same thing holds true for side and rear visibility.
And usually what suffered were things I held dear.
Right now, the only thing holding back the process is the lack of batteries.
Almost everyone understands that chips are not a good source of nutrition for people, and it comes as no surprise that the same thing holds true for cats.
One of the biggest things holding people back from refinancing their student loans is that they don't know how to get started or where to look for rates.
The bottom line is that one of the main things holding back people from exercising the spiritual gifts in church is the presence of paid, professional, pastoral staff.
But the biggest thing holding most people back is money - it used to take a lot of money to buy a rental property.
It may seem like a lot of other things hold you back, but really we can be our own worst enemy.
There are many things I hold against her, but this email isn't one of them.
Frequently, the two things holding people back from moving to the «excellent» bracket are average age of credit and types of credit.
Her mother seems to be the only thing she held as a constant.
Every lawyer is different, but a few things hold true for just about every law firm, big or small: You need more cash flow and more clients.
It's a good thing I held onto my favorite band tees (some since high school) and introduced a few new pants into my rotating collection of trousers.
In particular, look for someone who shares your same level of faith and values on things you hold most dear.
Here's what those same people haven't told you: your passion may be the very thing holding you back from power or influence or accomplishment.
One of the major things holding games back is the lack of accessibility outside the home.
I flaws just like anybody else but i try not to let things hold me down.
That is because the primary thing holding it solid is the coconut oil.
Which makes me all the more excited for 2014 and all that the exciting things it holds.
The idea here is that babies have a short attention span, so novel things hold their gaze.
They could be the universal thing holding the city together.
That being said, I find some general things hold true for most people.
Honeycomb is the only thing holding Android - based tablets back.
In 80 % of people, the simple thing holding us back is that we just don't think it can be done.
The above - mentioned things hold the interest of people of all ages.
There are unfortunately things holding back this otherwise enjoyable and fun game.
This was the last thing holding me back from a purchase (that and the price tag), but it's good to know that consumers still have a voice.
The first thing holding back the legal tech industry's rate of innovation is probably the law firms themselves.
However, one thing holds absolutely true no matter what: Company culture can define a business.
Such a sweet story... it's amazing the triggers that little meaningless things hold.
What exactly are those white things holding the middle part of the curtain rod, I made this but could not figure out what those were!
If you have a great opportunity and the only thing holding you back is the thought of moving, move.
You do know the majority of things we hold as facts can not be proven right?
I really DO N'T believe that our injury issues have been the main thing holding us back in the last couple of years and so.
The same thing holds true with being a real estate agent.
These games are recommended, but may have a few things holding them back from scoring even higher.
Weight training can be the very thing holding you back from your full potential.
By getting rid of so many things holding your body back, this is the stage where most of my clients start to recover the natural energy they've thought was gone forever.
From what I can tell there are two major things holding back our rates.
Here's to the next year and all the exciting things it holds!
Fear — it's the number one thing holding people back from investing in the stock market.
In fact, the only thing holding back people from buying the Note 8 is the price.
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