Sentences with phrase «things someone noted»

As home inspector we have a lot of things we note.
The first thing noted by the user will be the coverage amount and premium amount.
One thing I note in the 1900 - present graph is that the summer ice levels start dropping in the 1950's during the cool period of recent global warming.
One thing we noted during testing was this headset appeared to offer an insanely loud max volume.
The second thing we noted was that the front glass seems even more of a fingerprint magnet than most tablets.
You also risk mentioning the same things noted by other applicants, reducing the likelihood that your resume will grab an employer's attention and distinguish you from the competition.
The one thing noted already at our staff meeting is that there are no translations of directions, for example, in any of the African languages.
The first thing we noted is the price of this bassinet.
A few things noted about the release after some testing indicates face unlock is now included, wallpapers no longer appear to be flickering and some other bug fixes seem to of have been addressed.
Value priced: Jason Thompson was the editor of the manga magazine Shonen Jump back when it was a monthly magazine on paper and cost $ 4.95 for 250 pages, so the first thing he notes about the new digital version is that at $ 25 for 48 issues, it's a much better deal.
The next thing I noted as I set off down the ramp was the heavy feeling that THQ have gone for to replicate that feeling of being an 8ft tall, armor clad killing machine.
Also, there are a few interesting things we noted when checking out Sugar Daddy For Me in Alexa.
The decline in the market appears to have coincided with the publishing and circulation of a research note from JP Morgan strategist Marko Kolanovic, who among other things noted that the recent decline in stock correlations we've seen mirrors action investors saw before big sell - offs in 1994 and 2001.
There are a couple reasons why individuals trust Babies Getaway and here a couple of things noted underneath:
Croc embossed bags, metallic leather ankle boots, reflective sunglasses and even safe lipsticks (without the nasties) are just a few things I noted along with a cool signature curved wood store fit - out.
Not a check list of all of the cool things you note «work» to make a successful blogger or Instagrammer.
Fake Traffic and Programmatic Advertising — One thing I noted last week in Popping the Publishing Bubble is that the lack of alignment between advertisers and publishers doesn't only hurt the latter; the former often pay for impressions that never, well, impress.
And on that «never - giving - up» thing noted above, it is worth bearing in mind that the monocycle idea has been around for ages, as a trawl through the archives of the Museum of Retrotechnology clearly indicates, like this version from about the 1860's, to which those Beijing wheels bear more than a striking resemblance.
One specific thing he noted was if we went to see a house that a previous investor has flipped he used his knowledge of construction to let us know if some of the materials were high - end or low - end.
While I have seen no studies done on this, from what I have seen, dying people are more focussed on the kinds of things noted in the article (pain alleviation, cleanliness particularly in light of the huge issue toilet - time becomes) than on whether an afterlife or mere end of consciousness that awaits them.
One thing I noted during the interview was your responses were not always factual perhaps reflecting your belief that your predecessors or the Ministry staff were, and still are, always correct.
The second thing I noted about TD's release is the focus on a theme I've been writing a fair bit about lately: that of decumulation.
One interesting thing she noted is that when you do a search for a keyword phrase on Pinterest, none of the results that show up have hash tags.
However, there are a few things noted by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
The other thing I noted is the absolute lack of a rousing monologue.
One of the things you noted was safe withdrawal rates are all over the map depending on the user.
Stop to enjoy the things you noted.
One of the things I noted several years ago was that each of children had to be shown love in a way which was also very individual - they speak individual «love languages.».
One of the things noted was that the more that children felt a sense of belonging and that they contributed to the classroom community, the calmer the classroom environment was.
The first thing they noted is that wild chimpanzees and captive chimpanzees are similar in terms of age of molar eruption, usually occurring when the animals are slightly older than 3.
I have a look at all the things I noted down and then start to figure out the pieces I am still missing.
Things I did not like and why I am returning: The first thing I noted was the leather was more shiny than I like, however this may dull well over time.
Some things I noted from this past year: - I like pattern mixing - I really like my royal order valtrex... READ MORE
Those two things noted, this is Oscar material for sure.
Driving impressions — Our test was done in UAE and the first thing we note is that the life in this car is a bit different than your regular motor car.
Another thing we noted during the compilation of this list is most of these engines use the automotive equivalent of performance - enhancing supplements.
This big SUV has a cd value of just 0.32 and the first thing noted is that it has extremely well managed NVH levels.
First thing I note (page 4), 48.05 % earned over $ 10,000 in 2013.
The second thing I note (page 10) is that backlist really matters.
Some of the things I noted include:
Another thing I note as I put my pessimistic hat on for a moment to look for the worst case... Someone who picked a terrible time to start this strategy (June 30, 2006) and lost half their capital over the next two years... BUT STUCK WITH IT (knowing that others have had big drawdowns and stuck with it).....
One of the first things I noted is that the entire game feels like it was intended for mobile platforms, but then the switch to make it a PC game was decided upon last minute - or, for some baffling reason, the devs wanted it to feel that way.
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