Sentences with phrase «things someone observe»

Her images prompt questions around representation, perception and human experience and remind us of the complexity of the simplest things we observe in nature.
We don't limit it to the 24 character strengths but include all kinds of things we observe.
Draw a picture of a worm on the board to aid students and to list things they observe about the worms.
There, they bet one another on different things they observe around the full stadium.
This also provides more of an incentive rather than just listing off any bad things you observed.
One interesting thing they observed was an elevation in body temperature during the first stage of sleep.
The second thing I observe in the publishing business which promotes wrong writer is the elaborate protocol of submission.
There were some shocking things observed, especially about the data of private insurance companies.
One thing I observed in the rent to own business was that not all but most clients dealt with challenged credit.
It is indeed the first thing you observe as you stand in the lobby of this new fair; a haven of peace in comparison with the frenetic activity of the Frieze Art Fair.
The only thing i observed is that they do not have bottom (don't know how to describe), so they do have feet, they look very nice but looks like «the body» is pullen up, so can't sandwich them properly as filling does not have «bottom» to stick, it just goes into the dome... any idea why is that so?
One of the saddest things observe in pregnant women that is they intend to bottle feed their kid as they have been warned about the shapelessness of their breast.
«One of the biggest things I observe brides forgetting on their wedding day is stopping for moments throughout the day to soak it all in!
So, yeah, there were lots of different things I observed — most of it was focused though on that, what we call, «simultaneous delivery» of face - to - face and videoconference.
I debrief on the NYC Playbook media event I attended, and talk about some of the new little things observed there (notification in top left corner of display, freezing apps when minimized, etc.).
Images that are the result of itinerancy or nomadism, places, scenes and things observed along the way, abound.
Marsh starts with things observed things, then submits his chosen motifs to a willful destabilization by formal means.
She calls them «Autobiography» because they report things observed at home and during travels, the sort of things painters of the modern era have long observed when they had no professional or ideological agenda.
The other bothersome thing I observed is that dialog would sometimes creep into the surround channel.
I'm observing the knotty wood that they white washed... selfishly because we «inherited» some bad 1970s knotty paneling that I'm toning down, so painted paneling is * always * the first thing I observe!!
If you look at the kinds of things we observe about teachers prior to stepping into the classroom — things like their licensure credential scores, their SAT score, their competitiveness of the undergraduate institution they attended, whether they did TFA or some other alternative certification pathway — it turns out that the set of these things are not terribly predictive of how teachers will perform in their mid-career.
When we begin to search for the principle of unity, the first thing we observe is that the whole of the varied material is strung upon a thread which consists of narrative.
With a partner, use a magnifying glass, look at the cut edge of a bottom of a celery stalk (which is used in place of the flower), make a list of things you observe about the stalk, break the stalk, and describe what you see.
In short the human explorer recognises that the things we observe are «contingent», they are not necessary of themselves.
Jesus learned the path to Sonship through the things he observed, especially religious hypocrisy and oppression.
What are some things you observed about the latter groups of people?
Children need to good visual perception to discriminate well, copy text accurately, develop visual memory of things observed, develop good eye - hand co-ordination and integrate visual information while using other senses in order to perform tasks like recognising the source of a sound etc..
One thing I observed is that we have had no scary choking situations.
All the things we observe around us, such as trees, the shells of sea creatures and the limpet teeth studied in this work, have evolved to be effective at what they do.
It is a basic principle of quantum mechanics: The act of observing affects the thing observed.
Wildlife agency folks and scientists currently try to tally the deaths by traveling around and writing down things they observe.
The things you observed / heard / experienced when you were very young have shaped your view of yourself, and your world, today.
Eye contact is the first thing I observe that will tell me if two people will be a strong match.
One thing I observe about Amanda Hocking, is that she wrote a book and then immediately was able to test the market for her writing in a largely frictionless way.
The inspector will also provide a written report for the buyer and agent to review, documenting all the things they observed while evaluating the property.
As a student in the class One thing I observed that I did not know how to do was a spay on a dog.
Gallace's self - consciousness about the conventions of painting (her «postmodernism,» I think it fair to say of an artist who was educated in the 1980s and has been exhibiting since 1990) clicks into place with a fresh, ingenuous responsiveness to things observed in a manner that feels new or at least unfamiliar, no matter the kinship you might sense with Edwin Dickinson or Giorgio Morandi, Lois Dodd or Albert York.
Here, Parkett showcases the work of four artists whose work foregrounds the distance between the observer and the thing observed.
If Doig's paintings have always been far - out in their hallucinatory charge, the most recent ones are even further out: things observed in the real world are transformed by the act of painting into something approaching dreamscapes.
The journey unfolded along two paths: an external journey of things observed, and an internal journey of images that moved the traveler's heart and mind.
As consultants to the top insurance companies, we suspected that this consumer problem was behind a lot of things we observed.
One thing I observed in lollipop, don't remove / kill play store from recent apps while downloading any games / apps.
Michael enjoyed contemplating Gregory Bateson's notion that the thing observed was not the thing in itself.
A Christian counselor can help you open up and share about the things you observed in your parents and consider how they have affected your own vision and expectations of marriage.
The inspector will also provide a written report for the buyer and agent to review, documenting all the things they observed while evaluating the property.
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