Sentences with phrase «things someone suffered»

The main thing I suffered from, that I noticed, was my right ankle was in bad shape, in constant pain.
He is human just like you and suffered the same things you suffer.
He thought instead he might want to help find treatments for the very things he suffers from — the social deficits and extreme loneliness that can accompany schizophrenia.
The third thing suffers, which is often social life.
When it's impossible to cover bills many things suffer.
It can be hard to hold all of these things in balance and sometimes one thing suffers when my balance is off.
Things suffer in that the movie tries too much to bank on the success of High School Musical and the recent splurge of dance - themed movies like Take the Lead and Step Up (ironically, one of the musical numbers is called «Step Up»).
Why should we even allow the creation of masses of puppies in an already critically exploding situation, and simultaneously ignore the truly inhumane conditions these poor things suffer.
The only thing it suffers from is its inability to differentiate itself from its console brethren.
The one thing it suffered from was the lack of email and a wellspring of applications, but the new update will seek to fix this once and for all.
«Even though Jesus was God's Son, he learned obedience from things he suffered.
Christ «Learned obedience by the things he suffered,» and through sufferings was made perfect by God (Heb.
It is hard to have progress because it means that the thing you suffered or struggled or sacrificed to obtain someone later on can obtain without suffering.
I'm an ex-military member, and one of the things I suffer from is PTSD.
The thing I suffer from is lack of visibility and getting lost in the endless sea of books.
After years of touch typing on Apple keyboards and the Logitech L750 solar - powered (non-bluetooth) keyboard, with this thing I suffered a month of mushy keys, awkward shortcut combinations, lots typos, all while having to look at the keyboard like a typing newbie.
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