Sentences with phrase «tissue function»

(B) The human body can not make the nutrients or can not make enough of them for normal tissue function.
A comprehensive alternative formula for the support of hip, joint, and connective tissue function in dogs at any stage of life.
This strategy seeks to preserve rather than restore host tissue function by taking advantage of unique properties often displayed by these versatile cells.
The technology may correct loss of organ and tissue function with age, diseases or trauma.
As the «powerhouse» organ, we heavily depend on our hearts for optimal muscle and body tissue function.
Vitamin E, an antioxidant, supports normal prostate tissue functioning and sperm production.
These naturally occurring substances provide the building blocks for supporting healthy joint and connective tissue functions.
Both omega - 3 and omega - 6 fatty acids are needed for normal tissue function, including skin health, nerve development, visual development and reproduction.
Over the last five years, several studies in mice pointed to a link between these mutations in mtDNA and the decline of tissue function that occurs as humans and animals age.
If we introduced stem cells with nice, long telomeres in the first place, we could let them wind down and eventually be lost to apoptosis, senescence, or other sources of damage — and just top our tissues up with more stem cells before enough of those cells were lost to begin to impair tissue function.
Our lab seeks to dissect the interplay between redox processes and age - dependent changes in tissue function in the nematode C. elegans, in order to shed light on...
By incorporating the principles of chiropractic for joint and nerve function and ART ® for soft tissue function, we now have a synergistic approach to treatment.
This is the first and only technology published to successfully reprogram tissue function within the live body.
These cells behave badly, secreting harmful signals that degrade tissue function, generate inflammation, and alter the behavior of surrounding cells as well.
Moreover, there are yet other cell types — such as visceral adipose tissue macrophages and cytotoxic CD8 + T - cells — in which the age - related supernumerary accumulation of dysfunctional and apoptosis - resistant cells appears to play a highly deleterious role on tissue function, but where the cells are not «senescent» cells in the classical sense of p16Ink4a expression and the senescence - associated secretory profile observed in senescent fibroblasts.
Badylak's debut paper on ECM went to press right around the time scientists first coined the term «tissue engineering» to describe what was then considered a small but burgeoning field — the far - out - there efforts to coax cells into tissue to restore, maintain, or improve tissue function or whole organs.
The next time you reach for food to eat, be sure to give credit to the hard working micronutrients helping to promote optimal tissue function all throughout your body.
And even if that hurdle could be crossed, a viable dinosaur might not last long in 2006: «As far as we know, the way the lung tissue functioned, the way the hemoglobin functioned, was designed for an atmosphere that's very different than today's.»
One theory has been that calorie restriction slows age - related degeneration and enables more efficient tissue function by influencing the integrity and activity of adult stem cells, the precursor cells that dwell within specific tissues and give rise to the diversity of cell types that compose that tissue.
«Akhtar's work shows for the first time that Rac1 is crucial for phagocytic activity, and that clearance of cell corpses and milk after lactation ceases is essential for long term tissue function
Teasing apart these complexities first requires characterizing how healthy tissues function, which in turn requires tissue samples.
While a mammogram uses X-rays to show the structure of breast tissue, molecular breast imagers show tissue function.
Why it matters: Because the secretome is important for tissue function and equilibrium as well as cell communication, proliferation and organization, studying these proteins may lead to new treatments and biomarker discovery.
Specifically, we're focused on stem cell maturation — taking a cell from an immature to a more mature state so that it acts as a better substrate for adult tissue functions.
At least ten distinct subregions differ in cell morphology, physiology and the expression of hundreds of genes with likely tissue functions.
Dr. Cissell's research works toward applying biomedical imaging to assess tissue function and improve diagnosis of musculoskeletal injuries.
Choline is necessary for a number of important functions including energy metabolism and proper nervous tissue function.
This approach is rooted in the century - old concept of heterochronic parabiosis, whereby exposure of aged tissues to young factors can extend organismal lifespan and improve aged tissue function.
Cellular senescence is the irreversible growth arrest of individual mitotic cells, which as a consequence display a radically altered phenotype that is thought to impair tissue function and predispose tissues to disease development and / or progression as they gradually accumulate.
Growing organoids begins with stem cells — immature cells that can grow into any cell type of the human body and that play key roles in tissue function and regeneration.
The study, «Preadipocytes from obese humans with type 2 diabetes are epigenetically reprogrammed at genes controlling adipose tissue function» has been published in the International Journal of Obesity.
If chemotherapy piles on an additional lingering population of these cells, secreting signals that disrupt metabolism and degrade tissue function, then do we call that accelerated aging?
(6) This is consistent with the deleterious effect of such cells on tissue function, and with the researchers» conclusion that «the observed improvements in skeletal muscle and fat of late - life treated 10 - month - old BubR1H / H; INK - ATTAC - 5 mice reflect attenuated progression of age - related declines rather than a reversal of ageing».
This advanced joint support formula contains glucosamine (300 mg) for joint hydration, mobility, and comfort along with MSM for added joint comfort and to support proper maintenance connective tissue function.
When you fall off your bike, or when you feel your glands swelling as you fight off a cold, the inflammation you experience is designed to heal your body and to restore normal tissue function.
Hormones regulate so many things including mood, growth, sexual development and tissue function.
In that case, the amount of scarring would not be excessive and tissue function would not be significantly altered.
There is evidence that chronic disabilities such as spinal cord lesions, diabetes, and Parkinson?s disease, where replacement of just one cell type restores tissue function, can be treated with differentiated embryonic stem cells.
Positron emission tomography (PET) uses small amounts of radioactive materials called radiotracers, a special camera and a computer to help evaluate your organ and tissue functions.
The Campisi lab found evidence that senescent cells can disrupt normal tissue functions and, ironically, drive the progression of cancer over time.

Phrases with «tissue function»

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