Sentences with phrase «tissue growth»

"Tissue growth" refers to the natural process of cells multiplying and developing to increase the size and complexity of tissues in living organisms. Full definition
Q: I read an article in a major magazine where a doctor is quoted as saying that natural progesterone stimulates tissue growth in the breast and therefore could contribute to breast cancer.
They're required in large amounts and necessary for tissue growth and providing the body with energy.
Without proper nutritional intake, the natural process of tissue growth and repair will not take place.
This type of bread contains complete protein, which means that it has all nine amino acids the body requires for muscle tissue growth.
This allows the body to heal itself, restore energy levels and promote tissue growth and supply blood to the muscles.
Applying collagen dressings to a wound to stimulate tissue growth can provide relief for a wide variety of injuries.
This hormone can help reverse aging and stimulate new tissue growth.
Scientists think high levels of either protein could encourage tumor growth using similar pathways that they use to spur breast tissue growth.
The tricky thing about them is that they can lead to both muscle tissue growth as well as increased fat deposits.
Scientific research has concluded that near infrared therapy greatly enhances the skin's healing process by promoting faster cell regeneration and human tissue growth.
High levels of estrogen also causes more fatty tissue growth, and your fat cells in turn make more estrogen; so it's a vicious cycle.
These nutrients combined can contribute to energy production, blood sugar control, bodily tissue growth and repair and protection against free radicals, among other health benefits.
Over the past decade, he added bladder, cartilage, central nervous system, and vascular tissue growth to his repertoire.
More recently, the team has developed a system that may protect against the inflammatory reaction that can negatively impact tissue growth, development and function.
The researchers have shown earlier that exposure to cancer - causing agents like pollutants triggers oxidative stress, which is a driving source of cancer tissue growth.
To further extend the capabilities of robotic implants, researchers explored if robotics can be used to aid internal tissue growth in patients without compromising normal organ function.
It's primary function is facilitating tissue growth and repair.
The signal increases muscle and tissue growth while decreasing the collection of fat cells.
A regular intake of dietary protein is essential to provide for tissue growth and maintenance and to sustain normal metabolic processes.
It's also needed for normal muscle tissue growth and maintenance.
To do this you need to target them from different angles and a different training approach to achieve new tissue growth.
In most boys the breast tissue growth is temporary and will shrink back to normal size.
Hormonal changes can often trigger excessive fibrin deposition which can accumulate as abnormal tissue growth in the breast and uterus.
Common structural causes include uterine fibroids, cervical polyps and, less commonly, endometriosis (excess tissue growth in and around the uterus).
Dr Vera Weisbecker of UQ's School of Biological Sciences said the study represented the first dataset comparing brain growth in different mammals, gathered through a novel method of non-invasive micro-CT (computed tomography) scanning which allowed the fast data acquisition of soft tissue growth in tiny mammals.
Vitamin C. Aids in tissue growth by helping with the production of collagen, a protein responsible for holding tissues together.
The drug as well as the physical contact of the microneedles with the scar tissue contributes to the efficacy of the device, leading to the cessation of scar tissue growth and a considerable reduction of keloids as demonstrated in laboratory cultures and experiments with animals.
The researchers also recreated the skin's chemical environment to encourage tissue growth.
It creates an environment for healthy tissue growth, and helps eliminate head...
In bone marrow transplants, for example, effects of SW033291 in accelerating tissue growth would provide the body the cells required to fight off the two most common and sometimes fatal complications, infection and bleeding.
There is a growing number of lawsuits against such clinics and a few cases have been reported of tumours or excessive tissue growth (see «Ongoing stem cell trials» below).
Granulomatous colitis: a type of chronic inflammation of the colon characterized by reactive tissue growths.
«Sprouting is meant to coincide with tissue growth, but if a tumor cell happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, then it comes under the influence of the factors deposited by tip cells and it starts growing.»
This is probably a healthier situation for plant growth in that an oversupply of a nutrient such as nitrogen can lead to lush, succulent tissue growth which is more vulnerable to fungal and bacterial entry, more appealing to some insects, and more prone to stress injury from heat, cold, or drought.
Babies will NOT always refuse to feed from a cancerous breast, although babies have been known to refuse a breast when the taste of the milk changes or the milk supply decreases due to malignant tissue growth.
«Increases milk supply and promotes Mammary Tissue growth.
Zeitlin says it can also help boost tissue growth and repair in breastfeeding moms.
Also limiting the use of therapeutic stem cells to date, self - renewal, a quality so vital to a fast - growing fetus, can also be a source of cancer risk when haphazard, unlimited cell multiplication results in the abnormal tissue growth seen in tumors.
Webster has come a long way since his original experiments with in vitro bone tissue growth.
«The grown embryoid body is uniform and homogenous, and serves as a much better starting point for further tissue growth
Any treatment that recruits the body's native stem cells or adds new stems cells to the body, however, poses a risk of uncontrolled tissue growth.
This inflammation is important in the normal healing process, affecting tissue growth and blood flow changes that allow the tissue to heal; when the inflammation subsides, skin cells start growing to cover the wound and help the tissue knit together.
For example, Larsson points to a gene called PAX6, which controls iris tissue growth.
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