Sentences with phrase «tissue penetration»

Tissue penetration means how easily something can go through different parts of our body, like muscles or skin. Full definition
The Class IV laser is the strongest of all cold lasers and it allows for deep tissue penetration.
HRP - polymer secondary antibodies use micropolymer technology to form smaller detection complexes that allow better tissue penetration and sensitivity.
For optimum usability, a FP's spectrum must reside in the window where tissue penetration by light is at a maximum and absorption by hemoglobin, tissue chromophores and water are at a minimum.
«For larger dogs, it's good to have a probe that has greater tissue penetration.
Oklahoma State University, Research Collaboration LiteCure is proud to be partnering with Oklahoma State University to establish tissue penetration measurements.
The most notable benefit over far infrared saunas is that you enjoy deeper tissue penetration, and thus detoxification, with their use.
Their small size also allows for better tissue penetration and decreases the distance between a fluorescent tag and the target antigen to about 2 nm, which can lead to higher resolution for super-resolution microscopy.
The result is deeper tissue penetration.
(1) Because of the deep tissue penetration, infrared saunas operate at cooler temperatures than dry saunas while still heating up the body.
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