Sentences with phrase «tissue trauma»

"Tissue trauma" refers to any kind of damage or injury to the body's tissues. It can occur in various ways, such as cuts, bruises, burns, fractures, or even surgery. Full definition
These conditions can cause problems by allowing for soft tissue trauma by the canines not being in the proper alignment.
Young cats show less tissue trauma, fewer complications, recover quickly and seem less stressed by the procedure.
All surgical procedures result in some degree of tissue trauma and pain.
All of our surgeons have gone through extra training to help minimize tissue trauma and inflammation.
Less breast tissue trauma results in less breast scar tissue.
We use multiple types of pain medication before and after surgery, but more importantly, experienced surgeons limit tissue trauma.
We represent people on the full range of serious injury claims, from fractures and severe soft tissue trauma to permanent or disabling injuries involving the brain or spinal cord.
Punctures, bites, and other tissue trauma can also produce large swellings that are infected (pus - filled).
«There are soft tissue traumas where we have no scalp, no eye, and no skull base left,» Grant says.
The researchers controlled for factors already known to increase the risk for postpartum depression, including pre-existing depression and anxiety, as well as post-delivery pain caused by tissue trauma during childbirth.
Vitamin C fights infection by upregulating biological agents that seek to destroy pathogenic invaders, increases the absorption of bioflavonoids in our diet, and equips the body to handle tissue trauma and stress.
If the kidney is working properly, and there is enough aldosterone, tissue trauma alone rarely leads to hyperkalemia.
Selective extraction of those affected teeth may be required to allow more space between the teeth, remove the teeth or soft tissue trauma which will decrease any oral pain present and remove further trauma and help decrease the progression of periodontal disease.
We expect that the level of tissue trauma increases the potential for your pet to experience post-operative pain, however, even minor surgical procedures are painful and will include a pain management plan.
Systemic intravenous injections of certain drugs (bisphosphonates, ketamine, lidocaine) may greatly enhance pain relief for many oncology or large tissue trauma patients.
Your veterinarian will apply dressing to any areas of your dog's skin, muscle or other tissue trauma and cover the area
«Other problems found upon doing an intra oral dental examination and assessment would be fractured teeth, non-vital (dead and discolored) teeth, resorptive lesions on pet's teeth, especially found in cats, misalignment of teeth causing soft tissue trauma (orthodontic problems) and adding to the problem of periodontal disease.
It's not clear if exercise lowers the risk of cesarean birth or lowers the risk of tissue trauma and muscular tears during delivery.
Victor Ambros, a geneticist at Dartmouth Medical School in Hanover, New Hampshire, notes that this is one of the first studies he's seen that hunts for links between miRNAs and tissue trauma.
Straining on the toilet can lead to tissue trauma, and «painful BMs might cause you to put off going to the bathroom, which just makes the problem worse,» says Robynne Chutkan, MD, a gastroenterologist in Chevy Chase, Md., and author of Gutbliss.
Her goal in surgery is to keep the surgical as well as anesthetic duration for each patient as short as possible, while minimizing soft tissue trauma.
Extra teeth, rotated teeth, and overcrowding of teeth can cause pain, misalignment of teeth, excessive wear, soft tissue trauma and subsequent development and progression of periodontal disease.
K - Laser is recommended in treating a wide variety of ailments including arthritis, infected wounds, and soft tissue trauma.
Malocclusions can cause tooth - to - tooth and tooth - to - soft tissue trauma.
It is important to remember that higher - pressure irrigation can cause tissue trauma and seed bacteria into the wound.
Most pet emergencies result from ingestion of toxins, ingestion of nondigestible materials leading to intestinal blockages, and accidents causing fractures or soft - tissue trauma.
When appropriate, we use radiosurgery, which limits bleeding, pain, swelling and tissue trauma.
VSCP offers our Immediate Care Clinic for patients suffering from orthopedic / soft tissue trauma or acute illness.
A wry bite, where the two halves of a jaw don't grow at the same rate can also cause this problem, and crown amputation is indicated to relieve soft tissue trauma.
Some common examples include other types of arthritis, tumors, fractures, soft tissue trauma, spinal pain (especially Cauda Equina Syndrome, which is often associated with arthritic changes at the spine), neurologic abnormalities and ligament, muscle or tendon injuries.
Our motor vehicle accident practice covers injuries ranging from fractures and soft tissue trauma to disabling brain or spinal cord injuries.

Phrases with «tissue trauma»

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