Sentences with phrase «title card»

Most TV spots use the actual dialogue from the film with title cards to get their point across.
These can function as neat title cards for telling a story.
When you see «based on a true story» title cards in films, audiences usually suspect dramatic liberties to be taken.
From the outset the opening title card speaks of «irony free» interviews done by the original characters at the heart of one of the most covered sports scandals of all time.
Opening on a fuzzy, out - of - focus title card reading, in part, «This is a true story,» the film carefully builds its core mystery.
Rather than laying everything out with a couple of title cards out front, we learn by picking up details along the way.
Some sequences are introduced by title cards and some by characters making direct camera addresses, but the format is loose and flexible.
When starting the game, you're presented with a movie - style title card that lists everyone who worked on the project.
«And one place has the key to stop it all,» read the next title card.
Title cards remind us where we are, because it can be difficult to keep track.
20 number cards and 3 title cards allow students to see the number in multiple formats.
Download more items to your device simply by tapping on more title cards.
The final touch was the scene of the glowing moon after the first title card.
They wanted a very fast kitchen sink sort of approach with title cards and quick cuts.
Perhaps I should have paid more attention to the opening title card.
(We're told as much via title card at the start of the movie.)
(courtesy Sundance Institute) A title card from Hero, by Navid Khonsari and Vassiliki Khonsari, which will appear in the New Frontier Exhibitions program of the 2018 Sundance Film Festival.
Gloriously filmed in 16 mm by cinematographer Sean Price Williams and set to a bare, haunting score by Keegan DeWitt, Queen of Earth channels the psychological dramas of the»60s and»70s, right down to spot - on title cards in soft pink cursive that mark each day that passes in the week - long story.
From the moment Chen Li's handwritten title cards appear on the screen, set against a desk of ephemera that includes archaeological statues and soundtracked to the sound of two pianos tinkling in harmony (the first movement of John Adams» «Hallelujah Junction»), Luca Guadagnino's Call Me by Your Name lays out its blessings in full view.
is the sort of film that uses interviews as a framing device and ends with title cards explaining what happened to its principal characters because of course it does.
opens, «the world is still lit by fire», as a helpful title card informs us.
Seal and his wife, Lucy (Sarah Wright), produce a child in a matter of a few quick cuts, and the increasing age of their kids is one way in which you can keep a handle on the timeline (the glaring title cards indicating the date and the location being another, more obvious way).
Closing title cards reveal some alarming statistics about human trafficking in the U.S., and «Traffik's» heart certainly seems to be in the right place; it's a shame so little else is.
Yes, they protect themselves with that late title card about the Clarke estate, along with another buried card that states, «This film is a work of fiction and is not intended to be a true or exact account of actual people or events,» but that doesn't mean they were responsible, only cautious.
First and more significant is a 12 - minute interview with Godfrey, in which title cards set up his responses.
Old - timey title cards stating the production companies are shown over the sound of a pulse - pounding track.
The opening title card quotes the original author, Saramago: «Chaos is order yet undeciphered».
Misleading feature - listing alert: The back cover of Sony's Blu - ray indicates the inclusion of «3 making - of featurettes,» but it's really just one hour - long EPK doc divided via on - screen title cards into three segments.
This is somewhat true of Damien Chazelle's La La Land, with its CinemaScope aspect ratio (complete with Tarantino - like title card), lush and dreamy 35 mm colors, visual nods to Singin» In The Rain, and a coda that recalls The Umbrellas Of Cherbourg.
The «based on actual events» element and the final title cards seemed rather out of place in Lord of War, and actually detracted from the overall experience.
As the on - screen title card tells us, the movie recounts the «most terrifying case they ever dealt with.»
Rogers combined both stories into a fast - moving meta - narrative «based on irony free, wildly contradictory, totally true interviews with Tonya Harding and Jeff Gillooly,» as the I, Tonya title card puts it.
If I had access to the Windsor font I'd list us all in alpha order in white lettering on the same black title card Woody Allen style so that there won't be any tragic Corey Stoll business where the Screen Actor's Guild leaves one of us out when our inevitable Best Ensemble nomination arrives.
Right from the start, Doom Marine clearly doesn't give a fat fuck about anything (the game's late title card sequence is a magnificent example) as he embarks on a self - referential, tongue - in - cheek quest of extreme violence.
So, why not check out the shows by click on the big ol' title cards below, or visit 16 - Bit Dad TV on YouTube to watch from there?
Because Frances» life is so peripatetic (Baumbach has aptly characterized the film as «a road movie with apartments»), the screenwriters divide the proceedings into different sections by using title cards listing her various addresses.
Later we will have title cards introducing important figures, sunlight slanting through dusty air, John Williams» reliably intrusive music telling us how to feel, and many — far too many — scenes of men in chin whiskers sitting around debating points of law.
Each cheeky title card bookends another explosion of drug - fueled super powers, and anyone complaining about the film's science should be infuriated by the time Lucy starts manipulating technology and her own physical form.
Putting a spin on the classic title card of the Star Wars movies, it features a tagline of «Not so long ago in a galaxy quite near by...»
But what starts out as a sense of patience graduates into a feeling of bewilderment as we leave the intriguing setting of the prison, and finally learn via title card that we are in Osaka circa 1954.
Motion Twin already had made some nice and simple title cards from a previous trailer, so they sent me their After Effects file.
-- Emily Tetherow (played by Michelle Williams) Go West, young ma'am «Oregon Territory, 1845» reads a rough - hewn hand - drawn title card that opens Meek's Cutoff (2010), the fourth feature by 52 - year - old, Miami - born filmmaker Kelly Reichardt (her sixth, Certain Women, hits select North American theaters later this year).
All of this takes place mere days before their wedding - anniversary party; similar to Alex Ross Perry in Queen of Earth, Haigh structures his film around the days of the week leading up to the anniversary bash, with title cards marking each day.
Shortly afterward, a brief title card tease was shown for Metroid Prime 4, and if anyone had told me beforehand that we'd get confirmation of a home console Kirby game, Pokémon game, and Metroid game during the same 1 / 2 - hour E3 presentation, I'd have thought they were nuts.
The jury in my head is still out on whether I liked this approach or would I rather have had distinct breaks between each story; complete with brief title cards of the director and writer (as Paris Je» Taime does).

Phrases with «title card»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z