Sentences with phrase «title change»

If your job titles changed as you moved up, your writing task is a lot easier.
In some genres, the best selling titles change frequently.
The work's title changes according to the names of the participating twins.
When a land title changes hands, each step of the process is verified and recorded on the blockchain (full details in this pdf).
A sequel to his zombie flick has been in the works for months now and has just undergone an interesting title change.
Despite its new, and terrible title change, the sequel promises more undead insanity led by a phenomenal cast.
All of their films have funny title changes to classic films.
However if you are doing a drastic title change that is not accurate to your past experience, I would advise against it.
An example of an acceptable title change would be for an applicant whose past job was as both a sales representative and a manager.
The job titles changed along the way, but that was the company trying to describe what I did.
They liked it, since I got good raises with each review and job title change.
But now, as state and district officials begin putting major Title I changes in place — including increased leeway to choose which eligible children to serve, an emphasis on high academic...
Assumed role of VP of Sales for Louisiana / East Texas Marketplace with title change to Director of Sales and took on General Sales Management role.
You and your ex-spouse may wish to formalize the necessary title changes at the same time as the loan change.
My post titled A Change of Plans offers a somber warning about what can happen when you just continue to project «more of the same.»
A spokesman for Comptroller George Maragos, who gave raises to seven appointees without title changes, has said he is considering how to respond to Kaiman.
Though hampered by bad distribution deals and multiple title changes, word of mouth helped Spider Baby to connect with fans of schlock cinema.
While some jobs offer title changes without raises, others tend to hold onto titles that seem a bit dusty in light of the new generation of jobs.
Here's another one: How Blog Post Titles Changed How We Think About Death.
Ten years ago, Professor Mihaela Firsirotu and I wrote a piece for the C.D. Howe Institute titled Changing the Nature of Governance to Create Value (No. 189, November 2003).
Also, we might see the tag titles change hands, which will be noteworthy since the New Day have had a stranglehold on them for so long.
- Unless he really wants the headline «WWE Title Changes Hands on Foreign Soul», wouldn't Brock cashing in his rematch be just as much a Draw as Roman getting another «at bat» (unless Brock is promised X % wins / Creative Control as part of his contracts as well, in which case yet another reason not to like Brock's pampering)
Forget new players for a moment... consistency has always been our problem... Arsenal don't know how to handle pressure and that's y we come short at the end... hope this season it changes... a superstar signing could also do the trick, though it doesn't guarantee us the consistency we need to win the title
And then an absolutely predictable title change in the ME of the biggest show of the year.
So all in all this movie has the most title changes ever it seems... all of which are actually better than the original UK one I think.
Quite how Warner Bros got away with retelling the story of King Kong so explicitly, with just a mere title change, is anyone's guess.
Greg Iles adapts his own best - selling 2000 novel 24 Hours, whose title change apparently was to avoid confusion with Fox's popular real - time action series then starting its second season.
There is a chance, however, that Oz could play more like John Carter, although that film, which ultimately warranted a $ 200 M write - down, seemed more destined to fail, its amorphous marketing campaign, high - profile personnel switches, and title change revealing doubts and raising obvious questions about the material's drawing power.
Except — title change aside — «Creed» is a «Rocky» movie to its core.
Two of Legendary Pictures» monstrous sequels received enormous title changes.
Leadership on the Court: Course Title Change: Leadership Through Sports.
Youngman receives additional training, a formal title change and a $ 3,000 stipend as part of her agreement to mentor a resident teacher.
The idea of using the Caucasian Ovcharka as a service animal in this capacity is not a new one; in fact, their job titles changed drastically from livestock guardian to prison guard during the reign of Stalin.
The game has had some awkward title changes, originally being called Atomic Runner Chelnov: Fighting Human Power Plant in Japanese arcades.
In John Walker's current exhibit titled Changing Light, the artist turns his compass point in an unexpected direction to explore an American theme, the coast of Maine.
Last month, HM Land Registry began searching for new board members and, in a notice published to its website, also detailed its plans for a so - called «Digital Street» - an upcoming scheme the office hopes will improve the speed and efficiency by which titles change hands.
The Prime Minister's view that land rights and native title changes was needed was echoed by the Minister for Indigenous Affairs at the National Reconciliation Planning Workshop: 34
Has your job title changed in the last -LSB-...]
Evidence of an internal promotion or job - title change at your current firm, rather than moving to a new firm to get a promotion, stands you in great stead against your peers.
FHA will have a seriuos issue with the multiple title change.
Most editors will try to include some of your words or phrases but titles change frequently, based on the development of the manuscript as well as input from marketers and sales reps.. It's also important that you be receptive to editorial direction.
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