Sentences with phrase «top officials»

The phrase "top officials" refers to the highest-ranking individuals within an organization or government. These are the people who hold positions of authority and have decision-making power. Full definition
Top officials of companies on the list are banned from contributing to candidates for statewide office or state political committees.
Her departure follows those of other top officials from the housing authority.
And now, preparations for the next school year are underway, with top officials opening up bids for new standardized testing vendors and contracts.
Even before the summit, top officials said they would avoid the whole «climate» subject due to the controversy it caused.
If top officials want kids to learn about history, science, and art in elementary school, they can simply pass legislation to that effect.
You looked smashing for a formal event with the Malaysian top officials.
Green Dot's top officials quickly directed staffers not to interfere with students protesting outside of school.
Top officials from the insurance company state that the plan is the perfect solution for those people who are looking for security in their investments while getting the security for their loved ones.
«It's not because they're bad men or want kids to be harmed,» said Anderson, speculating about the motives of top officials at Penn State and the church who allegedly kept quiet about abuse allegations, «but because they want to preserve the reputation of the institutions.»
Mr. Monsour kept sending out Freedom of Information Law requests, obtaining records showing, among other reports, long absences from work for top officials in the Albany area and stark inconsistencies in the discipline of workers.
Of course, the Barefoot methodologies are more time - intensive and may reach fewer people in the short - term, but as Brenda McSweeney, a former top official for India's UN Development Program who worked with Roy, puts it: «On the people's - empowerment front, Bunker's model is unbeatable.
William Crosbie, a former top official at Amtrak, is expected to be named executive director of NJ Transit.
According to Pennsylvania State Attorney General Linda Kelly, Spanier's inaction was not inadvertence and oversight, but rather part of a «conspiracy of silence by top officials at Penn State.»
A thumbs up by top officials on the progress so far at COP18 / CMP8, an ambitious Qatari recycling programme in the world of sport and a small and colourful demonstration by tax activists were some of the highlights of the eighth day [continue reading...]
Farber joins the ranks of three other top officials who have left in recent weeks: general manager Michael Kelly; senior VP for operations Brian Clarke and technical - services director Jay Krantz.
At the moment, the New York State United Teachers Union and other top officials in teacher labor groups spoke highly of Elia.
Johnson is one of several top officials from the Obama administration who have landed in New York in recent months.
Before the past months» controversies, the former deputy attorney general in the George W. Bush administration was perhaps best known for a remarkable 2004 standoff with top officials over a federal domestic surveillance program.
Van Zandt's family has filed three wrongful death lawsuits, with the defendants including top officials at DOCCS and the state Office of Mental Health.
His job is getting tougher, with a major U.N. climate conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, looming in December and with many top officials openly questioning whether a successor treaty to the Kyoto Protocol can be completed this year.
The owners of the Schenectady - based Wandering Dago filed suit in late August 2013 against top officials at OGS and NYRA, claiming the truck had been rejected by OGS's summer lunch program on Empire State Plaza and booted from the track due to state officials» objections to its name.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's chief scientist nominee, Sam Clovis, withdrew his name from consideration amid revelations that he was among top officials on the Trump campaign who was aware of efforts by foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos to broker a relationship between the campaign and Russian officials.
A day after top officials in his cabinet were grilled by state lawmakers over the response to chemical contaminates found in rural drinking water, Gov. Andrew Cuomo called the issue a «national crisis» that needs to be addressed.
Some Russian top officials appear more aware of China's current standing and talk of a China «model», but don't seem to dwell too long on what this model entails.
Men who were once top officials in the administration will be put under oath, and prosecutors have hinted that the testimony could paint a picture of a culture of intimidation in the governor's administration.
Reaction to the scandal came fast and furious Tuesday from top officials across New York City and the state, including Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
Newly released church documents show the behind - the - scenes machinations of top officials within the Los Angeles archdiocese making decisions on how to deal with pedophile priests, hindering police investigations and saying, in private, something completely different than what they said in public.
Its initial release drew barely a mention in the national news, which was just what top officials in Lyndon Johnson's administration intended.
There have been interim superintendents for the last several months, most recently Linda Cimusz, who agreed to stay on through this month while the board has worked to hire a new top official.
Elmendorf urged top officials at the Thruway Authority earlier this year to focus on road repairs, noting more than 600 of the 809 bridges on the system are more than 60 years old.
He is the city's top official dealing with MWBEs until they find a replacement for Maya Wiley, who served as the mayor's counsel and MWBE director until July 15.
While top officials have unfettered access to social media, Iran's youth and tech - savvy citizens use proxy servers or other workarounds to bypass the controls.
The New York City Housing Authority's (NYCHA) top official made it to City Hall on Tuesday.
Belgrade (AFP)- Jailed for committing atrocities in the conflict - riven 1990s, Balkan war criminals are being welcomed back to the limelight, resuming political posts, advising top officials and preaching in church.
Student leaders of the protests have warned that if the territory's top official doesn't resign by Thursday they will step up their actions, including occupying several important government buildings.
Ponte entered Council Chambers Monday after spending nearly two hours huddled with top officials inside City Hall.
Many of North Korea's top officials visit other countries and likely have different ideas about how the country should be run.
At Honeywell, top officials issued a memo stating «no regular work from home arrangements... are permitted» without approval,» according to the
Behind the scenes, however, top officials remained split over the administration's approach as the United States and China move into a period of high - stakes negotiations.
Two years later President Reagan invited Jerry Falwell to attend the National Security Council briefings to discuss with top officials how America was to plan its nuclear war with Russia.
Also, do you really think that top officials speaking out on racism is going to change the way people worship from their heart?
Many abuse victims applauded Penn State for firing top officials and criticized the Roman Catholic Church for not taking similarly dramatic action.
After the terrorist attacks in Brussels in March, 2016, a Russian top official Zhirinovsky, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Russia, the leader of the second biggest party on Russia and a five times Presidential Candidate, made the following statement:
Analysts said a Higgins appointment could send ripples through the local political scene with other top officials eyeing his congressional seat.
It describes chaos and conflict between top officials of TEPCO and the emergency staff formed by then - prime minister Naoto Kan in the most critical phase of the crisis, while workers were battling to control a buildup of explosive hydrogen inside three reactor vessels whose fuel cores had become exposed.
«In my own view, this plot is an act of desperation, blackmail, intimidation, abuse of office and crude tactics aimed at turning our country into a Police State where top officials can not be made to obey the law, follow due process and subject themselves to constituted authorities,» the Senate President told Senators.
Friday's decision was made by a few top officials in a different administration than the one that had developed the climate policy.

Phrases with «top officials»

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