Sentences with phrase «touch devices»

These new apps should be optimized to work on touch devices with editing and formatting tools at the bottom of the screen.
The design looks functional enough though and seems to be optimized for touch devices.
The experimental functionality is bound to find favor with users of touch devices as it is quite handy.
Once it has appeared do not touch the device for a couple of seconds, until some green text flashes.
There are also some inline controls for phones who want to take calls and change the volume of their phone without actually touching the device.
Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures.
I did, of course, have to touch the device when it was time to turn a page.
Using NFC, touch the devices together to initiate pairing.
Anyone who is looking for a more technology - touched device other than all other digital scales, this item is for them.
I believe that multi touch devices are screaming for a real time strategy game.
In theory with such a system it may be possible to navigate a smartwatch interface without ever touching the device itself.
The screen resolution and touchscreen quality on these lower - end touch devices are always a concern.
For some of us, we're constantly touching our devices; our phones are in hand for every meeting and moment of the day.
We've been big fans of the franchise since it hit touch devices and we've become bigger ones since.
The available navigation system can be controlled using either the Remote Touch device or by utilizing voice command.
With the application Gravity Screen, there's no need to even touch the device, as setting it face down will automatically lock it.
Among the model's many notable features is the inclusion of NFC for single - touch device pairing.
A full - touch device stands no chance against players on PC without some auto - aim assistance.
The game is in first - person and runs on touch devices.
You will face countless daunting enemies in this fast - paced, retro - styled game designed for touch devices.
The inability to actually touch the device, however, made it hard to tell.
And, of course, it has been rumored that Apple has already booked the slots for unveiling the new iPhone 5, iPad mini and the new iPod touch devices on September 12th.
Kindle digital books can be read on computers, smartphones, iPads, and iPod touch devices as well as on the eponymous tablet sold by Amazon.
We caught up with Jason Gerdon, Associate Director, Global Communications at BlackBerry Mobile; Trudy Koen, Director of Brand and Marketing at BlackBerry Mobile (both pictured above); and Patricia Querin, Senior Product Manager at BlackBerry Mobile, to discuss the future of the company, how the new all - touch device fits in the Canadian market and its portfolio of devices.
One of the real strong points of the BlackBerry Bold 9780 is battery life and this is where it runs rings around those large screen touch devices.
The app is compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices running on iOS 8.0 or above and is 28 MB in size.
When BlackBerry announced that its first BlackBerry 10 smartphone would be a high - end full touch device, industry watchers cried that the company's savior would be the keyboard - equipped BlackBerry Q10 and it should have debuted >>
«They love technology and they have grown up working with touch devices, so tablets are intuitive for them,» said Kuwano.
You are mistaken if you think iPad is a big iPod Touch device only meant for those who can be obsessed with it.
Kobo and BN debuted new Touch devices and Kindle popped in to say that its Kindle with special offers is now available in the 3G version.
The phones (Android or iPhone) or iPod touch devices then connect to the pop - up Wi - Fi network.
Bezos also unveiled a touchscreen Kindle Touch device at $ 99, and a lighter version of the standard Kindle, with Wi - Fi access, with a price reduced to $ 79.
The patents cover an active stylus LCD device that mitigates noise induced by one or more electrical components of the display, and a method for mitigating LCD circuitry noise in an active stylus touch device.
Resistant screens are less precise and only supports one touch point, so the Switch screen should be the best touch device that Nintendo has made yet.
It is expected to packs a 10 - inch display and pure - touch devices like the iPad.
In Europe, people are experimenting with Pokens — small, personalized USB sticks through which they can exchange contact and social - network details by touching their devices together.
Swing Swing Submarine has told IndieGames that Tetrobot and Co., «a sort of (spiritual) sequel» to Blocks That Matter (the XBLIG and Humble Indie Bundle hit), will release in early 2013 on Windows, Mac, Linux, and various touch devices including iOS.
Clearly, Amazon is looking beyond the Kindle 2 and salivating over the 37 million iPhone and iPod Touch devices already in the market, as well as the upcoming Palm Pre, Google's Android phones, and future Windows Mobile phones.
It also offers easy customisation of the clock face and utilises simple one - touch device wakeup for instant access.
And Watch Dogs with all it's hacking and touch device controls should be an absolute winner on WiiU by a large margain (if they put the effort into it, though ports never utilize the hardware the best either) Nothing wrong with the technology, just developers being lazy lazy lazy as they always are not wanting to do anything beyond the decades old dual - analogue gaming
[specifications] It's a 10» capacitive touch device based on a Tegra 2 platform and will launch without 3G, camera and Google applications towards the end of this year at 399 Euros.
I look at the newer all - touch devices out there, like the Note or the Pixel.
Network World's iOnApple blogger Yoni Heisler freely admits he doesn't know if the Apple tablet exists, but says the rumors he's heard are intriguing and that the large - format touch device might prove as revolutionary as the iPhone.
Microsoft has released its take on the all - in - one desktop — the Surface Studio — and also added in a left field item called a Surface Dial that may become indispensable to any Surface touch device.
Between these two new features, and a new crop of touch devices coming this summer, Chromebooks will soon be taking on both Windows 8 PCs and the iPad.
Yes, he constructs various shots as paintings in a frame, but he does so with such a stylish, subtle touch the device never feels forced, and works on an almost subliminal level to enhance the richness of the film's scope.
If the prototype comes to fruition, it won't be the first time the Meat Boy franchise has graced touch devices.
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