Sentences with phrase «touch interaction»

There are a limited number of touch interactions on watch faces that offer a decent user experience.
In addition, users have both hands free for complex touch interactions.
Your experiences, which will begin on tablet form factors, will include intuitive touch interactions and an elegant design that focuses foremost on the content.
There's no shortcut to this on the earbuds themselves, which seems like a total oversight considering how many other touch interactions there are.
These devices enable you to extend your voice experience to show more information or enable touch interactions for things like picking from a list and watching videos.
Leia also demoed touch interactions with the 3D images.
Edge Sense, the next dimension in touch interaction that lets you squeeze HTC U11 life to perform your most common useful actions, including the Google Assistant.
Nokia McLaren is expected to be the first smartphone with 3D Touch interaction allowing users to navigate through the phone without touching the screen.
She has undertaken studies about how massage therapy can help infants of mothers experiencing depression, or how sleep problems in infants decrease following massage therapy, while weight can increase after positive touch interaction.
Utilising this new technology, software developers are able to initiate a technological leap in the way users interact with all types of information and to expand traditional touch interaction to include multiple users and increase collaboration.
«We're looking at very simple touch interactions that don't require a visual focus,» says Victoria Fang, who built the steering wheel together with Lucas Ainsworth at Intel labs in Hillsboro, Oregon.
Looking ahead Undoubtedly over the next few years multi ‑ touchscreens will be revised and refined in terms of their resolution and number of simultaneous touch interactions that can be registered.
Sure, a bigger screen and touch interaction gives you greater visual scope, but you get the feeling that some of the core interaction with social networks or existing online services needs to be deeper ingrained in the BlackBerry ethos in the future.
Adding touch interaction and the ability to highlight and scribble notes on your books means it is likely to appeal to students and researchers.Out... Read more
Touch interaction lights up the HTC Flyer tablet experience, but it also offers a groundbreaking pen experience.
It has changed very little since the 2011 Kindle Touch, which itself was mostly just basic touch interaction bolted onto the 2009 Kindle 2's UI.
The solution will support various integrations with the secondary display, allowing for voice and touch interactions without powering up the primary screen.
The LCD iPhone is forecast to cost between $ 650 and $ 900, feature a single rear camera and not feature the 3D Touch interaction layer.
The iWatch will likely pair with an iPhone or other iOS device to issue alerts, sync with Siri, and provide touch interaction.
The touchpad can be used for touch interactions and doubtless other processes that have yet to be revealed or imagined, while the color - changing light bar allows the controller to interact with the PS4's evolution of the PlayStation Eye, presumably for motion and pointing controls.
Elevator Pitch: Touch interaction with mobile devices has changed how consumers interact with the devices, and it is still limiting as an interface.
By enabling their system to take that information into account they tripled the precision of the touch interaction.
Touch Technology There are a number of advantages to using touch technology with students, one of which is the additional engagement that the touch interaction with the content brings.
Since then the company has been flying under the radar, but it turns out Tactus has been hard at work on a prototype device with help from a prominent player in the touch interaction space.
TI OMAP 4470 features four CPU cores: — a dual core ARM Cortex - A9 running at a maximum of 1.8 GHz (20 % faster clock than the OMAP 4460 at 1.5 GHz)-- assisted by two Cortex - M3 cores running at 266 MHz to handle less computationally intensive tasks (2D animations, touch interaction) and increase power efficiency.
It will have the same Sony firmware as the other 13.3 models and you will be able to interact with the screen via the stylus or touch interactions.
On the topic of the lack of mouse / trackpad: «proximity of the screen in comparison to the edge of the keyboard actually lends itself to retaining the touch interaction»
The touching interactions epitomized why players spent hours and hours grinding their characters and coming back title after title.
Touch controls have become the norm for gaming, though, with every system from Nintendo's 3DS and Wii U to Microsoft's Xbox 360, with its barely there Xbox SmartGlass features, having touch interactions of some variety.
«We're in the early stages of the connected car market, but all the pieces are there for big growth and adoption: wireless technology, voice or touch interaction and smartphone apps to make our cars smarter.»
Chatbots assist in solving simple, quick - response needs, leaving more time for customer service representatives to focus on complex customer demands and high - touch interactions.
Similarly, since the iPad is a touch device first, touch interactions — be they via finger or Apple's Pencil stylus — should be instantaneous, alive.
If you want to enhance an existing skill by including visual and touch interactions, take the opportunity to rethink the workflow of the skill.
The students can also alter and built on these codes, to make it their own by including graphics and touch interactions.
A surface is generally defined as device type, but some devices can offer multiple surfaces for engagement such as both voice and touch interaction.
Lastly, Fitbit has added new supported banks for Fitbit Pay, a Fitbit Leaderboard app, and general enhancements to speed up touch interactions.
Echo Show support visual displays and touch interactions, so you can create a skill that uses a combination of voice, visual, and touch interactions, or you can opt to have a skill that does not support any screen functionality.
The skill developer can then use this token to map this touch interaction to trigger the appropriate behavior in the skill service code.
The visual and touch interactions that users will experience and can invoke.
It was something that peaked during the Windows Mobile era, eventually being phased out to the point of extinction when capacitive screens proved to be a more reliable form of touch interaction.
No touch interaction, very few pre-loaded apps with no easy way to add more, a pretty dreadful 2MP camera in tow, limited 3G connectivity, though on the bright side, all the drawbacks and blasts from the past help the battery supposedly last up to 22 days -LRB-!!!)
Its 1080p 5.5 - inch screen is bold, colourful and pin - sharp, and it's also incredibly responsive when it comes to touch interaction.
Overall, a great display that never had any issues with recognizing my touch interaction and it looks pretty amazing, and not just for the price point but in general.
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