Sentences with phrase «touch receptors»

Since touch receptors are located throughout the body, lovingly touching your spouse almost anywhere can be an expression of love.
Such remarkable sensitivity is attributed to about 2,000 touch receptors in each fingertip.
For example, at the end of our fingertips, are about 2000 touch receptors with such sensitivity, that allows us to feel something as little as 75 nanometers high, a nanometer being 1 / 1000th of a micron, and in which a human hair has the diameter of 50 to 100 microns.
Star - nosed moles have 22 tiny trunks containing a total of nearly 100,000 nerve fibers — six times as many touch receptors as on a human hand.
Shortly afterward, Chalfie and his colleagues succeeded in inserting the GFP gene into the roundworm, making touch receptor cells fluoresce.
The two postembryonic touch receptor neurons in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans arise from essentially identical cell lineages and have the same ultrastructural features.
Previous studies with adults have shown that when the skin is stroked, a specific type of touch receptor is activated in response to a particular stroking velocity, leading to the sensation of «pleasant» touch.
Stimulating a worm's anterior touch receptors (AVM and ALM) with laser light from Samuel Lab on Vimeo.
Whiskers are long, stiff touch receptors known as vibrissae.
However, there is overwhelming evidence of a Maker that surrounds all of us, from the way our fingers are made, such as of the 207 bones in our body, over 50 are within the hands, making for very useful flexibility, as well as the over 2000 touch receptors in the ends of our fingers, so that we can feel something as small as 75 nanometers high (our hair is from 50 -100 microns thick and in which 1000 nanometers make one micron) The Bible establishes our Creator, our Designer as Jehovah God.
That we are the product of a Supreme Designer who not only created the human body, but gave us a set of instructions for us to function well and enjoy life, and especially life in a paradise earth, such as our touch receptors in our hands.
Just that simple change in texture is a new experience for your baby's touch receptors.
They suspect that the skin's touch receptors, or Merkel cells, are also more tightly packed, which might explain why small fingers are more sensitive.
Touch receptors in your skin sense the insect and activate an electrical current that passes along nerves until it reaches your brain, which registers the fly's presence and instigates a response.
Previous studies had determined that two types of sensory neurons appeared to be involved in these circuits: pain receptors and touch receptors.
One experiment revealed that Meissner corpuscles — touch receptors that are concentrated in the fingertips and palms, lips and tongue, nipples, penis and clitoris — respond to a pressure of just 20 milligrams, the weight of a fly.
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