Sentences with phrase «tough economy»

In a rapidly expanding tough economy, spending more is a difficult task especially for students.
No matter how tough the economy gets, people still need to eat.
But even corporate execs can be wrong, especially in tougher economies.
How important is it in today's tough economy for job seekers to «be found» on the Internet (talk about the importance of building online profiles and participating in social media / business networking sites)?
«The only reason we've remained open through tough economies is gratitude,» says Cindy Johnson, who owns SOL with her sister.
There are more than 60 education sessions to provide attendees with exclusive insights and educational tools to survive the current tough economy and to thrive when it recovers.
Successful buyer with proven record of revamping strategies to maintain inventory levels and gross margins in tough economies.
There will be more than 50 education sessions to provide attendees with exclusive insights and educational tools to survive the current tough economy and to thrive when it recovers.
No. 2, you must also consider the biggest and most consistent competitor around, a guy who affects all companies of all sizes in all markets — his name is «I just want to keep my money,» and he does particularly well in a tough economy.
But we are very interactive with our fans giving free advice in a tough economy..
In this tough economy, barter has boomed, and online barter exchanges that help you find items to barter for are mushrooming.
In a tough economy, many small businesses are struggling to get customers to pay up.
It is one reason, along with a tough economy, the average American car is now more than 9 years old.
Amid a tough economy, managers need new hires to be productive quickly.
But, I can say that the millennial perspective, built from growing up with technology and coming of age in a tough economy, is invaluable to any company hoping to thrive now — and in the years ahead.
Some members of the group say they are being squeezed by a tough economy, Western sanctions on Russia, and powerful state - run companies that are muscling in on nearly all sectors of the economy.
Despite the tough economy, just 13 percent of respondents said monetary awards were the best fix.
And, in this tough economy, companies are a lot less likely to have a high tolerance for an underperforming CEO or executive than they might in good times.
In this tough economy, many business owners are finding that customers who have always paid on time are struggling to stay current.
When I started my first company, I experienced so much resistance due to a tough economy and other factors that little by little I felt like giving up.
Even in a tough economy, the Windy City is poised to take the reins as the next Silicon Valley.
Keeping these 3 principles in mind has kept my company, SurePayroll, strong through a tough economy and the dot - com crash.
I don't know about you, but in this tough economy when workers nationwide are doing so much extra work without additional compensation, my company can't afford to replace talented employees simply because my managers and I aren't taking the time to acknowledge our employees» dedication and achievements.
Purpose is essential in a tough economy.
In today's tough economy, that can mean the difference between thriving and merely surviving.
We continue to struggle in this tough economy while this provincial and federal government keep changing the rules.
In a tough economy with daily BigLaw lays - off announcements, it's nice to see a firm innovate to help clients and prospects.
As the economy bottomed out in 1979 - 80, the 401k plan was invented, giving employers a lower cost way to provide employees with retirement benefits, just as executives were looking to reduce costs in a tough economy.
The departure of CFOs at top companies comes as boards face pressure from investors to search for growth in a tough economy.
Even if the church can afford a full staff, the Wall Street Journal («Joblessness Hits the Pulpit,» May 17, 2010) points out that large churches are not immune to layoffs in this tough economy.
Human trafficking masquerades as meeting our needs at a price we can afford in a tough economy.
«We actively looked to grow over the last few years and find new sites because our concept is quite strong even in a tougher economy,» he says.
Our $ 2, $ 4, $ 6, $ 8 Value Menu has really helped our guests during this tough economy.
«We are proud to grow and offer jobs in such a tough economy, especially such a tough local economy with the rural aspect of our town,» Mike Coullard comments.
Westminster Cracker has grown despite a tough economy, an achievement that Walters attributes to the quality of the company's product.
«It's a tough economy and it's impacted fundraising.
Work on 82 - year - old landmark now on hold due to a «tough economy
Let's face it — this is a tough economy and those of us who have decided to stay put this summer and not taking elaborate vacations due to the cost are wishing we could.
«The strategy worked even during a tough economy,» Kanold said.
Yes, it's a tough economy out there, but have we made them afraid to take chances, to bypass meaningful engagement and social justice opportunities?
In today's tough economy it can be hard to afford designer clothing for you and your kids.
With the county looking for ways to save money in a tough economy, Antonacci knew some people would not appreciate his request.
It's about making sure our children receive a good education, about protecting our streets from guns, and about creating jobs in this tough economy.
Gov. Scott Walker testifies on Capitol Hill Thursday before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on balancing state budgets in a tough economy.
BABYLON, N.Y. (CBSNewYork)-- This tough economy for one Long Island community put the kibosh on a Christmas tradition.
The only contentious moment of the evening was when one of the panelists, a successful bar and restaurant owner named Michael Sinensky, argued against the legislation by painting himself, rather than his employees — some of whom make minimum wage — as a victim of the tough economy.
last week, Gillibrand's first ad of the cycle aired only upstate and focused on manufacturing, an issue of clear interest to the region in a tough economy that's seen major losses in the sector.
The South Buffalo democrat said a toll hike would stand in the way of any progress being made to recover from a tough economy.
«Our analysis just doesn't show that it's there in this tough economy
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