Sentences with phrase «trailer footage»

Instead, we're given trailer footage showing a world in which creatures kidnap humans after being tracked by sound.
Now, studios don't make big - budget movies, they make big - budget universes; now, fans engage with franchises year - round and absorb every pixel of trailer footage like a sponge; now, joining these franchises has become a rite of passage for young stars, a career plan; and now, movies don't end when the credits start rolling.
The Rebellion team is back with some new trailer footage for expectant fans of the gruesomely sick upcoming 2017 AAA shooter.
It all comes from trailer footage of the smooth - talking spaceman appearing to flirt with fellow interstellar scallywag Han Solo.
For now, we must rely on YouTube Let's Plays of the alpha and bombastic trailer footage like this.
4 «Stock Up» trailer footage gave players an idea about the things they are going to face in the game.
Capcom dropped some new trailer footage this week and you know what?
The clip then leads into trailer footage you've likely already seen, with its the Hulkbuster suit etc..
While the early teaser was kind of vague, this one includes much of the Comic Con trailer footage, along with quite a few new shots...
Before the film is officially unleashed today at Cannes, you can check out the artwork and trailer footage below.
Indeed, the film's teaser trailer footage is as lush and gorgeously dark as one might imagine, based on its director's background.
However, that didn't stop fans — and CBR included — from teasing the first trailer footage.
It seems likely that Kojima is talking about editing together trailer footage for Death Stranding, and that he'll definitely have whatever he's working on ready by June 11.
For our video review, we decided to use stock trailer footage officially released by NIS America for a few different reasons, but the two biggest are again..
It is worth pointing out, however, that Neil Druckmann did reveal in an interview with PlayStation Lifestyle that this announcement trailer footage is not a scene that will actually take place in the real game.
Judging by trailer footage it looks likely that the player will do the majority of terrain traversal on horseback.
This is the rare bit of trailer footage that works because of how incoherent it all is, and leaves me at a loss for how to process my reaction.
For starters, Killmonger is Marvel's most popular villain since Loki, and we know from trailer footage that Thanos and his invading Black Order will threaten Wakanda's borders.
All SEGA Europe Aliens: Colonial Marines now have the following message added to their description: «The trailer footage shown uses the in - game engine, and represents a work in progress.»
While the trailer footage focuses largely on a battle at Theed (probably because it was the centerpiece of EA's live stream today), it also takes time to explore brief combat scenes from the other eras.
Since the trailer footage for director David Gordon Green's Halloween debuted at CinemaCon this past Wednesday in Vegas, viewers have been sharing almost every detail shown...
That doesn't look to change with Red Sparrow either, based on the trailer footage for the spy thriller.
Seriously this over the shoulder footage looks to be at least a solid 30 fps... and yet the trailer footage makes it look like its dropping down to 14 fps... so maybe its just that the trailer footage was pre-optimized
All SEGA Europe Aliens: Colonial Marines now have the following message added to their description: «The trailer footage shown uses the in - game engine, and represents a work in progress.»
The trailer footage is grabbed from game builds earlier in development, we have since worked on many optimisations to bring the frame rate up to 60.
All of the trailer footage was confirmed to be captured on the PlayStation 4 version of the game.
I have yet to get anywhere near the destruction evident in the trailer footage, which looks like fun gameplay, timing explosions into chain reactions or throwing weapons over obstacles to start your mayhem.
In layman's terms, that means the trailer footage is coming from a PC that's probably more powerful than the Switch will be.
It's been painful waiting so long for the fifth and possibly last game in Hideo Kojima's magnum opus, which has been made worse by every leaked detail and second of trailer footage.
Some of the trailer footage shows women reacting to the man in horror, calling him disgusting, or just plain tuning him out, so I guess they're making some noises towards realism.
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