Sentences with phrase «trailer of the movie»

The reactions on platforms such as twitter include words such as «traumatic» and «sad» to describe the first teaser trailer of the movie.
He was throwing to the newest trailer of the movie whose soundtrack he produced, and has already made one song for, although «All the Stars» — while great!
The monthly Trailer Talk feature provides the latest trailers of movies releasing each month from both Bollywood & Hollywood, along some knee jerk reactions and insight into each film, to determine which is worth a watch.
Meanwhile, the more official and cinematic trailer of the movie, narrated by none other than Princess Lunafreya herself, was recently posted by distributor Sony Pictures through its PlayStation channel on YouTube.
Handbrake reinforced the win, as the Digital Storm Velox transcoded our test clip, a 4K trailer of the movie Elysium, in five minutes and seven seconds.
From seeing the first trailer of this movie and getting a glimpse of the overall premise, I knew this was going to be a fun National Lampoons Animal House / Porky's film meets the stoner comedy genius of Nicholas Stoller (Get Him to The Greek, Forgetting Sara Marshall).
The new trailer of the movie will be released during the American Music Awards!
The words are the trailer of a movie you have to see, but can't, and it frustrates you.
Here's a trailer of the movie: I love the stunning peacock blue dress which she wore.
Here's a trailer of the movie:
The Russo brothers, (Anthony and Joe) who are the directors of Avengers: Infinity War had earlier played a joke with their fans on social media on why they were not releasing the trailer of the movie by releasing a video of an liquor ad.
The two scenes you see him in during the trailers of the movie are the only two scenes he's actually in the film.
Band of Misfits you may have seen the trailer of the movie flicker over your television screen for the past weeks.
For a trailer of the movie, The Song of Bernadette, click on the video below:
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