Sentences with phrase «treatment conditions»

Change in family functioning mediated the relationship between treatment condition and change in parent alcohol use.
There was no difference between the two active treatment conditions on any of the measures.
The proportion of patients in each category was calculated for treatment conditions in each study and also for aggregate data across types of treatment.
However, the magnitude of the associations between changes in social problem solving and subsequent depressive symptoms did not differ across treatment conditions.
Further larger studies, from external research groups, employing placebo, and preferably other active treatment conditions, are needed.
In total, 11 different treatment conditions were administered.
No significant differences in depression or anxiety were found between the two treatment conditions at 6 - and 12 - month follow - ups.
Therapists were also randomly assigned to treatment condition within agencies.
Those assigned to treatment condition A were given the same question followed by a statement about the general public's level of support for the policy change in question.
A recovery rate of 40 % was found for the sample as a whole with 12 of the 20 treatment conditions obtaining very modest recovery rates of 30 % or less.
27 patients (18 %) prematurely terminated treatment, most from the no personal therapy treatment conditions.
Changes in clinical variables regarding stress and resilience across time were compared between treatment conditions.
The collected sample was drawn from regional and urban centers in Victoria, Australia and allocated to treatment condition using a simple randomization procedure (parallel design).
Subjects in the combined CBT and PCT treatment condition received both the active medication (temazepam) and CBT.
No other treatment conditions showed significant improvement in children's internalizing behaviors, compared with the waiting - list control group.
Parental anxiety did not significantly influence youth anxiety trajectories in the other treatment conditions.
He became convinced that the University of Chicago Medicine and, in particular, its chief of surgical oncology, Mitchell C. Posner, MD, could best provide the advanced treatment his condition required.
The 0 - nM and 2 - nM insulin treatment conditions were tested, but did not result in measurable Akt phosphorylation.
These disorders are often undiagnosed, and only one in ten people receives the medical treatment these conditions often require.
For two of the plays we added a second treatment condition in which students left school to see a movie comparable to the play, while some were randomly assigned to see the play and the rest remained in school as the control.
With significant help from Cari Bogulski, Hunter Gehlbach, and Thalia Goldstein we revised the original study design to collect pre-treament measures of outcomes, add the movie treatment condition, and to include social perspective taking as an outcome.
In this study, 27 high - poverty elementary schools (75 — 100 % eligibility for free or reduced - price lunch) were matched by prior reading achievement and poverty level and randomly assigned to one of two implementation conditions: a core treatment condition that directly replicated implementation procedures used in previous experiments, or a core treatment with structured teacher adaptations condition.
Those assigned to treatment condition B were given the same question followed by a statement about teachers» support for the policy change.
The study shall recruit a sample of 120 elementary schools in 12 districts and perform random assignment at the school level (all staff in a same school will receive the same treatment condition).
The Power of the Test in Three - Level Designs Field experiments that involve nested structures may assign treatment conditions either to entire groups (such as classrooms or schools), or individuals
This makes treatment conditions better, and thus facilitates care and makes it more accessible to all.»
Following PCIT, families were randomly assigned to an Assessment - Only or Maintenance Treatment condition.
One year after treatment, 76 % of the youths in the MDFT treatment condition had a C average or better, while 60 % of AGT and 40 % of MEI youths had a C average or better.
We also sought to maintain treatment conditions as close as possible to those that could be sustained in clinical practice, employing nurses with training and experience in primary care rather than psychiatric nursing, deciding not to provide transportation or incentives for attending sessions as sometimes occurs in efficacy trials.
Limitations include a small sample size and therapists were not blinded to family treatment condition.
Participants were randomly assigned to MST or RS treatment conditions.
Summary: (To include comparison groups, outcomes, measures, notable limitations) The present study examined four treatment conditions lasting the kindergarten school year: no treatment, Defiant Children training only, treatment classroom only, and the combination of Defiant Children training with the treatment classroom.
No such differences were found in the MBCT treatment condition.
Observers masked to treatment condition coded an index of emotion regulation (i.e., global regulation) during a videotaped 10 - min parent — child interaction at the initial baseline assessment.
Although sociometric measures were included in the trial of MOSAIC, they were not part of PFC.. In an attempt to address these gaps in the existing literature, we are currently undertaking a new trial of PFC that contains a longer follow - up period, an active attention control treatment condition, sociometric outcome measures, and multidimensional assessment of friendship outcomes (e.g., number of friends, friendship quality, behavioral characteristics of friends).
Study 1 Abuse Perpetration Foshee and colleagues (2005) found significant main effects of treatment condition on psychological abuse perpetration, moderate physical violence perpetration, and sexual violence perpetration.
Family management and deviant peer association as mediators of the impact of treatment condition on youth antisocial behavior.
To mimic those patient conditions, Schloss's former graduate student, Alyxandria Schubert tested 8 antibiotics in 16 different treatment conditions to see how they altered the normal gut microbiota of mice.
Results indicate significant interactions between treatment conditions (NFPP vs. HNC) and child ODD diagnosis (presence vs. absence) indicated that based on some parent and teacher reports, HNC was more effective with disruptive behaviors than NFPP but only when children had a comorbid diagnosis.
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