Sentences with phrase «treatment strategies»

The phrase "treatment strategies" refers to various plans or approaches used to address and manage a particular condition or problem someone may have. It includes the actions and methods employed to promote healing, improve symptoms, or prevent further complications. Full definition
The findings could pave the way for new treatment strategies for patients with impaired mucus production.
The findings point to a potential new treatment strategy for affected patients, but the long - term benefits remain to be determined.
Combining metabolic profiles with genetic information at the individual level enables further personalization of treatment strategies.
This work has important implications for developing novel treatment strategies for psychiatric disorders associated with social cognitive deficits, including autism spectrum disorders and schizophrenia.
In my practice, we join together to identify your stressors and emotional challenges, then develop treatment strategies designed to improve your life situation.
Finally, he will describe important considerations and review evidence - based treatment strategies used to target high - risk behaviors prior or concurrent to trauma - focused psychotherapy interventions.
The goal of our research is to provide doctors with key, additional information to choose best treatment strategies for breast cancers with novel mutations of unknown significance.
With so many unanswered questions, researchers have begun looking for potential treatment strategies outside the immune system.
Current treatment strategies (most often long - term steroid use) are plagued by difficult side effects and fail to target an underlying source of the disease.
If faith - based organizations are required to hire certified staff without regard to their religious beliefs, the organization's consensus on treatment strategies is lost.
The researchers believe that listening to the views of partners and family during clinical consultations and involving them in future treatment strategies could help to ease the patient's journey through rehabilitation.
More research will be needed to test whether these and other treatment strategies can boost overall health and affect longevity.
The Teaching - Parents and their treatment supervisor frequently review the developmental needs and treatment goals for each child and develop specific treatment strategies to help the child meet those needs.
But increasing bacterial resistance to these drugs is leading researchers to look for alternative treatment strategies.
This information will enable physicians to develop evidence - based personalized treatment strategies.
In order to test possible treatment strategies, the scientists placed the affected cells into a three - dimensional cell culture and examined the drugs's effect ex vivo, so to speak.
An additional $ 2 million will be used to implement treatment strategies and make upgrades.
It is the goal of our doctors and staff to translate their comprehensive knowledge into an effective treatment strategy designed to help your pet live a long, happy life.
I have specialized training in clinical diagnostics, assessment, and in the use of cognitive behavioral treatment strategies.
Our team of specialists works closely to provide an accurate diagnosis and to initiate individualized treatment strategies tailored to your unique situation, overall health, and personal treatment preferences.
New research has provided more evidence that an innovative treatment strategy may help prevent brain swelling and death in stroke patients.
Genetic information about immune response to influenza could inform vaccine development and distribution, and disease treatment strategies [17], [67], [68].
We are passionate about fighting this challenging disease with the latest treatment strategies tailored to each patient.
We work with your veterinarian to develop a comprehensive treatment strategy that addresses not only the pain but the underlying joint problems as well.
You spend countless hours of your personal time reading, studying, and staying current with the most effective and helpful play therapy treatment strategies — and you love it.
We seek out every possible opportunity to educate others about evidence - based treatment strategies so that all children will have access to effective treatment methods.
The newly crafted molecule is non-toxic, simple to produce, and cost - effective compared to the production of alternate treatment strategies, such as antibodies and small molecule inhibitors.
Even with currently available treatment strategies, most of these diseases have high mortality rates.
Accordingly, it makes since that back pain treatment strategies should focus on discovering and addressing the movement - related back pain.
Our goal is to improve lives and instill hope by using new and creative treatment strategies while respecting time - proven methods of intervention.
The delay in establishing an aggressive research and treatment strategy only makes matters worse because hard statistics are scarce and often contradictory.
And determining treatment strategies will be no less complex: Last summer, for example, a team of scientists linked 124 different genes to resistance to four leukemia drugs.
General treatment strategies encourage parents to promote daytime activities for infants that do not involve much time spent lying on their backs.
Patients come to me all the time after having exhausted all Western treatment strategies and are willing to try an alternative approach.
These findings will not only lead to better understanding of the disease, which may lead to better treatment strategies long term.
The practitioner will then develop a comprehensive, integrated treatment strategy tailored to the needs of the patient.
That's definitely something to consider when you're looking into treatment options and we suggest speaking with a holistic practitioner before taking on a really serious treatment strategy for illness.
It also shows, par excellence, how someone, diagnosed with a supposedly terminal cancer can go about constructing a series of effective natural treatment strategies.
Developing and improving complementary approaches and integrative treatment strategies for managing symptoms such as pain is one of the research strategies emphasized in the strategic plan.
Consider prescription anxiety drugs from your vet as a short term solution (to lower the anxiety to a level that treatment strategies become effective)-- discuss this with your vet.
Some injuries are difficult to diagnose, and our lawyers know when to advocate on your behalf for further tests, advanced diagnostics and second medical opinions if the initial treatment strategies are ineffective.
Family therapy with adolescent offenders: A collaborative treatment strategy.
The experiences of consumers and how they can inform prevention and treatment strategies also will be a major focus.
I work together to help you get your life back on track and will provide you with the support and unique treatment strategies that will really make the difference for you!
This is a powerful treatment strategy for anxiety, depression, trauma, abuse and other troubling concerns.
After the third class, students will demonstrate their ability to integrate and apply learned treatment strategies to address sexual complaints.
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