Sentences with phrase «treatment targets»

The project aims to develop tools and identify new treatment targets for tackling cancer.
Researchers have discovered crucial new processes that allow malaria parasites to escape red blood cells and infect other cells, offering potential new treatment targets.
Looking for viral causes of cancer gives us another potential treatment target.
The bottom line: finding connections between immune molecules and other kinds of brain degeneration and damage could create a whole new category of treatment targets.
The results suggest that anti-aging treatments targeting specific aspects of the blood - brain barrier may hold promise.
The real hope, of course, is for more effective treatments targeting the underlying problem to replace these harsh therapies.
Apply the model for identification of high - risk individuals, for detailed classification of the disease and for identification of novel molecular treatment targets.
This may then be used in developing treatments targeted to support the brain's efforts at reversing the effects of schizophrenia.
First doctors and patients should work together on establishing treatment targets so they have a method for assessing the medications effectiveness.
Your body will respond to a healthier lifestyle, as well as a doctor - recommended treatment targeted to address your specific needs.
Laser hair removal treatment targets the root of the hair, and can provide and effective long - term and in many cases permanent solution to unwanted hair.
Although treatments targeting bowel cancer mutations have been developed, patients often develop resistance.
If the pneumonia occurred secondary to aspiration, additional treatments targeting the primary cause of vomiting will be needed.
The findings give insight into how brain signals are disrupted by the disease and offer a potential new treatment target.
We proposed that uncovering such associations likely implies the clinical utility of the trait dimensions for developing case formulations with reference to related schemas and modes as treatment targets.
«Genetic regulator identified as possible treatment target in melanoma.»
In the study, published in the current online edition of Cancer Letters, senior author Karine Cohen - Solal, PhD, and colleagues show for the first time that the RUNX2 transcription factor could also serve as a possible treatment target for melanoma.
In doing so, they will be guided by one central question: how might a drug - based treatment target the gene responsible for the release of fatty acids and the enzyme ATGL, and how might it do so exclusively in adipose tissue?
In treating rosacea, one must consult a dermatologist as this skin disease needs a specific treatment targeting different symptoms.
«New treatment targets cancers with particular genetic signature: Mutations in gene SETD2 make cancer cells vulnerable to drug inhibiting the protein WEE1.»
On the other hand, there was the potential to help inform the development of vaccines and treatments down the road, because the decoy protein could interfere with treatments targeting the critical protein.
Epigenetic Therapy A novel two - drug treatment targets epigenetic alterations that help give cancer cells their edge.
Pancreatic cancer patients are getting closer to the day when a small amount of their own blood will provide enough information so that doctors can recommend personalized treatments targeting the whole tumor.
Currently, Novo Nordisk has a broad pipeline in diabetes and haemophilia and is expanding its discovery and development activities to include obesity and novel treatment targets for chronic autoimmune inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.
Protein profiling may identify moving treatments targets for acute myeloid leukemia.
The ability to edit RNA in human cells opens up an entirely new world of disease treatments targeting conditions including diabetes and IBD.
«We are very excited about these results as there is currently only a single biologic treatment targeting an inflammatory mechanism in atopic dermatitis on the market.
BREAKING DOWN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Taking narrow aim at the immune system isn't enough, so researchers are looking for new treatment targets within nerve cells and even in the gut.
«We believe that the regulators of the networks, «network wiring stations» may be suitable parallel treatment targets in order to improve the impact of the LDL cholesterol lowering on the regression of plaque in individuals with mature and advanced plaques,» says Dr Skogsberg.
AMPA receptors also play a major role in the development and spread of seizures and are currently a seizure treatment target.
The new viral treatment targets liver fibrosis, the progressive scarring of the liver that leads to organ failure.
Daley and Urbach's team found that they could reverse Lin28's tumor - causing effects in their transgenic model by forcing expression of Let - 7, suggesting that treatments targeting Lin28 hold promise for treating Wilms tumors.
As such, the majority of current treatments target VEGF.
«Researchers identify potential sleep - related treatment targets for fibromyalgia.»
«Schizophrenia treatments targeting glutamate receptors have been tested in the past without success.
«Possible treatment targets found for pre-malignant bone marrow disorders: Nature Immunology study uncovers key driver of MDS in blood stem cells.»
«We have not only identified SYK as a candidate treatment target in AML, but we have also identified a specific population of patients with AML more likely to respond to SYK inhibitors: patients with FLT3 mutations,» she says.
Perron has founded a biotech start - up — GeNeuro, in Geneva, Switzerland — to develop treatments targeting HERV - W.
This «liquid biopsy,» described in a recent issue of the journal Nanotechnology, could become the basis of a simple lab test that could quickly detect early signs of metastasis and help physicians select treatments targeted at the specific cancer cells identified.
Such treatments target the genetic mistakes that give rise to the brain tumor's four subtypes.
The Committee encouraged studies exposing animals to toxic agents involved in Gulf War illness «because they can help to determine treatment targets in subgroups of veterans with specific exposures, for which there are known mechanistic pathways that cause illness and symptoms.»
The new findings that coupling mechanisms and the receptor are important for keeping the balance may explain why common anti-tumor treatments targeting the receptor have heavy side effects for the skin.
«These events predict a worse outcome in TNBC patients suggesting that the LINK - A pathway plays a critical role in this disease and may provide wide - ranging therapeutic treatment targets
«New RNAi treatment targets eye inflammation.»
Most professional societies recommend targeting HbA1C levels less than 6.5 or 7 percent, with individualized treatment targets based on patient age, other medical conditions, and risk of hypoglycemia with therapy.
It may ultimately suggest revisions to diagnostic categories over the coming decades ---- and hopefully lead to new treatments targeted on the basis of genetic factors and patterns of abnormal brain circuit activity, said Cuthbert.

Phrases with «treatment targets»

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