Sentences with phrase «trend growth»

This is a bit faster than our current estimate of trend growth in the Australian economy, so we expect to see a gradual decline in the unemployment rate.
The relative stability in the trend in 2014 and 2015 represents a housing market settling back toward long term sustainable trend growth rates.
Employment grew by 1.2 per cent in the quarter, which is well above trend growth.
The speech suggests that «it all comes back to growth» and that it is important to consider the question of whether trend growth is lower.
The Australian economy is likely to experience a period of below - trend growth while these factors remain in place.
• The modern era's CO2 level absolute increase and linear trend growth were both approximately 5 times greater than the earlier periods respective values.
As population gains further bolster demand, multifamily rents are prone to above - trend growth in the foreseeable future.
The models are simply forecasting that the the economy is going to return to the long - term historic rate of trend growth in a couple of years, barring any direct evidence to the contrary.
And if trend growth projections formally come down, the probability for these narrowly defined recessions goes up.
And our BlackRock GPS, which combines traditional economic indicators with big data signals such as Internet searches, still points to above - trend growth as the global economy transitions from catchup to steady expansion.
Faster average wage growth in Australia has been accompanied by trend growth in labour productivity which is faster than the average of the countries shown in the table.
«The early 2010s could well turn out to mark the end of China's years of miraculous growth, with trend growth halving during this decade.»
«Negative growth and recessions are simply more likely when trend growth is lower,» the firm writes.
Such cycle downturns typically did not affect trend growth.
Finally, in a nominal GDP targeting regime, a decline in r - star caused by slower trend growth automatically leads to a higher rate of trend inflation, providing a larger buffer to respond to economic downturns.
«The bank expects trend growth in household credit to moderate further, with the debt - to - income ratio stabilizing near current levels.»
The current commodity - induced profits recession may be short lived, but the real secular trend growth rate in EPS should be much slower than the past quarter - century.
Excited by the opportunities presented by the SupHerb Farms product lines, Schutz points to its on - trend growth potential.
The second is that there is absolutely no guarantee that Osborne's cuts will plunge Britain back into recession — in fact most forecasts show trend growth returning pretty strongly next year.
Real EPS trend growth since 1871 has been 1.5 %.
Rao, B. Bhaskara and Antonio, Paradiso (2010): How to offset the negative trend growth rate in the Italian economy?
Most of this growth will come from non-OECD (non-Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) countries, where demand is driven by strong population and economic growth; energy intensity improvements moderate this trend
Fortunately, when taking a look at trends the growth was miniscule and could really be considered nearly level.
Notwithstanding this, and consistent with trend growth in employment, the unemployment rate has been largely unchanged over the past year, averaging 6.1 per cent in the three months to July.
While there hasn't been steep deterioration in company quality as there was in 2005 - 07, «as we've gone through this cycle since 2009, we haven't had the type of trend growth that we've seen in previous cycles,» he adds.
If trend growth is lower, one option we have is to accept the lower growth and reconfigure our expectations of future incomes.
And our BlackRock GPS, which combines traditional economic indicators with big data signals such as Internet searches, still points to above - trend growth as the global economy transitions from catchup to steady expansion.
These spending plans imply that spending will fall as a percentage of GDP over the next three years, with a real terms growth rate for public spending of 2.1 %, well below the 2.75 % trend growth rate of the economy.
This latest forecast points out that even with trend growth in the industry in the years after 2011, it would take until 2021 for construction output to reach the levels last enjoyed in 2007.
«Although we continue to expect above - trend growth in Canada this year and next, the recent data suggest that the first quarter will be on the soft side,» Poloz said in his speech.
Brian Schaitkin, Senior Economist with The Conference Board argues in a research note Friday morning that this «indicates that the economy is unlikely to exceed a 2 % trend growth in the near term.»
«Over the last 15 years, the difference between the five year government bond yield and the overnight Bank of Canada rate has been a reliable indicator of the trend growth in the Canadian economy.
The Japanese economy is projected by the IMF to moderate from its strong above - trend growth of 1.7 % last year to a still above - trend 1.2 % this year and then further, to 0.9 %, in 2019.
It seems likely, too, that however convenient it is analytically to separate trend from fluctuations, there will be a link between the cycle and either the level of GDP or its trend growth rate.
Labor market growth was viewed as consistent with above - trend growth of GDP over the previous two quarters.
The improvement in revenues — particularly from cyclical companies — and the strong global earnings picture support our belief that the global economy can sustain above - trend growth.
The next implication of having a global moderation in trend growth, because of the demographic reasons I mentioned, the next consequence of that is that the equilibrium rate of interest also goes down.
And the 2.3 % trend growth that the budget office projects is well below the 2.5 % - to - 3 % speed limit the Fed projected for the economy before the crisis.
Watching to see whether or not QE helps the Euro Zone get back on its feet, whether China can continue above trend growth, and whether job gains in the US lead to solid wage gains are all clues to watch closely going forward.
One of the biggest disappointments of this economic expansion has been its below - trend growth rate.
It's not as though stock markets went up due to above trend growth or productivity and it's hard not to look at a chart of the returns generated by long - dated gilts and property over the last 30 years and not see some correlation.
That said, there is currently little sign of any acceleration in activity or inflation, and any potential stimulus from the Trump administration still seems some way off, so the trend growth rate of around 2 % looks set to continue in the near term.
Citing weak external demand and the prospect of below - trend growth, the Bank of England cut official interest rates by 25 basis points in July.
In summary then, the outlook is for a temporary period of below - trend growth with inflation below the target mid-point.
These tables also illustrate, however, that exporters have made some gains in sales to other countries; over the past year, growth in exports of manufactures and services to many countries outside the Asian region have been stronger than trend growth rates recorded earlier in the 1990s.
GDP increased by 1.2 per cent in the September quarter, and while GDP figures are not yet available for the December quarter, other data for this period are consistent with above - trend growth, and an economy entering 2004 with considerable momentum.
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