Sentences with phrase «trip wires»

Once you enter that low - probability trade, you've essentially tripped a wire in your brain that opens a floodgate of emotional trading errors that feed on themselves, getting worse and worse until you decide to stop them by conscious intervention of logic and clear thinking, which can be extremely difficult for many people to do, if they ever do it.
Hakha plays similarly to Jan, but with Helghan weaponry and the skill of being able to pass through laser trip wires unharmed.
Based on true events, it looks and feels like a gripping and complex little psychological drama that trips wires of present - day sociological relevance, no doubt.
It was developed by Trip Wire Interactive and published by Deep Silver.
For someone whose ethics demand disclosure of potential conflicts, navigating the Kramer Diaspora has come to feel like running through a jungle laced with trip wires.
You could trip a wire on resource limits.
No one looks poised to cross the U.S. Treasury's new trip wires and mechanically trigger a designation of manipulation.
With all the hype and «positive thinking «we are used to veiling the truth I «m convinced Wenger «s trip wire came (as far as the fans were concerned) when he failed to re sign Fabregas.
The budget itself includes a number of political trip wires, from criminal justice reform, to transit issues for New York City, education spending and gun control.
Lastly, and by no means least, keep a watchful eye out for the Viet - Cong booby traps, from grenade trip wires and water mines to the punji stake pit trap and the «Bouncing Betty» anti-personnel mine.
Unsane's script is marred by faulty trip wires and too many clichés, but director Steven Soderbergh, the alchemist of American movies, is interested in the plot only as a means to experiment with style.
There is also a great deal of creativity used within the action sequences using the webs as slings, grappling hooks, nets, trip wires etc etc..
What must be particularly galling to education ministers is that this has turned success stories into trip wires - no more so than the disastrous delivery of this year's national tests for 11 and 14 year olds in England.
Packed away in your inventory is a small arsenal of grenades, mines, explosive trip wires and dynamite.
Despite being pulled away from sniping, it is fun coordinating with teammates on where to place trip wires and which dead enemies you should plant mines on to slow the mob of soldiers zeroing in on your location.
In many cases, players can lure foes into traps by climbing under trip wires and then watch as their overly aggressive enemies foolishly trigger the explosions intended for Sebastian.
As Gross writes, «Nozkowski's paintings are laden with visual trip wires.
Under the current parameters, and after making a few tweaks following the introduction, it is highly unlikely that a casual CanLII user will ever see the captcha as their usage levels will rarely trip the wire.
The function of rules of court is to provide guidelines not trip wires and they fulfil their function most when they intrude least in the course of litigation.»
We advise planting either Shock or Blast Trip Wires around the area and use cover and your whistle ability to lure Stalkers into them.
The moment when Horizon's open world hunting mechanics began to make sense for me, was when I took down a giant creature called a «Broadhead,» by settings up electrically charged trip wires shot out from one of the game's more inventive weapons called a Tripcaster.
For example, they can install everything from laser trip wires to carbon monoxide detectors, fire alarms and even recording video equipment, depending on what level of security you desire for your home.
His entry was based on the work Laundromat Locomotion, [2] in which he converted a row of 12 washing machines in a laundromat into a series of cameras triggered by trip wires, and then rode a horse through the laundromat to recreate Eadweard Muybridge's The Horse in Motion (1878).
Players will figure out the mystery behind the roaming mechanical beasts while battling and ambushing them with trip wires, spears, arrows, explosives and other traps and even hacking them to become makeshift mounts or traveling companions.
From his Parris Island days, Bull Cyclone borrowed the idea of an obstacle course, adding a wrinkle of his own — a trip wire in the tall grass that the managers yanked as the weary players came through.
It's the trip wire to cultural change.
But armed with a bow that can fire elemental arrows, a sling full of explosives, and a Tripcaster to lay down trip wires, Aloy doesn't mess around.
This method of calculating a school's progress has been referred to as a «trip wire» system, in which poor performance by one subgroup in one subject area can «trip up» an entire school.
But armed with a bow that can fire elemental arrows, a sling full of explosives, and a Tripcaster to lay down trip wires, Aloy doesn't mess around.
New weapons like the Trip Wire Crossbow (creates a laser trip wire that triggers a missile to fire at any who cross it's path) and Stim Grenade make it easier to defend territory and heal comrades respectively.
There are trip wires, traps and - best of all - a ropecaster that can be used to tie down prey.
So whilst you'll still be able to grab your trusty Springfield rifle to pick enemies off from afar, it's good that there's a good choice of weaponry to fill your loadout with from pistols and shotguns, to dynamite and trip wires.
Do you throw a bottle to lure that creature toward a trip wire booby trap, or risk dismantling the trap yourself and using those parts to craft a new crossbow bolt?
Every so often there would be a leveler or a trip wire or a bear trap meant for me, presumably, but I would always turn the tables on the Haunted and lead them right to their demise.
The Trip Wire Project, 2012 - 2015.
Documentary photographs of the artist creating the Trip Wire Project on various site locations.
«In their rush to get things done, they're failing to dot their «I's and cross their «T's, and they're starting to stumble over a lot of trip wires,» Richard Lazarus, a Harvard environmental law professor, told The New York Times.
Leggatt J referred to a lecture given by the Master of the Rolls and approved by the Court of Appeal in Mitchell that it was not the aim of the Jackson reforms to turn rules and compliance into «trip wires» nor to render compliance «an end in itself».
Once trading resumed, investors pushed the Bitcoin futures price up another 10 %, activating the trip wire again.
However, there are some «trip wires» that trigger HVCRE guidelines that potentially paint a big bullseye on the bulk of construction loans.
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