Sentences with phrase «understanding about something»

What i don't understand about you PC master race people is, why the fuck are you commenting on every console story?
Sometimes, you would not have a clear understanding about it, but your partner would be able to explain the truth.
I help clients to develop greater understanding about themselves and their motivations, and find ways to live fuller more satisfying lives.
Here is what you should understand about it in a fun nutshell.
The greenhouse effect is one of these and lack of understanding about it is exploited to dictate global energy and economic policies at great and unnecessary expense.
One thing you need to understand about me before you start reading any of the updates that I write in my online journal is that I tell it like it is.
You must write as detailed as possible to make sure people understand about it.
Write as much as you can which help others understand about you.
, «what do I want my partner to know and understand about me at this time?».
Today online businesses have been adopting to customer insights for their already existing customers so as to get deep understanding about them.
But in significant ways they do not have the same understanding about him, even though they also agree in significant ways.
These responses provide no evidence of what students understand about it.
Asking people to articulate something in their own words shows how much they truly understand about it.
The lack of complete understanding about it may confuse you even more.
What we do understand about it tell us that we need to be profoundly concerned that these technologies could provoke really major damages in different regions.
You should include brief personal details in your resume to make the reader understand about yourself.
As you develop new insight and understanding about yourself through therapy, you may find more balance in mind, body and spirit, and a greater sense of freedom.
Therefore, the significant problem in gaining knowledge about the development of infant social cognition is how to explore what infants understand about themselves and others without relying on language.
I do have a strong faith and I will never lose that, despite all the things I still don't understand about it.
When you have a clear understanding about it, you will be able to cater their requirements.
So let me simply state some tentative ideas about these texts, and then trust God to lead you into more understanding about them.
«Students arrive at new understandings about themselves as they use their own knowledge and experiences to reflect on that story.»
Central to our mission is the belief that biotechnology and greater public understanding about it has the potential to benefit everyone.
But we can not help wondering how much Labour leader Tony Blair really understands about IT.
Since you have a basic understanding about him, you shouldn't have inappropriate expectations, which will only leave both of you disappointed.
Ive spoken to one customer service rep.. Who then referred me to contact Betty who was very nice and understanding about me wanting my refund.
(He actually forgets if someone doesn't tell him; I will never understand this about him.)
DD was very understanding about me stealing his laptop and tapping away madly in the hotel room when we should have been enjoying the last day of our mini-break.
Pessimism about the feasibility of reliably predicting quakes may have made discouraged research that could help us understand them
Thanks for being so understanding about me not hosting any more x
what i don't understand about you Lot is...... We would have Perrin 29, Kos 29, mert 30.....
How he can let an average striker like giroud lead our line for 4 years now while there is no financial restrictions on the club anymore There are many thing that i don't understand about you arsene I hope he win the BPL and then please arsene enough is enough
In both my own personal experience as well as in my consultations with parents, I've learned that it's one thing to read about peaceful and conscious parenting, and to come to some intellectual understanding about it.
The girdle performs wonders after pregnancy, but there are important things that you need to understand about it such as when to start wearing it, its benefits, possible harmful effects and the factors to consider when choosing the best postpartum girdle.
Uhm — I — I think that it's a more complex disorder and I don't — It's something — I don't quite understand about it yet.
Rather than this being a coincidence I think it is something that he has instinctively understood about himself.
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The dissertation writing service should assume that on the off chance that you are surely understood about them then you will simply give a request to do as such you're the reality of the situation will become obvious eventually squandered and they will likewise get the sufficiently much time to take every necessary step in piece full way with no kind of strain.
I was actually at risk of being evicted because I had been late before and my landlord was not exactly understanding about it.
When I meet with a couple for the first time there are a couple of things I want to understand about them from the outset — aside from what brings them to my office now.
I can guide you to have a better understanding about yourself by teaching you skills and tapping into your own inner wisdom so you can create more fulfilling life.»
Sharing your experiences with an experienced individual therapist enables you to gain insights about patterns, set goals for making positive changes, and feel supported as you deepen understanding about yourself and connections with others.
On the contrary, at times the distance may be more profound than the shared affinities between these works and artists, yet by pairing them we may gain new understandings about ourselves, and our fascination with the human form.
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