Sentences with phrase «understanding of love»

In this workshop, you'll explore the implications of this new understanding of love for clinical practice.
I hope these ideas get through to the younger folks and that they see their way clear to get a better understanding of love and all it entails.
All of our staff has a deep understanding of the love their clients have for their pets.
Our deep appreciation and gratitude for that sacrifice can come only out of our own emotional understanding of love.
There would be no joy without sorrow, no bliss without blah, and no deeply felt understanding of love without the direct knowledge of fear.
As a starting point, when it comes to love, people often don't have a clear understanding of the love they want to create in their lives.
By challenging their narrow assumptions and tendency to label, clients develop a better understanding of their loved one.
You have provided a fascinating scientific understanding of love and a successful date.
Then, if you've got mutual understanding of love and life, you can continue working on your trusting and strong relationships.
His incredible understanding of love and relationships make him the absolute best love guru!
Compared with college students, Members on these elite singles dating websites have better understanding of love and life, and they are ready for marriage and family lives.
Does it make sense to invent another person here when all the testimony points to Jesus, and when the Gospels paint a coherent picture of a man who lived and taught his powerful understanding of the love of God?
We come to the Christian understanding of love through the history of Jesus.
In my quest for gaining a true understanding of love; I have come to understand that...
Though the narrative is a little too reliant on coincidences to keep it rolling, Mud earns its Mark Twain comparisons with its rich understanding of love through an early teenager's eyes.
Women of all ethnicities, religions, and backgrounds trust Lauren's universal understanding of love to help them get where they want to be.
Facing the truth was one of the most painful things that I've ever had to do because I had lied to myself for so long about the relationship, about the fact that we had very different understandings of love and respect.
I think it's just pretty clear that there's a place of eternal torment laid out in scripture, and you're clearly ignoring it because it doesn't fit in your particular understanding of love or God.
They do not understand the old testament laws ment for the jewish pack and the New testament that improves all the laws and greater understanding of Love, mercy and the law it self.
The ground to be covered in this volume includes discussions of the biblical, historical and patristic understandings of the love of God and human love as they encounter both ancient and contemporary theology and philosophy.
Process theology undertakes a search for an alternative to the Augustinian understanding of love and being in which the freedom and creativity of human loves have their place, and in which the love of God is understood in his involvement with a real history.
We are in search of an alternative understanding of love and being in which the freedom and creativity of human loves have their place and in which the love of God is understood in his involvement with a real history.
With the air element associated with this chakra in mind, you can invite in a higher, spiritual understanding of love, and develop a greater sense of compassion for all living beings.
It provides us with a very clear and concise understanding of love and how it works.»
This he could do so long as he put it in the framework of his own understanding of the love and mercy of God and of moral obedience to the love commandments which God so long before had laid upon his people.
The rhythm of weekly worship reinforced that understanding of the love of God through Jesus.
The Family Therapists at Palmetto Counseling may also assist family members to develop a better understanding of a loved one's mental health disorder; which can help the individual and family learn ways to cope, manage, and treat the condition.
We lack precision in proposing the Christian understanding of love.
Is it possible for a church community to go through weeks, months or even years of ceasing activity in order to come to a place of a deeper understanding of love?
If «God is Love» is something that can not be fathomed by our emotional understanding of love, then that verse has little meaning outside of any context people wish to place upon it.
First published in 1924 this novel is an impressive exploration of Mary's relationship with her father, of her need for Robert and the way in which, through each, she comes to a clearer understanding of love.
Another may provide a new perspective such as that she felt that her marriage was a learning experience and now has grown in love so much she has graduated to a new better understanding of love.
It is never too late to increase your understanding of the love of God.
The failure to see that the understanding of love in Christian faith is given in the Father - Son relationship in God himself has vitiated many Christian theologies of love.
Ever a creative and restless soul, Bell's innate ability to communicate his understanding of the love of God has led him to search for new audiences beyond the Church.
While I agree we can't go making demands and bending God into our own image, it doesn't make sense to me that a God whose defining characteristic is supposed to be love would present Himself to His creation in a way that looks nothing like our understanding of love.
As my understanding of His love grows, my love for Him grows deeper.
It's safe to say that your understanding of love is quite different than mine.
The understanding of love was transformed also in another respect.
Such an ontological context is useful for the understanding of love, but it is better to use the term «love» for something much more limited.

Phrases with «understanding of love»

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