Sentences with phrase «understanding of scripture»

We now have a fuller understanding of Scripture with regard to slavery.
However, I can appreciate the variety of understandings of Scripture.
This has to start in your mind by a new understanding of scripture.
For a progressive understanding of Scripture issues in an ever deeper reflection on our daily lives.
In the nature of the case this can not be a matter of rules or of a specified understanding of Scripture.
Ultimately, what they were trying to do was argue for their own interpretation and understanding of Scripture against the interpretation and understanding of others.
But yes, pastors were intended to have a better understanding of Scripture than most.
I guess that regardless of whether or not one understands some of these Scriptures as myth, we still need to learn how to read them in light of Jesus Christ.
He is active in bringing us to a better understanding of the Scriptures over time, for all of God's elect.
A Christian understanding of the Scriptures is oriented toward the living Christ revealed through the words of the Bible and toward what the text means today in the lives of the faithful and what it promises for the future.
Otherwise, let us all be rational and recognize that Daniel A. Helminiak, simply suggested that believers carefully consider the possibility that their human understanding of scripture with respect to gay issues might not be completely accurate and give his ideas some thoughtful consideration.
I want so much to lead him to a correct understanding of scripture — not that God loves us all and overlooks our sin so we're all OK and don't need to worry about it, but rather that He loves us enough to lead us away from our sin.
She shows a shallow understanding of scripture, a shallow understanding of historical context, and her article is a complete waste of time for Christians, Atheists, and all other readers.
Edwards is passionate about IHOP and about an intimate understanding of Scripture — so much so that her priority remains to lead people into worship there, even when opportunities to tour continually come beckoning.
In particular, the movement of some LWF churches to break with the Church's historic understanding of Scripture and natural law by blessing same - sex marriages and ordaining homosexual ministers has led to division within the Lutheran World Federation and strained relations with ecumenical partners.
I am truly dismayed that she would call herself a Bible scholar due to her poor understanding of the scriptures.
I think the litmus test of theology and proper understanding of Scripture is love.
But certain pronouncements — like the theological statements of the Ecumenical Councils — have long been recognized by the Church at large as true and faithful understandings of Scripture.
My relationship with God is not predicated on an extremely literal, inerrant understanding of Scripture.
It limits the divine nature of Scripture to some non-existent manuscripts, and restricts the accurate understanding of Scripture to a few scholarly elites who study Greek and Hebrew while shut away from the rest of the world, and then tell all of us who are out in the world, how wrong and ignorant we are about what the Bible really means.
We even have imperfect or self - centered understanding of Scripture (I include myself in all of these statements).
Are we in danger of blinding ourselves to the spirit of Christ in all things by restricting ourselves to our narrow understanding of scripture?
The «inerrant text» understanding of scripture turns us into the dreaded «BIBLE MAN».
In the same way the comment of John the Evangelist, «until then they had not understood the scriptures, which showed that he must rise from the dead», 10 implies that a right understanding of scripture was an important step in leading men to the Easter faith.
I suppose that I should have made it clear that it has been my observation that this (our views on what is truth) is often the root cause of such radically different understandings of scripture (I can tell that Brian and myself approach scripture very differently).
Is it the Catholics understanding of scripture, as they have had the longest to work on that understanding.
The disappointment I feel is immense that so many on here are walking away, ramming their own understanding of the scriptures down people's throats as if their interpretation is the only one that counts and judging «homos» as «sinners» and «going to hell» blah blah blah......... Let me help you with that, YOU ARE NOT GOD!!
Victorian use and understanding of Scripture supported a theology of the American Dream.
In the chavruta style of learning, the young men sit together in groups of two and debate and challenge one another to a deeper understanding of the Scriptures.
WHERE IS THE LOVE OF GOD IN ALL THIS??? This is an open forum, an invitation to debate... it isn't a place for name calling, or put downs... it isn't a place for closed mindedness... its a place to exchange ideas, and perhaps to come to a greater understanding of scripture and one another and when someone puts someone down or is dogmatic about another's beliefs it prevents dialogue.
One difference is that today's commentaries hold very little knowledge of Torah culture and even the Jewish dialogue going on in the New Testament and although they have a lot of knowledge, it is diluted by a full cultural engagement which leaves a lot out with a very gentile understanding of Scripture.
When churches have reduced Christianity to tired and predictable moralizing, a sound understanding of the scriptures is a powerful antidote.
How does a young man with little understanding of scripture carve such an influential teaching career?
Still another series guided by the conviction that a return to the sources will revitalize our current understanding of Scripture is Reformation Texts with Translation (1350 «1650), for whom the general editor is Kenneth Hagen.
However, Origen had a point about levels of understanding of scripture, though in my view there are two, not three.
What it is hard to understand for all the square heads, is that there is a big difference between human understanding of the Scriptures and what the letter of the Law of God says.
I didn't prove anything by expressing my understanding of Scripture, just as you don't prove anything by expressing yours.
Just don't use your understanding of Scripture as a tool to persecute and perpetuate social injustice against others

Phrases with «understanding of scripture»

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