Sentences with phrase «understanding of technology»

Most worrying is the trend away from programming and a deep understanding of technology toward producing machine output from ICT products, which were designed and built by overseas software engineers and programmers.
That consumer is characterized first and foremost by a strong interest in and solid understanding of technology.
She has a good understanding of technology trends and developments and is an expert at applying her programming skills to solve complex challenges.
This awareness can come from university projects and an in - depth understanding of the technology market and current trends and advancements.
-- Strong understanding of technology and computer scheduling software.
Technically minded with sound understanding of technology underlying modern security systems.
They have a broad understanding of technology and a good sense of what's coming next.
We have designed a number of training activities to improve the general understanding of our technologies and to teach biomedical researchers how to use them in their own projects.
In - depth understanding of technology trends and issues and their impact for now and in the future.
Hence, he is after an understanding of the essence of technology rather than the more phenomenal (and more common) instrumental understanding of technology.
Unfortunately, the library world in general is populated by librarians who lack a decent understanding of technology.
[1] An inadequate understanding of technology makes the law based upon it inadequate and possibly damaging.
It is not just the technical skills but also understanding of technology that will help you to get the job for an assistant.
Success tools include comprehensive understanding of the technology being sold, ability to deliver premium customer service and developing active referral networks.
We provide them with a deep understanding of technology and science combined with proven legal expertise in patent, IP and business law.
Outside of a better understanding of the technology, real estate pros should know how the practices surrounding data center transactions vary.
There are many administrative medical assistant programs that require an eye for detail and a strong understanding of technology.
But while electronic paper is full of potential, it takes an in - depth understanding of the technology to truly deliver on its promise.
Advanced personal understanding of technology in medicine to best report, record and evaluate patient care plans and progress of treatment,
He also suggested that he has a solid understanding of the technology behind the second largest -LSB-...]
In an era when many executives are touting the benefits of blockchain without even a basic understanding of the technology, Sprecher's humility is refreshing and all too rare.
The metals, wires, and television screens that were staples of the artist's work speak to an intimate understanding of technology as equally malleable and contingent as himself.
He attributes banks» slowness to innovate in the cryptocurrency space to regulatory uncertainty and banks» level of understanding of the technology.
It states, «Lawyers should have a reasonable understanding of the technologies used in their practice or should have access to someone who has such understanding.»
Guideline 5.5 says this: «Lawyers should have a reasonable understanding of the technologies used in their practice or should have access to someone who has such understanding.»
He raised concerns about the potential for hastily written laws in light of the Apple - DOJ tussle that may be developed by people with a limited understanding of technology «in an atmosphere of anger or grief.»
Fujitsu has launched a course which will support teachers in developing their own understanding of technology, and it's application in the world of work.
To do so, Mishra and Koehler (2006) have noted that teachers must develop pedagogical understandings of technology application to subject - specific instruction.
I. Teachers demonstrate a sound understanding of technology operations and concepts.
«Maybe we've reached a point where it should be mandatory for every lawyer to show understanding of the technologies they're expected to use,» mused the Canadian advisory leader, clients & markets for KPMG Canada.
The first phase of the 2 - year internship pilot program is wrapping up in April this year and has enabled 19 interns from across western Canada to develop a broad understanding of technology commercialization.
Camera in hand, Hayes spent 1992 to 2004 compiling much of the material for the book, supported in part by the Sloan Foundation's program on public understanding of technology.
And at the heart of it all sits Serkis, snarling at us under a layer of pixels and shining through all the brighter thanks to his innate understanding of the technology at his disposal.
Digital Literacy is the ability to access, use, and express oneself using digital technology, including a critical understanding of technology's impact on the individual and society.
Schools are aware that digitising their processes will save them time and money in the long run but, as they don't always have a solid enough understanding of the technology to decipher between the multitude of products on the market, they run the risk of being convinced to buy solutions which go above and beyond what they need — so they're paying for flashy extras which are, ultimately, redundant.
Making a decision because a form of technology is the easiest choice seems to limit preservice teachers» experiences with and understanding of technology during their teacher preparation.
This feeling may be an indication of the preservice teachers not having cometo a full understanding of technology as integrated in, as opposed to addedonto, the social studies curriculum.
The iQUEST project has identified a model to deliver technology - enhanced activities that reinforce the learning of science concepts while supporting increased understanding of technology applications for target underserved populations of students.
Technology operations and concepts - Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations.
However, with the need for preservice English teachers to engage with technology in meaningful ways (Swenson et al., 2005) and the responsibility to develop a content - specific understanding of technology's place in teaching and learning (Mishra & Koehler, 2006), I am encouraged to stress two main points arising from the study.
I have a collection of short stories I want to publish, and I have a working understanding of the technology that readers will use to embrace that content, but until recently I haven't worried too much about delivering content to that technology.
Throughout the project courses, commercial game engines are usually used, where the focus is to code game logic, while the programming courses dives in under the hood and provides a deeper technical understanding of the technology.
In the other cases they work with the cultural understanding of technology and present certain commentaries on it through their own ability to represent.
The advice here comes from having years of online experience (I also remember Mosaic), while maintaining a fresh and up - to - date understanding of technology.
You can no longer competently practice law without at least a rudimentary understanding of technology, the Internet and social media.
Join us for an engaging discussion with Seattle University law student, Miguel Willis, whose understanding of technology, entrepreneurial skills, and commitment to serving the underserved have made him a national leader in encouraging legal professionals to use technology in improving the legal services they provide, increasing access to justice, and connecting with like - minded colleagues.
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